

@evelynlawliet-blog / evelynlawliet-blog.tumblr.com

20, Brazilian, Witch, RPer, Homoflexible, she/her. Name's Evy and here's what you'll find here: tons of fandoms, otps, my writings, and other things. Warnings for nsfw stuff, yuri and yaoi. If you're still willing to navigate with me, welcome aboard!

Wait for me, then, I want to be wherever you are <3


I’d wait an eternity if I had to because being with you would be the greatest reward I could ever ask for

Babyyyyyyy ;-; You’re so perfect for me <3 also, I find it amusing how this started and how it’s turning out cx

You’re even more perfect love! I knooow >///

Not more than you, my love >< I love youuuuuu! <3


Wait for me, then, I want to be wherever you are <3


I’d wait an eternity if I had to because being with you would be the greatest reward I could ever ask for

Babyyyyyyy ;-; You’re so perfect for me <3 also, I find it amusing how this started and how it’s turning out cx


“L hates the sea, but I think that I like it. I find it difficult to be absorbed by anything for long, but once, with L, I sat in a car and watched a rain cloud drift over the grey sea and spill tears as L spoke to me. What he said wasn’t interesting and my replies were few and far between, but I think that I was happy then. At least, I didn’t feel so empty. When he laughed, I smiled just because he was laughing, and it highlighted to me how I was dry as sand before him and without him. So, yes, I think that I love the sea.“


I’m feeling like eating out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Tcctfgvgvvgvgg–Only If I’m allowed to do the same for you~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @evelynlawliet

You should totally take me out to eat cx AND I heard there’s this sale I’m dying to be a part of. ><

Oh I will~ Maybe on the way I can take you somewhere hot and wet…And what sale is that? @evelynlawliet

That does sound like something I’d enjoy >< That one you told me about, the one happening in your bedroom, where clothes are 100% off ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wedy: How long have you been sleeping with L?
Light: (flustered) That’s disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get– why would– I’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. It’s none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity, L is my friend and teammate technically. And he is terrible, face-wise. And how- how- do I know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with him? Maybe you are. Maybe you’re trying to throw me off? Hmm check and mate.
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