
Love Is Everywhere


Czarina ♥

What Your Zodiac Sign is Lowkey About:


ARIES: They lowkey regret fighting with people they care about and that maybe they could have been less agressive about it. They hate fighting especially if they end up losing those people.

TAURUS: They lowkey wonder if they are needed the same way they need people. They have fears that no one really value them and they are forgotten to the people who mean the world to them. 

GEMINI: They lowkey want to be an individual but they want to fit in rather than face being alone. No matter how much they want to be themselves, the thought of being alone is something they are very much afraid of.


Aquarius: An Aquarius can be eccentric but can adapt to the energies around them if they please, but they will constantly need to have some alone time to restore power. As they are known as thinkers, progressives and humanists, the Aquarius has great visionary quality, giving them the ability to perceive what’s to come next.


Your Zodiac Sign On Being Alone


ARIES-  When they are alone, an Aries will do things that can make them feel empowered. When an Aries is alone or simply feels alone, they end up getting stuff done because, in this way, there are no people opposing them to get in the way. They run on passion and desire, and when they want something, they’ll go out and get it. However, they cannot tolerate being alone for an extended period of time because they need a certain feeling of recognition and appreciate from people. Aries are so driven that it feels like they the one pushing projects and events forward while others just sit back and enjoy the ride! While Aries are naturally independent, they would still like to have an friends who they can not only help but also friends who can help them out. They need that you-help-me-I-help-you kind of friendship.

TAURUS- When they are alone, a Taurus will do things that will make them feel comfortable and safe when they are alone. They actually prefer their solitude. Taurus people have a stubborn streak which gives them their need for independence, especially since they like to do things their way. Being alone means things get done the way they want them to be done. They also need time alone to recharge after being with people or a large social event. This way, they can’ focus on treating themselves to all the right things and getting to a sense of peace within themselves. They like to feel stable and they need that alone time to let go of the worldly mess around them.

GEMINI- When they are alone, a Gemini will  do things that will get them to feel playful and alert. They cannot tolerate being completely alone, especially for an extended period of time. However, they do need time for themselves, and so the occasional downtime is appreciated. Because change and freedom is important to them, people will often see them change from being social butterflies to a recluse and back again. Although, they are never a recluse for too long because they need to be around people to be revitalized. In fact, being alone makes them more lethargic and tired. They have a great need to always be talking to someone on a daily basis or else they end up getting very restless and maybe even chaotic.


Your Zodiac Sign’s Kind Of Love:

Aries: a I’m gonna do everything I can to make you feel appreciated kind of love Taurus: a checking up on how youre day is going kind of love Gemini: a youre the first person i thought about telling this kind of love Cancer: a wipe your tears it’ll be okay kind of love Leo: a I love you before we say goodbye always kind of love Virgo: a you have my back i got your back kind of love Libra: a we’re not going to sleep until we’re okay again kind of love Scorpio: i need to kiss you before you leave kind of love Sagittarius: a eyes light up when we look at each other kind of love Capricorn: a let me give you a massage to relax you kind of love Aquarius: a i thought about you and got you this kind of love Pisces: a i wanna make you laugh till your belly aches kind of love

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