

@emchy / emchy.tumblr.com

queer country singer. she/her

"Gold Country ~ Country Gold from Secret Emchy Society is brilliant, delicate, and fucking hilarious. If you think Emchy is a country singer, she is. If you think she’s a poet, she is. The breadth and depth of her lyrics are astonishing. The album itself revolves around how people pull together and come apart, it’s about being human and the rollercoaster that involves. She evokes dramatic mood swings throughout the entire release, from lost love, to the pandemic, to fucking and drinking whiskey all on the same album.”

- Patrick Haggerty, Lavender Country

Pre-order yours today at Emchy.bandcamp.com xo


sometimes I wonder

when I have a 10 day asthma attack

and medications stop helping

if it's just my loneliness

trying to push itself out of my chest

to make room for the friends

that my anxiety has me avoiding

Laissez Les Bons Temps Roulez
(for Emchy)
I’ve never been to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, but you and me were a parade float of two that night
falling all over each other with confetti in our hair and dreams as electric as the black cat air rubbing itself against
our ankles, giving the finger to drunks who wanted to see our tits in exchange for plastic beads, what use did we have
for cheap trinkets when we had jazz beating waltz time in our chests, when we had the quicksilver river, when we
had crawfish in our bellies the way Elvis sang it, and we drank the last of your flask of whiskey while the night jasmine whistled
—Jessie Lynn McMains (c. sometime between 2016-18)

When I wonder what my friends really think of me

I look at the art they make

that documents our time

and i forget how to worry

while i run through the memories

of our dreams


From the friendliest Sasquatch of Yakima, to the elk and wild wolves of the PNW mountains, we rolled through Northern California just in time to see a John Doe house concert and reconnect with Canada Fam Jimbo (yes the Drag Race Jimbo) and Brady who came to our last show of tour after the big show at Oasis the night before. Then it's off to Ottawa for Carolyn, Brazil for Jimbo, and songwriting and homesteading for the Bay Area kittens. One of my favorite times was the tiny cabins at the RV park where we had song circles, and craft time, and a good show downtown before coming back to scavenge for firewood and good talks until 3am. The raccoon that night finally finished off our sasquatch potato chips.


Running along the coast with my favorite people and singing songs - how could anything be better? Hans and his electric skateboard luggage handling while we lose our slap happy / road weary minds in giggles, coastal walks with Carolyn, almost running out of gas with Jade, the subtle enthusiastic bemusement of Marco... good times were had <3 and through it all - the Squatchy kept watch over us. (part one)


Tumblr locked me out of my video marathon of posts yesterday - but I'm back bitches! This addictively charming bunch of humans are Jack Garton and the Demon Squadron. They were the last band I was on tour with right before California shut down and we all had to drive through blizzards to get home / to the next town. This is Jack's town about when he worked as a video store clerk and watched art films all night - and it's absolutely one of my favorite songs that anyone has ever written. It's not released yet - so ... enjoy your ears now friends! That said his earlier album are in fact on all of the streaming places. A fun thing you don't know from this video - Jack is also an accordion and trumpet player... SOMETIMES AT THE SAME TIME. A wonderful icon of a human. He live out on the Western Canadian Gulf Islands with a fabulous wife and adorable children and has a dayjob as a gravedigger. I swear - if I was to write a character in a novel they couldn't be cooler. Plus... he is possibly the nicest person I've ever met. It's pretty fun when your friends turn you into nerdy fans just for them. Normally I'd be in Canada right now playing Farm Fest and raising glasses with him and all of the humans pictured here. I miss my people.

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