


Ruby; she/her
22 | Scorpio

I can’t stop thinking about this.


I wonder if he was running on instinct…  I watched a man die on the subway a few years ago.  It’s more common than you think - NYC subways carry millions and millions in the course of a day.  People die and there is never a good time for it to happen to anyone. 

There was an older gentleman sitting across from me on the M train.  It was about 6:30am, so I didn’t think much of it when he started leaning over.  It was when he kept going when most people would jerk awake that about 5 of us took action.  We asked if anyone knew CPR in our car, and when we pulled into the next station, we held the doors open and shouted for a doctor (there was a firefighter on the train with us who knew CPR, because that’s how things are in NYC).  No response during CPR.  The older gentleman’s lips were turning blue. 

When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics took over and after 2 minutes of no reaction, I watched something that will always haunt my soul existentially, the way this pic does:  The paramedic yelled at this man that he had to get up because he’d be late for work.  And he got a response.  I don’t know if the older man made it, but he had a pulse when they took up the stairs to the ambulance.

We all got back on the train and heading off to work.  And I sat there completely traumatized by the fact that this man was such a slave to his job that the threat of being late to work restarted his heart.  It’s been over 10 years and I’m still not sure how or to what degree it affected me.  Only that it did.  I’m not bothered by not knowing.  Sometimes you have to let the heavy sit to understand the weight before you can put it down.


This is a fascinating story. Thank you for sharing it. That’s definitely something to think about.

[ID: text on a page reads;


- Last word of the british surgeon and anatomist Joseph Henry Green (1791-1863) while feeling his own pulse.”

End ID]


btw the thing she couldn’t ignore was someone calling her out for saying anti-depressants/hormone therapy are only perscribed by lazy doctors


J.K. Rowling is apparently now filing a defamation lawsuit against someone who made fun of her for saying this, which means its time to spread this like wildfire!


The real Stardew Valley experience be like:

Pierre: My small local business will die if JojaMart sinks its claws in town.

Shane: I hate my life, all I ever do is work, drink, sleep, and what's the point of that?

Leah: My ex was toxic but I can't help thinking I'm the selfish one for leaving them.

Penny: My mother's drinking addiction is really taking a toll on both of us.

Sebastian: My family doesn't understand me and my parents love my sister more.

Jodi: I love my husband, but the war has changed him. I'm trying my hardest but it's exhausting.

The player:


howd the victorians get to sleep without asmr vids am i right fellas

I know they had cocaine you can stop telling me . I dont think you guys know what coke does


some pictures i took yesterday

Which Fruit Are You? 🍓

apple: adapts quite easily to situations, surprisingly sweet, embraces their confidence

peach: feels most comfortable when at home, craves being surrounded by love, acts tough but has a very soft casing

plum: adores their alone time, thrives creatively, sometimes feels underappreciated

pear: soft-hearted, tries their best to be gentle with others (but isn’t always with themselves), intimidatingly kind

grape: loves to share, values the little things in life, small but has the biggest dreams

banana: always knows how to make light of a situation, tries their best to cheer people up, aims to live life as vibrantly as possible

strawberry: embraces all forms of love, likes to project positivity, may appear sociable but is really quite shy

lemon: sometimes sassy but always honest, strives to build people up to be the best versions of themselves, stands up for their loved ones

cherry: is very vocal about the things they adore, finds happiness in complimenting others, adores spontaneous adventure

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