
Birch Trees and Babbling Brooks

@birchtreesandbabblingbrooks-blog / birchtreesandbabblingbrooks-blog.tumblr.com

I have been a Marine, soldier, diplomat, father, author, grandfather, EMT, flight medic, Peacekeeper, and so much more... Animals want to learn how to speak so that they can then have conversations with me. I am the charmer of innocent girls virginity and lover of big breasted wenches. I have done things that would kill a normal man and probably cripple several small boys. I have witnessed the miracle of birth and I have buried my dead. I have survived two war zones, one divorce, seven surgeries, numerous car accidents, several teenage daughters and countless simulated or actual aviation mishaps. So step-up, let's talk sex, politics, current events, history, or even my grandson, etc ... If you want you can call me Carroll and we will go from there. My age has lost all importance. I am far older than you think and younger than you know. I am a disabled veteran. The rest does not matter. In the end I am not worried, be happy, for the best is yet to come. I know this because late at night God whispers to me. And, her voice is soft and husky with wanton desire. Look, basically I do this just so I do not loose my mind. I always give credit on reblogs and if you want something removed, just say so. All images, unless otherwise noted, have been taken from the internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. Whenever and wherever possible the original artists have been given credit for their work. In the event there is a problem or error with a copyright the mistake is unintentional and noncommercial. I will gladly remove any copyrighted or personal photos upon presentation of proof of original workmanship or property.

30 Days of Women: Day 10: Favourite female character in a sci-fi/supernatural show | Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica

Laura Roslin was not born to politics. She was a school teacher first, but when circumstances forced her to rise to the position of the president, she stepped into the role without hesitation and put the priority of her citizens above all else. She spends the four seasons of the show struggling with a seemingly unwinnable war, breast cancer, and the day to day moral decisions that come with being the leader of the only humans left in the universe.
And despite this, she remains recognizable as the kind, well-intentioned woman who only came to the Galactica to witness its decomissioning. Her story arc is one of the best things about this show, and I love that she is such a capable leader.
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