@strawberryglitterkiss / strawberryglitterkiss.tumblr.com


Of the Americans who fought in Korea or Vietnam, none were "innocent" by virtue of having been drafted. The moral choice there was to either dodge the draft, defect to the other side, or frag the guy giving orders. Anyone who chose otherwise was a criminal and a murderer. And once the draft was over and the army became volunteer-only, all the excuses vanished. Yes, there are people who were in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria who regretted it, but regretting your crime doesn't undo it. That's just the minimum requirement for being a decent human being in the aftermath.

To everyone who says "you leftists can't go around hating on the troops, don't you want them to join the revolution?" I say "why would they join us if they couldn't handle being told the truth about the genocidal terrorist organization they volunteered for?" If their reaction upon hearing people call the US military murderers and terrorists is to deny or equivocate or rationalize their participation, then they're not yet fit to be a revolutionary. If we're trying to dismantle the imperialist warmongering empire that continues to use its might and influence to murder millions around the world that is the United States, what good is a person who balks at the notion that the troops who volunteer to pledge their lives and their loyalty in service of this empire might be complicit in its crimes?

An American soldier or veteran who is not ready to admit they were wrong will not be any more ready to join us if we lie to them and say they made no mistake in joining the US military. We only weaken our own messaging and our own position if we refuse to condemn not just the US military as an organization but all those who continue to participate in and defend its actions. The troops are not innocent.


We gotta start describing patriarchy as a system of male supremacy again bc if I have to hear one more person droning on about how men are actually not benefited by patriarchy im honestly gonna lose my shit


preach honestly. at first i liked it because i was like "yes, we are all hurt by this oppressive system, if we open their eyes they will join us" but then it somehow became that every conversation had to be about how men dont benefit from the patriarchy and now im like "maybe i dont want to convince my oppressor to stop oppressing me because it isnt good for him either...maybe i just want him to stop"


contrary to the stereotype, the students of expensive and prestigious yankee colleges do not generally become committed communist revolutionaries, and tend towards the kind of academic 'socialist' thought that meshes best with their life circumstances and class interests. I can't bring myself to care all that much about their unauthorised camping when it is focused and fawned on so much by people who would never consider rocket strikes and tank column ambushes by the resistance to be 'radical revolutionary praxis' in the same way they consider a 'do art for palestine' circle on a campus greenspace to be


Vladimir Lenin with James Connolly's son Roddy Connolly (centre-right) at the Second World Congress of the Communist International in Petrograd (July 1920).


It’s really heartening how much people on this site came together to help Ahmed @90-ghost. He’s in Egypt now with his younger brother waiting on his mom and older brother to join them. The issue now is living expenses. Life is extremely difficult for displaced people, and the future is uncertain. If you’ve ever wondered how you can help a Palestinian displaced by the genocide, here’s one way to do so.


Saint Dymphna is the patroness of stress, anxiety and mental illness. Dymphna offers much solace to those suffering from mental illness as well as their family members.


girl help


Princess Mononoke’s mother wolf Moro and Howl’s Moving Castle’s Witch of the Waste are both voiced by a famous singer and drag queen Akihiro Miwa.

Akihiro Miwa (born in 1935) is one of the most prominent queer icon in Japanese history, who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki (his hometown) during WW2.

This clip is from a document How Princess Mononoke Was Born (1998)

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