
Animus Cruciatus

@animus-cruciatus / animus-cruciatus.tumblr.com

Latin for 'Personality Torment'.
Sam-Harley, 22I have a diagnosis of Borderline and Dependent Personality Disorder, Bipolar I, Addisons Disease and Bulimia.
(I will unfollow anyone who posts anything negatively triggering and promoting self harm or eating disorders) This is a selfish blog, if you like. Its for me to type anything I want, any time I want, without worrying what I’m saying or how to say it. This is a copy of my private blog, with names and certain things removed. It gives me a chance to take control of my own brain and decide what I want to say. I can take control of racing thoughts and organise things in my head. I don’t have to worry about hurting anyone on here. I don’t have to reply immediately, and I can think before I type, giving me chance to say exactly what I mean. My second purpose of this blog is for others. Whether you're generally interested, have someone close with a personality disorder and youre trying to understand, or if you are in my exact position.


Things have gotten very serious very quickly. I haven’t written for a while – mainly because I haven’t got access to a computer at mine and Toms house. Last Thursday I wanted to die. I did not want to be here anymore. I did not want be be around feeling like this. I hate myself. i need a time out, a break from being in my own head. I can see why it was so easy to turn to drugs at uni because it did give me that break. I can see why I drink so much because it gives me that break. I can see why I crave opiates. You guessed it, because it gives me that break.

 I had a complete breakdown. It was scary and it frightened me. I couldn’t control myself; I cried and cried and cried. I wanted to tear things apart, rip my hair out, lash out and anything and anyone. Tom didn’t know what to do so I told him to leave me alone. Then I realised I couldn’t be on my own so I rang my mum. She asked me how bad it was. It was bad. She cried. Then she rang 111 to ask for help. Tom rang the crisis team. Mum came round. No one knew what to do. I was crying and sweating and I couldn’t talk to anyone on the phone. She put a cold towel around my neck and passed the phone for me to speak to the crisis team. This guy’s name was Eddie and I swear he was the worst person in the world to speak to. He was telling me how to breathe. He didn’t understand the depth of how I was feeling. He called me oversensitive and told me that ‘he thought he was grown up at 22 as well’. I will scan a copy of the notes I was making as he was talking soon. It was unbelievable. He didn’t let me get a word in edgeways – he was literally talking AT me for over an hour. He did nothing to calm me down; the only thing that calmed me down was time.

Mum wanted me admitted to our local mental health hospital. She wanted to take me so I could talk to someone. She told me not to worry about work and tom promised me they wouldn’t leave me there.

I think I wanted to be admitted at that point. The thought of doing nothing for myself and having someone constantly watching and making sure I was okay. I could cry anytime I wanted or be okay any time I wanted. No hiding, no masks. No one to answer to and a restricted healthy diet. It sounds so lovely. But then there’s the stigma or being admitted to a mental hospital. Theres telling work after already having so much time off (I had 4 weeks off in may due to stomach problems from Bulimia. Admitted to hospital for 3 days – also had absolute breakdown and was the worst hospital stay ive ever had.)

I feel full. I feel like a failure and I feel FAT. FAT FAT FAT. And that is one thing I cant talk to anyone about because no one would ever ever agree with me. I feel chubby. I feel wobbly and out of control. I could eat and eat and never stop. I really really am trying to stop purging. I really am. More than I ever have done before. I don’t want to keep doing it. I don’t want to feel bloated and swollen anymore. I don’t want my face to keep swelling and I don’t want me double chin to keep swelling. I want to lose around 11lb and I just cant get myself motivated to do it. I started running at home but I lost NOTHING. When I came out of hospital I had gained around 6lb which I couldn’t wrap my head around as I had barely eaten anything whatsoever. But it turned out to all be water weight from fluids. I lost that weight but Ive come to a standstill in weight.

My councellor Kevin has now moved which was a huge shock as he was actually helping. I suppose hes given me a basline to concentrate on and it was too expensive anyway.

The fact I still don’t drive is a lot of pressure and I think about it every single day. I cant afford it. Not one bit.

Ive gained a lot of weight since I first met Tom a few years ago. I sometimes feel like he preferred me back then. Maybe that’s just the message Ty has left stuck with me as he told me that once. I still love you, im just not IN love with you anymore.

So yesterday my psychiatrist took me seriously. For the first time. I told her how low I have been since around April time. I think she is leaning more towards manic depressive now. Bipolar. With BPD these episodes don’t last this long. They are up down up down constantly and can change numerous times in a day. I don’t feel like that now. I feel low, demotivated and pathetic. I told her I can’t stop eating and all I want to do is sleep. I don’t know what happened or what triggered this low, I feel useless and unattractive. I don’t get attention from men anymore – not that I feel like I need it, but ive noticed its disappeared. I don’t feel like me, I feel like im someone else. I feel trapped. Its so hard to deal with problems in your own head when you cant escape. At least with physical problems you can sometimes take painkillers to ease it. It doeasnt feel like anything eases this trapped feeling. I want to feel empty and free. I understand that its hard for ANYONE to feel like that. But I really am desperate.

