

@xbeatjumperx / xbeatjumperx.tumblr.com


     That really took a while..” Nagihiko muttered softly, as he quickly ran down the sidewalk and panted lightly. School ended a few hours ago, but he stayed behind to help with paperwork that was piling up. Unfortunately, it took much longer than it was suppose to and was running late to get home.

     Luckily, Nagihiko sent a message to his mother that he’ll be late. Otherwise, he’ll get a scolding of a life time if he comes home without a reason. Lost in his own train of thoughts, Nagihiko was completely unaware of his surroundings—in which, led him to bump into someone.

     “Oof!” Nagihiko flinched at the impact and took a step backwards. He quickly steady himself and looked up at the person with an apologetic expression on his face.

     “S-Sorry. I wasn’t paying atten—“ Nagihiko apologized before stopping mid-way and widened his eyes with his mouth partly opened. “T-Tsukiyomi?” Nagihiko questioned surprisingly, as he looked up at the blue-haired male.


Annoyance filled dark blue eyes, slim hands lifting to run through equally dark navy locks. Honestly… As long as his grades were good, why the hell does his attendance matter? Obviously skipping out on classes wasn’t hindering him. 

But nope. Apparently it did. According to the school Chairman, he was required to either stay after school or repeat the grade. And seeing as how he really did not want to stay another year in this stupid school, Ikuto was forced to stay after until he made up the days he missed. Luckily he only had to stay after for a week… Though if he stayed longer than a week that would allow him a few more days to miss. 

Annoying or not, they were being pretty lenient with him because of his connections and his grades. 

With his mind thinking about the aggravating week ahead of him and Yoru wondering around, Ikuto didn’t notice the fast approaching young man until they collided. Slight surprise made his eyes widen a tad and he had to take a step back to regain his balance, a small sound leaving his lips before he turned his attention to the one he ran into. 


Their apology was cut off and instead his name was stuttered, making him smile without fully realizing it. “You’re one of Amu’s friends…” He was sure the young bubble gum haired female had mentioned this person before, but his name escaped him. “Aren’t you out a little late, kid?” Really, didn’t these kids know that they attracted trouble? Raking his fingers through his hair again, the young man started walking, glancing back at the younger. 


     “It’s Nagihiko.” Nagihiko corrected warily, as he slightly twitched at the nickname. He might be young, but that doesn’t mean he likes to be refer as a child. Nagihiko inwardly sighs. Well, at least it was better than being called a girl.

     “I needed to take care of something at school.” Nagihiko stated casually, as he gave a slight shrug. Technically; it was needed, but rather he did it willingly. Nagihiko widened his eyes in surprise before nodding his head slowly.

     Nagihiko immediately followed after the blue haired male, as his eyes flickered towards Ikuto’s back. Nagihiko knew that he should be wary of Ikuto considering he’s working for Easter—but he was curious on why Ikuto was out late too.

     “...Was there a reason why you’re out late, as well?” Nagihiko asked, as his tone was laced with curiosity. 


     “I play a lot of sports. But basketball is my favorite.” Nagihiko answered. “Is archery the only sport you do?” Nagihiko questioned curiously.


       “Βasketball, huh? Yeah it’s nice.” He responded with a grin “Hm? Well I do Kendo and martial arts as well.”


     “We should play basketball sometimes.” Nagihiko suggested casually with a smile. “Really? That’s interesting. I’ve never tried Kendo but I did try Judo.“


     “Alright.” Nagihiko smiled and gestured to the front. “Please lead the way.”


“Sure thing. So what do you do? Any sports or not your thing?” Hak questioned as hey turned around.


     “I play a lot of sports. But basketball is my favorite.” Nagihiko answered. “Is archery the only sport you do?” Nagihiko questioned curiously.



     “It’s nice to be back in Japan again.. Nagihiko thought, as his lips curled up into a nostalgic smile. He held onto the handle and begun to tug his suitcase as he walked through the crowd airport. He left Japan before middle school and decided to come back for high school.

     “I wonder if that Japanese sweet shop is still there..” Nagihiko thought, as he headed out of the airport and walked towards a familiar neighborhood. Maybe he could stop by and give his greetings to the household. A soft smile appeared on his face. There’s a chance Nagihiko could see his old childhood friend from when he was younger.

     “Oh!” Nagihiko widened his eyes in surprise when he felt someone bumped into him. He took a step backwards before steadying himself. “Are you alright?” Nagihiko asked worriedly, as he bend his knees and stuck out his hand to the fallen person. A surprise expression appeared on his face after noticing the familiar face. “Honoka-chan..?”


     “Hm…” Nagihiko tilted his head to the side and ponder over his thoughts for a moment. “I suppose it’ll be interesting to try it out.” Nagihiko smiled.


“Nice.” With a grin Hak gave him a pat on the shoulder “Its’ only 10 minute walk from here.”

     “Alright.” Nagihiko smiled and gestured to the front. “Please lead the way.”


     That really took a while..” Nagihiko muttered softly, as he quickly ran down the sidewalk and panted lightly. School ended a few hours ago, but he stayed behind to help with paperwork that was piling up. Unfortunately, it took much longer than it was suppose to and was running late to get home.

     Luckily, Nagihiko sent a message to his mother that he’ll be late. Otherwise, he’ll get a scolding of a life time if he comes home without a reason. Lost in his own train of thoughts, Nagihiko was completely unaware of his surroundings—in which, led him to bump into someone.

     “Oof!” Nagihiko flinched at the impact and took a step backwards. He quickly steady himself and looked up at the person with an apologetic expression on his face.

     “S-Sorry. I wasn’t paying atten—“ Nagihiko apologized before stopping mid-way and widened his eyes with his mouth partly opened. “T-Tsukiyomi?” Nagihiko questioned surprisingly, as he looked up at the blue-haired male.


“Oh you are missing out! It’s a great sport.” He grinned “Getting bull’s eye afer practicing is really satisfying.”


     “Hm...” Nagihiko tilted his head to the side and ponder over his thoughts for a moment. “I suppose it’ll be interesting to try it out.” Nagihiko smiled.


Hangout Between Friends

Kimi smiled and followed beside Nagi, hands clasped together in front of her as she glanced around. But she looked over at Nagi when he spoke, her eyes then looking over at the icecream stand. She was silent a moment as she hesitated to answer. Finally, instead of speaking she just glanced up at Nagi before looking back down, nodding shyly.

     “Then let’s go, Kimi-chan!” Nagihiko smiled kindly, as he gently held onto Kimi’s wrist and took her to the ice cream stand. Nagihiko stood in front of the stand and smiled at the man. “I’ll have the green tea ice cream.” Nagihiko requested, as he turned to Kimi with a gentle smile. “What do you want Kimi-chan?” Nagihiko asked politely.

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