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The north coast 500 in Scotland : UK's route 66

When it comes to the North Coast 500, the adjective ‘scenic’ seems like a serious understatement. This impossibly picturesque driving route up from Inverness around the dramatic regions of Easter Ross, Caithness, Sutherland and Wester Ross has everything from romantic beaches to ruined castles, pretty fishing villages to desolate Highland moors.


remember when we all thought that mitt romney would be the worst possible thing to happen to politics ohohoho boy were we naive

Dipping our bread in oil tins we talked of morning peeling open our rooms to a moment of almonds, olives and wind when we did not yet know what the days in Mallorca were alike: footprints down goat-paths from the beds we had left, at night the stars locked to darkness. At that time we were learning to dance, take our clothes in our fingeres and open ourselves to their hands. The veranera was with us. For a month the almond trees bloomed, their droppings the delicate silks we removed when each time a touch took us closer to the window where we whispered yes, there on the intricate balconies of breath, overlooking the rest of our lives.

“Poem For Maya,” Carolyn Forché (via karibu-nyumbani)

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