Dr wood, my psychiatrist has put me on Prozac for 4 weeks to see how it goes. I have seen a lot about weight gain so I am looking into strong appetite suppressants (mainly one called Phen375) as I refuse to gain any more weight. I am awaiting a call back from her to see if I can get any prescribed as this will just add to the Bulimia which will begin the cycle again.

Im frightened that Prozac will flatline me. When I was with Ty I couldn’t work myself up to anything. My sex drive was nil. My passion for ANYTHING disappeared. I didn’t even have the motivation to argue. He used to say at least when I was up and down he got some reaction and emotion out of me. I don’t want that to happen with Tom. I love Tom.

I have also been abusing codeine again. Nothing serious, not every day. I have it under control and I do not take enough to get withdrawal. For now anyway, im hoping this holds off. Toms sort of on my case anyway.

Im paranoid. I’m doing so well at work, when I had my appraisal my manager told me I was the favourite – even with all my time off. She called me her ‘go-to girl’ and that my figures were outstanding over the rest. Jshe told me I have nothing to worry about and that I should go home and open a bottle of wine. And now I feel like that’s changed. Maybe its that I need constant approval and praise – maybe im still doing well but just haven’t been told in a while. I don’t know. But I know ive slacked off a bit since so I need to get my head back in the game. She has told me that if ever she thought It was affecting my work, she would tell me. And that hasn’t happened. So I cant be doing that bad.

I went swimming last night which I feel good about and I really feel determined to shift some of this weight. The appetite suppressants I have been looking at are not diet pills and can be used with other medication which cause appetite increase. It flat lines it to hit a neutral base.


letter from your mess.


I want to say sorry for the past week or so. Im not sure where my heads been at and ive taken it out on you a lot so im sorry. Things feel all up in the air recently and I haven’t known how to deal with it. This is all new for both of us. Im so used to being cooped in my own little secretive world that its all suddenly open and I don’t have a choice but to begin on the path to recovery. The whole bpd and bipolar thing gets mixed up with the bulimia thing and I completely lose track of where im at. I find it hard to decipher which feelings belong to which problem. When I’m down, I cant decide if im hungry, episoding, upset with you, angry at nothing, tired, having a bad day, generally being a girl, feeling fat, feeling poorly etc. It makes it hard for both of us and I’m sorry for dealing with it the wrong way and not talking to you.

I currently feel very cornered and a bit lonely. I know deep down this is all a fresh start and a good start. Im taking steps forward, but I need you to understand how scary this is to me. Im giving up something I have relied on for so so many years and I now have no choice but to let it go. Im scared to death and I feel like im almost being ganged up on. I know you mean well, I really really do. Its just hard to see that sometimes when im feeling down and stubborn. I feel so much pressure. Trust me, I really really do know this is for the best and I really really can see a light. I just really really need you to know how really really hard this is. I am going to try and I will put my 100% in. I cant tell you how much I appreciate you. I honestly love you from the bottom of my heart.

Im frightened that I will have nothing to fall back on if I let this go. I feel that im letting a hell of alot of people down if i relapse and i know there will be days i dont want to get better and i dont want to move on from it. Ive been very open with you and mum about how much it happens and how much it effects me, i just dont want to feel like i have to stop that and go back to hiding things, you know? This journey hasnt even started and im already struggling. im sorry for taking things out on you and im sorry that youre in this position. i wish it was easier for you.

I never know where i am. Its so hard to explain things and empty my head. Im sorry that I take it out on you that im struggling with shaun and richelle, i dont want to make you feel hopeless and that its your fault. Im so happy with you its unreal. I just feel like im hiding emotions even more becuase we dont get much time together. On our own anyway.

This stuff with Addisons, I will get sorted I promise. I know again, this is all new to you. But please dont worry. I feel bogged down with the councelling, the pancereas thing, the worry, the addisons and the food. Its all too much at once, but I promise I am trying.

Sometimes I dont know which are real feelings and which are bipolar and the same thing happens with thoughts. Underneath this, there is a me and Im trying to figure out which parts. Its permanant torment and I need space to figure it all out. This is why my blog helps. I keep thinking it would be a good diea to give you the link but I think I will be less honest. I need to learn to like myself and realise that I deserve more than damage. I feel selfish, manipulative, spoilt. I should appreciate things I have and all I do is piss it away. Which then leads me to hate myself. Which then starts it all again. All this happens in my head and there is no room for it all! I worry so much about my mental health that I lose all care for my physical health, I stuggle to concentrate on one thing. Theyre all so important to sort, but I need to do it one at a time, but I dont have time. Im frightened tom. I know youre there all the way, i really do know that. But I need you to remember that you have a choice to be there all the way – I dont. All the messes I get into are self inflicted an I hate myself so fucking much. I’m fucking selfish and I leave a trail of fucking destruction and broken hearts an disappointment behind me. I miss my best friend and I cant turn to her just because things are a mess. I’m never there for her. I’m angry at myself. All I do is hurt people who don’t deserve to be hurt. In tired and I’m trapped. It’s selfish and pathetic. I’m so scared of being on my own. I’m so scared of people knowing me and knowing what really goes on in my head. Too many secrets and too many dark thoughts.

