
Why don't you figure my heart out?

@h-e-y-gurl-h-e-y / h-e-y-gurl-h-e-y.tumblr.com

Britt | 17 | having a go at this tumblr thing

whenever anyone mentions that they were talking abt me I get this weird but kind of comforting feeling that I exist to a person outside of our own relationship,, like?? u talked abt me??? u thought of me when I wasn’t there????? i exist to u when I’m not around????!!!!!!?

Someone once told me that human beings have three dimensions: how you see yourself, how others see you, and how you want others to see you. The closer the distance between the three dimensions, the more at peace you are and the more stable you become.

Marwa Rakha, The Poison Tree

waiting for the day to come

(via serious)

Source: serious

my favorite names for Donald Trump

-barely sentient apricot fruit leather -racist tangerine -slimy cheese curd of doom -half cooked chicken nugget -Putin’s lovely wife, Sharon -saliva coated chunk of orange play-dough -toupee, now with Yelling™


Imagine being an actual woman with 20+ years of political experience who has been the actual secretary of state being told that her temperament is a problem by the world’s angriest cheeto

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