
[omg that reminds me I need to embarrass @parvatealeaves / @miimesis / Crabcakes because

when we shared a hotel room for LFCC a couple months ago (SCANDALOOOUUUSS we were in separate beds okay) we just discussed George x Parvati headcanons in the dark until we fell asleep and it was objectively the best thing ever okay great

so this was happening

and I swear it had been like ten minutes since anyone said anything so I assumed she was asleep and I was going to sleep myself

and then there’s just this super sleepy mumble from across the room

“protective George is the best George”

Crabcakes dragged herself back from the brink of Lethe to tell me protective George is the best George and idk if this is an appreciation or a callout post but the point is can you believe I physically died in London two months ago and I still tether my spirit to this world to run this blog for you like wow]

to the song ‘september’: 

do u remember

the 30th night of july

bc i dont


You thought you would tell her in the darkness, when you were lulled by the rhythm of her breathing. You thought you would touch your lips to her ear and whisper it to her as she fell asleep. But you didn’t.

You wanted to tell her every time she buried her face in your chest and clutched you to her so hard she trembled. You both knew what she was thinking, but words would have broken the surface tension. You kissed her hair and said nothing.

When you told her, you told her in the blazing sunshine after one pun too many had left her weak and hiccupping. You laughed “I love you” without even thinking, and it was so effortless that you said it again, and again when you wrestled her into the grass to cover her flushed face with kisses, and again—again and again, for the rest of your life.



hey folks of tumblert.co.cuk. im gonna go on hiatus for a few days, maybe a couple weeks - WHO KNOWS? anways im going back 2 bristol my city my home, and i gotta get jobs, freshers, money, bills, internet, partying, crying into my pillow, studenting and other stuff sorted out so like…. i’ll be back soon!!! but like idk when soon. 
George had already stretched an endless arm across to the bedside table and somehow managed to take a long drink of tea without sitting up. It helped that the cup was a prototype nose-biter. It didn’t bite noses, but it did like to be drunk from at any angle but the right one.
Now he whined something that might’ve been Parvati’s name and wriggled his head into her lap, thoroughly getting in the way of what she was doing.
“ ’Cause you love me,” he mumbled, twisting round and nuzzling his nose against her stomach.

“ –––––– Oh, that’s weird,” she squirmed a bit and laughed at the sensation on her stomach. She herself was deathly tired - after all, moving house was one of the three most stressful things to do in an adult’s life. Marriage and pregnancy being the other two. She thought. 

“Yeah don’t push it,” the young woman sighed and stroked her hand up his forehead and all the way up his head and down past his shoulders. “I might do, but not enough to stay in bed all day. I have stuff to do.” although she yawned, despite her protest. 

“Boy, I wish I could do the whole hibernatin’ thing. It’d be a whole lot easier for everyone in the long run. How do you make all of your dreams sound legit? I tried making some shit up once and she saw right through me, ‘m tellin’ ya.” Rohini sat down after a while and shifted from one side to another, trying to get comfortable. “Divination sucks if you ain’t good at it at all.” 

       “ Oh, do you actually need help with Divination? Because I can totally help. In fact, not to brag, but I think it’s probably the one thing you’re better off asking me about instead of Padma. Not that she’s not good at it, cause she’s good at everything, but apparently I’m like... REALLY good.” she rubbed her palms together, smiling with a little hint of something akin to evilness.   “ You make your dreams legit by actually dreaming them. It’s HOW you dream them that’s the problem for most people, I reckon. ”



well it’s not massive but. basically. here is th’ deal with me ooc atm across my bloggies

  • i’m just abt to go into my 2nd year @ uni omg. it’s super terrifyin and stuff. but also fun. and i haven’t been around 4 yonks bc of it. because im gonna be goin back 2 brizzle and gettin a job alongside studies im not going 2 be around and i’ll probs drop off the face of the earth / only have 1-2 threads going / whatever probably indefinitely. 
  • also im in a pretty shitty place like….. emotionally atm which stops me from getting shit done n also just stops the flow of my life sometimes but im workin on it so dont worry about me heheheheehHEHEHhehheh
  • im sorry lots n lots but i have no self control lmao. i have so many ideas 4 new charas too like i might make a multi with a load of fuckin northern-based dinnerladies in the next few days. but that doesn’t mean…. i’ll actally……. be active……. whoop
  • if theres one muse imma keep running till the end of my life probs it’s johanna @miimesis bc she’s my absolute bae <33 aaaanyway yeah i hope this explains my low-ass activity and im sorry but u know not really bc rp is rp??

ANYWAY thank u bbies 4 readin lyly 

Anonymous asked:

Σ(゜ロ゜;) - pxsterity

[ Meme ]; Accepting FOR ALL TIME

George awoke to the creaking and shifting of someone getting out of his bed, and for a moment he wondered if Fred had had a nightmare and joined him. But the silhouette against the curtains was a woman’s. Parvati’s. Parvati who lived with him as of yesterday, unpacked boxes of her things still scattered about his room.

She’d got up at seven thirty a.m, thinking she had work ––– and thinking she was at her old flat. She’d got up and almost walked into the wall. It was George’s bedroom that had had the most boxes unopened that she would have to deal with that day. There were only a couple in the kitchen, and boy did they need the kitchen ones. She had bumped into Angelina in said kitchen and the two had breakfast together. It was nice. Like living in student accommodation, almost. 
But Angelina had gone to work and Parvati had returned back upstairs to her boyfriend. Tea was the only way to deal with him in the morning. She looked over to him and rolled her eyes. She was, without permission, encased in one of his t-shirts and of course it almost fell to her knees. It was one of his smaller ones. 
“What makes you think I ought to do it? It’s not my problem,” she giggled, climbing to sit on her (her!) pillow and inspect her bright red toenails for signs of chipping. 
            REBLOG if you write a muse from a  NOVEL, BOOK SERIES,  or  SHORT STORY  and you will be added to the  MASTERLIST  !!
Be sure to include the following in your tags:
1. Character name
2. Author
3. Name of the work they come from.
Please note that we are accepting BOOKVERSE only. If you are strictly TV/movieverse/gameverse, you will not be added.
“I’ll stand, thanks. Gotta be ready to intercept your sister if she does decide to go off on some poor, unfortunate soul. You wouldn’t happen to know what’s got her all bothered, would you? She was gonna tutor me. I’ve asked Mandy Brocklehurst but she got into a fight with Zacharias Smith. Ain’t seen her smile since so what he said must’ve struck a nerve or two.”

      “ Dunno. Nothing to do with me, sorry. I haven’t seen her for a while, either. Maybe she’s in hibernation –– does that sometimes when she’s learning new stuff and it won’t stick. What are you stuck with? I could help until she emerges if you’d like. Although I’m only really god at Divination, so if it’s not that I might pass. ”

“Wouldn’t that also make you an exploiter of said googly-eyed shit-child?”

     “ Yeah, but if I didn’t know it was happening I’d be okay with it. Ignorance is bliss. Also is googly-eyed shit-child mine? Because to me it looks like you cheated with your own human waste and I don’t appreciate that. ”

“Yeah, well, we won’t need it then, will we? Your snootier customers can sod right off and the rest of the country will be dropping by to see your husband’s googly-eyed shit-child, like sensible people. Charge ten Sickles a viewing and we’re set.”

    “I can’t believe you want to exploit your googly-eyed shit-child. I didn’t know you were such a monster. I want a divorce and a share of all profits made from googly-eyed shit-child. If I don’t know it’s happening it doesn’t exist, just give me money so I can buy clothes.”

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