
Nika's Musings

@nikadavies / nikadavies.tumblr.com

An IC and OOC blog for Nika Davies

Missing my NovaStar buddies like crazy! Any of you playing ArcheAge Unchained?


When are the services?

Hi everyone! I just heard the news about tumblr passing away. It’s really sad, I had such good times, here! Is there a date for the funeral services, or will that just be on December 16th?



Started playing Wildstar again yesterday,and I love how active the RP community seems to be. 

But I’m sooo sad Novastar Coalition is no longer. </3 I miss them all so much!




There are times, I admit, when I miss WildStar and the wacky hijinx NovaStar got up to (especially in beta).

The ache..



Started playing Wildstar again yesterday,and I love how active the RP community seems to be. 

But I’m sooo sad Novastar Coalition is no longer. </3 I miss them all so much!


When that skeleton has an enchanted helm and you really, really want it. 


I’m back! I think..

Hey, I’ve been gone from WS for over a year. Just logged back in and trying to reorient myself. Is it possible that my character has been in Cryosleep for the last year, for whatever reason? Is that still a thing? I’m trying to account for the gap in time. 

Do people even still RP in here?


Ever since WoW, I always chuckled when someone finds out.  That’s what I get for only having male characters XD


It still feels weird to call you she.


Ever wonder about behind-the-scenes making of WildStar? Technical Artist and Animator, Stephen Miranda, talks about rigging our Snarfelynx mount here: http://www.the-miranda-rights.com/posts/wildstar-art-rigging-snarefelynx


Those looks like almost an exact copy of those awful moogle things in FFXIV. I couldn’t stand them. -.-


Wildstar F2P

If you have:

  • Ever subbed to Wildstar, even just for a month, or…
  • Made single purchase of the box/digital edition (and activated the account code) and never subbed past the first (included) month, or…
  • Are a current subscriber.

When F2P launches you get (without paying a dime – as long as your account isn’t banned or something):

  • (12) characters slots per Realm, and…
  • (6) costumes per critter, and…
  • 2000 total decor items per plot, and…
  • A mysterious number of “Loyalty Points” depending on the length of your sub, edition, alignment of the planets*…

If you sub from June 15th to the F2P release, you also get:

  • DJ Caretaker decor, and…
  • Snoglug Pet, and…
  • 4 Months of “Subscriber Status,” and…
  • A title

If you have never** unsubscribed, from launch day to the F2P launch, you ALSO get:

  • Freaky mount, and…
  • A different title.

I hope that helps!

*That’s probably a joke.

**I don’t know if a week/day/whatever interruption counts against this. I’m just the messenger!


It sounds like we can probably count on the FTP happening about mid-October, then. So far away. -.- I hope I can get in beta.


They did it, they fucking did it.



holy shit!

can someone explain this to me


Thirty years ago a legendary ET game came to fruition, so awful that as the tale told, all unsold copies of it were buried in a pit in New Mexico. A documentary film crew has just unearthed the stash, proving the legend true.


I don’t think people fully grasp just how awful it was. This one game, by the sheer merit of its unmatched shittiness, destroyed the video game and console market so thoroughly that the at home video game nearly went the way of the 8-track player.

It was literally so awful that it nearly changed the entire course of technology.

how can a video game possibly be that bad

People don’t really understand why it was terrible though, and the reasons why are extremely important and relevant especially today.

The game itself is bad, yes. It was built up to be an exciting hit for kids to play at Christmas in 1982. So much in fact, that retailers bought WAY more stock then could every be sold based on the hype.

However, people at the time liked the game. It looks bad now, but the game itself was pretty on par with the times. It wound up selling 1.5 million copies. Which would be great, except Atari was expecting to sell 4-5 million.

While initial reception was positive, critics started panning the game as critics do. While it was no worse than most other games at the time, it was stil frustrating and hard to play. It could not live up to the hype that had been built and negative press built up quickly.

But what was ALSO happening was a flood of cheap imitations on the market. ET is a licensed game, and like all licenses comes at a higher markup. So if you wanted to buy a game for yourself or your kid, would you buy 1 game, or 2 for the same price?

Atari was also screwing around with how they handled their distributors. Just before the game went to public, but AFTER the game had been bought and shipped, Atari announced that they were cancelling every existing contract with distributors and signing with only a select few.

So distributors, now pissed off and with an abundance of games that were NOT selling and with prices slashed horribly to sell games that people were quickly losing interest in, retailers put their claims to return a collective 2.5-3.5 million copies back to Atari. Atari, unable to recycle the cartridges or resell them in any way, wound up burying them in the Nevada desert.

This caused the Video Game Crash of the early 80s that put a dark mark on video games until Nintendo (and in some small part other game companies) to revive later. 

 It was the perfect storm. An over-hyped overpriced game sold to an increasingly frustrated and over-saturated market with retailers scrambling to make a dime while Game Devs blame the market for poor sales.

Some say the proverbial planets are aligning again, with way too many consoles putting way too samey games on the market at way too high a cost with a strong dependence on Pre-orders and pre-order exclusives.

Wanna give the game a shot?  Internet Archives actually has a copy of it at this link:


I can proudly say that I owned this game as a child and played it. 



LISTEN UP Y'ALL. If you have any interest in WildStar, sub NOW. Even just for a month. It’s going f2p soon, and anyone with an active subscriber on June 15 not only gets four months if the Signature service, you get a MOTHERFUXKING DJ CARETAKER PET. It’s fine if you don’t...


I was reading over the FAQ and had some questions.. it says free players cannot create or invite into circles and guilds. But what if you are already IN a circle or guild? Are you ejected, or do you get to stay? Also, it says you can’t create or invite people to circles, but can you yourself be invited by someone else? That seemed a little unclear to me.

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