Youre incredible, I hope you know that. I just needed to put this all in words. Sometimes i get so confused. sometimes when situations happen, i have to step back and question things. i have to ask myself – is this me? or is this real? is it acceptable to be angry/jealous/mad/upset about this, or is this me being me? its so confusing. it hurts my head. i have to ask myself and other people if i am being irrational. i think this is a step forward? the fact i can question things and not just react. other times i think its just a case of wanting someone to justify my emotions for me. i dont even know if people tell me the truth when i ask if im being rational or not. im not sure if i’d tell me if i wasnt.

recently i feel okay. but that scares me. does that mean im better? if everything is okay it means it can only go bad at some point. what am i going to do? what am i going to kick off about? what is going to trigger mania? what is going to trigger depression? or tears? or self harm? im frightened of gaining weight. so so frightened.

i just needed to talk to you, but its easier for me in words. I love you okay? I know how hard youre trying, which is why i thought you deserved an insight as I know you cant understand me when im crying haha. I’m sorry for taking all this out on you, i promise to try harder to just talk to you.




sometimes i get so confused. sometimes when situations happen, i have to step back and question things. i have to ask myself - is this me? or is this real? is it acceptable to be angry/jealous/mad/upset about this, or is this me being me? its so confusing. it hurts my head. i have to ask myself and other people if i am being irrational. i think this is a step forward? the fact i can question things and not just react. other times i think its just a case of wanting someone to justify my emotions for me. i dont even know if people tell me the truth when i ask if im being rational or not. im not sure if i'd tell me if i wasnt.

recently i feel okay. but that scares me. does that mean im better? if everything is okay it means it can only go bad at some point. what am i going to do? what am i going to kick off about? what is going to trigger mania? what is going to trigger depression? or tears? or self harm?

purging is bad at the moment. really bad. i barely keep anything down at all. if i do i cry about it for at least an hour. noone knows me at work so i can keep disappearing and getting rid at lunch. im really really worried about my teeth. really really worried.




its ruthless

its mean

its exciting

pages flicking

channels changing

its impossible

its bright

its messy

its euphoric

its suicidal

its trapped

its loud

its quiet

its broken

its angry

its sexy

its bruised

its drunk

its screaming

its beautiful

its art

its silent

its greedy

its insanity

its painful

its manic

its fake

its untidy

its dishonest

its bulimic

its confusing

its unpredictable

its obnoxious

its irrational

its selfish

its contradictive

its tedious

its smiling

its self loathing

its mean

its amazing

its intoxicationg

its desirable

its manipulative

its untidy

its rude

its regretful

its full

its embarrassing

its stigmatized

its boring

its hateful

its jealous

its obessive

its disasterous

its needy

its excrutiating

its sinking

its enlightening

its free

its scared

its exhausting

its impulsive

its reckless

its social

its alive

its delusional

its paranoid

its medicated

its depression

its distracting

its worthless

its electric

its useless

its irritable

its violent

its inattentive

its hostile

its judgemental

its fat

its lonely

its impatient

its risky

its overwhelming

its pointless

its optomistic

its guilty

its frightened

its pathetic

its fucked

its empty

its thin

its long

its desperate

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pretty girls bend over flaming toilet bowls desire stomach contents splattered repulsive bodily fluids with the relief of liquid fire she becomes a cold stoned tile dancer worshiping the throne the porcelain white GOD DAMN IT she closes the door turns on the water putrid scents hover her relief her hope her best friend – the bathroom heart flutters and speeds or is that a palpitation? eyes star and eyeliner runs cheeks are swollen lips sore she feels so empty, almost euphoric so worth the hideous retching energy caffeine metabolism hip bones, collar bones, bones she can puke with no fingers now look mum cradle of self loathe slow death sentence imposed on the scales off the scales clothes on clothes off numbers will make or break her day theres a line line between pass and fail two peanuts slice of toast cookie and pizza take away or sugar free gum still a trip to the powder room press eject, kingdom come no more than infinite calories consumed by mirrors lies and demonity starring away feelings hungry fingers devour her tongue caress those bones are they all showing yet mum? FAT PIG with an urge to purge she eats dead blank stare cant swallow fast enough nothing left meeting mias disapproving stare breathless liposuction please everywhere every inch theres no pleasing this angry demon boxtox tummy tuck WHAT THE FUCK bare feet on bathroom tiles boney knees bowed down surge of power move through her without a sound oh wait, is that a splash? shes become a pro a professional throw upper try as you might arguments against this its impossible to ignore her flush after flush her spirits soon crushed frightened at first when she sees bile and blood torn esophagus her liver destroyed doctors call blood tests what will it take? cleansing the evidence of her daily binge until next time her dreams her hopes her goal remains too tiny to find

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