
drink up, baby, look at the stars

@chrismarieee / chrismarieee.tumblr.com

christy, 28, california tv addict. optimist. reader. writer. dreamer. barely dignified fangirl. gryffindor forever and always. some obsessions: harry potter. buffy the vampire slayer. battlestar galactica. harry styles. paramore. elliott smith. awesomeness. little visitors

babe i know about niche fandom infighting you've never even heard of

i think yall need to see what inspired this

im obsessed with this

im absolutely fucking REELING from this

date of origin: February 2nd, 2021

What the FUCK is happening

I hope this post gets so many reblogs it finally breaks this shitpit of a Hellsite.

“After kicking off his solo career with “Sign of the Times,” a sprawling glam-rock piano epic, Harry surprised many fans with his first single from Fine Line: a succinct, sleek R&B groove. “When I played it for the label, I told them, this is the first single. It’s two minutes thirty-five. You’re welcome.” It came late in the sessions—“Lights Up,” “Treat People with Kindness” and “Adore You” were written in the final week this spring, in a burst of inspiration. For Harry it has something to do with stepping out on his own. When he began songwriting, it was as a member of the group. “‘Happily,” that was the first time I saw my name in the credits. I liked that. But I knew I’d only sing part of it. I knew if I wrote a really personal song, I wouldn’t sing it. It was like a safety net. If a song was too personal, I could back away and say, ‘Well, I don’t have anything to do with it.’ The writing was like, “Well if I was going to write a song about myself, I’d probably never sing it.” It’s like story-telling sometimes if you’re like telling a really personal story then the voice changes every few lines, it doesn’t quite do the same thing. As the songs got more personal, I think I just became more aware that at some point there might be a moment where I would want to sing it myself.” “A turning point was “Two Ghosts,” a ballad from his solo debut. “’Two Ghosts’ I wrote for the band, for Made In the AM. But the story was just a bit too personal. As I started opening up to write my more personal stuff, I just became aware of a piece of me going, ‘I want to sing the whole thing.’ Now I look at a track list and these are all my little babies. So every time I’m playing a song, I can remember writing it, and exactly where we were and exactly what happened in my life when I wrote it. So the whole show is this massive emotional journey, you know? That’s a big difference, rather than every twenty minutes you go, ‘Oh, I remember this one.’”

I’m feeling a little incoherent and emotional after reading “She” and other FINE LINE lyrics and I kind of need to gush. There’s a big conversation happening right now around Harry and gender and sexuality, and though I haven’t heard the entire album yet, I’ve read the lyrics and they’re just… beautiful, really. Downright beautiful. Anyone who reduces this album to a “breakup record” is completely, utterly missing the point.

Ever since he revealed his trans flag of an album cover, I knew this album was going to take us on a gender journey, and up to now, it really has. I’m not just talking about his wearing a ballerina tutu on national television (although that was awesome) — I mean everything from the way he’s posed in his album poster as the damn Venus de Milo to creating a music video about falling in love with a rainbow fish. His expression has always been really exciting and enlightening for me — I wrote an article about his gender expression back in 2015 — but this album’s promo has taken it to a new level.

Here’s the thing: I was never proud of being nonbinary before. It totally killed my sex life. How do you tell a hookup that they’re not ACTUALLY getting a girl? I may look like a girl, but I don’t want to be treated like one. So for the past four years I’ve been like… what if I hook up with some straight dude and he gets utterly freaked out, or worse, brushes it off? How do I even approach relationships when I have to explain my gender to people first?

I remember when the album tracklist was released and we saw there was a song called “She” and groaned really hard, knowing all hets would take it as being about some girl. But then I read the lyrics, and…

She lives in daydreams with me She’s the first one that I see

And I don’t know why I don’t know who she is He takes a boat out

Imagines just sailing away And not telling his mates Wouldn’t know what to say

Lives for the memory

A woman who’s just in his head

And she sleeps in his bed

While he plays pretend

I mean… it’s just right there. Let me put it this way: “Playing pretend” is exactly how I felt all those years every time I had to embody the “woman” role. It’s not me. It never has been, and it never will be.

“She” is brilliant, because the word itself is a pronoun, and pronouns have been at the forefront of gender conversation recently. It’s not about a girl, it’s about the idea of SHE-ness. Of finding a HER inside of you.

Harry’s spoken a lot about “accepting himself” this album cycle, and I don’t think he just means wearing crazy clothes. I think he’s referring to gender identity. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with speculating about his gender fluidity, seeing as his close friend Harris Reed referred to him as fluid in an IG post (Harris themself is fluid and would never use that word without discussing it first). It’s not just about wearing a dress. Harry has been making statements about identifying with women for years.

Then there are all these people on Twitter going, Harry’s not the first person to do this! He’s not the first person to break gender barriers and be bold with it! Well, no shit. But he has a lot of young fans who need to see and hear someone in the media being completely open about these things. Hell, I’m not even young, and reading lyrics like “She” and seeing Harry promote his new record wearing trans colors and a pearl necklace and dresses and grandma sweaters makes me want to scream into the world, YES! HE’S DOING IT! He’s out there doing it and I can, too!

Some people still have the balls to call him cishet, because he hasn’t “announced” anything. I will fight all of these people. It’s like being caught in the middle of everyone who wants you to be “normal” and then everyone else who want you to make a pride parade out of your identity. I really relate to it a lot. I’m grateful for what he’s done, whether he labels it or not.

So if you think Harry’s gender expression is “performative” or “queerbaiting” or “fake” or “unrevolutionary” or whatever — FUCK YOU, quite frankly.

I’m having trouble concentrating on work because now I’m wondering about how to come out as nonbinary on Facebook, and if I can actually approach relationships again without being scared. I’m at a totally new place.


this album is so human. there’s no other way to describe it. every song is an emotion, a feeling. if i could name them all i would. there aren’t words to describe, i just know canyon moon made me feel the exact same way i feel when i spend a long period of time hanging out with my best friends. golden is the hot summer wind hitting your face in the morning when you drive with the windows down. she is one of those dizzy nights, when you’ve been awake for too long, everything is fuzzy and red light and hot breath agaisnt your lips and arctic monkeys. to be so lonely made me feel as vulnerable and raw as when i take all my walls down to be honest with someone. sunflower is LITERALLY the brightest summer day, that one day you only live once and you cherish it forever. cherry is when you wake up feeling ugly inside and out, but you can’t stop it so honestly, fuck it. i’ll be as petty as i want. tpwk is the moment you take a deep breath after you talk to your favorite person & tell pull you up from the deepest of bad places. falling is. just too much to talk about. that’s heartbreak, however form it takes to you. fine line had tears rolling down my face for six minutes. that song is just being human. it’s the comfort and the anxiety of putting your hand on your chest and feeling your heart beating, of knowing you’re alive and you’re here and your life is happening. this album is human

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