
When You Kiss Me I See Heaven

@black-eyedbitch / black-eyedbitch.tumblr.com

Megan. 29. NC/SC. Co-host of Fangirlin’: A Supernatural Podcast. she/her

if cas ever did wear the flannel, zepp shirt, bootcut jeans combo i think i would implode so maybe it’s for the best he wore the trenchcoat every day


THE gay angel THEEEEE gay angel of thursday he was handmade by god HE HAS BEEN TOUCHED BY THE DEVIL he saw sodom fall he watched over earth for millenia and found sex too repetitive he doesn’t know who glenn close is HE has a crack in his chassis HE CAME OFF THE LINE LIKE THAT! he has committed so many war crimes he IS pop culture savvy HE IS IN LOVE the kind of love that makes you commit war crimes he listens to BEYONCÉ he likes watching tv he doesn’t know how cars work he used to be a girl he watches the bees he has a son the kind of son that makes you commit war crimes he dies a lot he’s married! he’ll kill you out of spite there is a mixtape in his pocket he enjoys pottery barn magazines HE HAS HAD SEVERAL LOBOTOMIES! he eats pb&j HE TALKS TO CATS! he has been happy once in his entire life. he is so stupid his people skills are rusty he’s learned a lot from scooby doo he has overthrown heaven at least three times he was not in your ass he loves burritos he will bring you flowers on a date he fell from heaven for a MAN WHO FUCKS HIS CAR


Dean did Not spend a whole fucking year in Purgatory looking for Cas(with no evidence that he was still alive) when he could have just left him and found a way to get him back only for Dean to not try and save him from The Empty. 


look at how this is framed. it starts as a conversation, as an explanation of who the shifter is (but what, about dean, is hideous, and hated? well. good question). but when the monologue becomes a dialogue? when the shifter, who is dean, is talking about himself, but also talking about dean? the camera zooms in so it’s just him. they force us to look head-on at the shifter saying that they’re both alone, and all they want is to be loved. it’s the dean thesis and it’s in episode 6 and it’s never resolved. they had over 300 episodes to figure it out and they decided to kill him instead of letting him be loved. shrieking howling clawing at the walls.


List of the Hell’s (de-)motivational posters:

  • This office has gone  0  11  2  days without anyone saying  “The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intensions″
  • Clean up after youself, your mother doesn’t work here. YOU DON’T HAVE A MOTHER
  • TO AVOID INJURY don’t tell me how to do my bloody job! 
  • For More Efficient Service just rip out your own throat with a stapler
  • CHEER UP! REMEMBER – The Worst IS yet to come.
  • In Case of Fire, Send grateful memo to the Department of Infernal Flame

To illustrate the torture existing in Hell, Neil Gaiman created motivational posters for the walls. ‘I had too much fun with these,’ he says. ‘The hardest part was just persuading the art department that I was serious about getting them to forget everything they had ever learned about design.’ - Good Omens Companion

One of the oddest things was in Hell. I wrote a number of de-motivational posters for the walls of Hell. And the art department couldn’t get them ugly enough. Eventually, the production designer, the amazing Michael Ralph did possibly the most sensible thing that he could have ever done, which was to ask the youngest art department intern to do them and tell him that we encourage the use of lots of different fonts, and Comic Sans wherever possible. And we got these very badly designed posters, and they were exactly what we wanted. - Neil Gaiman (x)


Jared needs to literally physically touch Misha to break his concentration on set.

Jensen? One look and Misha is a goner.

And that's beautiful.


“I’ve been reading Vonnegut recently. You were right, you know. I’m enjoying it immensely. I finished Cat’s Cradle in two days and I’ve almost completed Slaughter - house Five.” Castiel shuffled forward and closed his eyes as he felt the sunlight soak into his skin. “I find his outlook on death intriguing. ‘So it goes’ is such a dismissive statement for something so very permanent, though I suppose that’s the point. Why lament what you have no control over? What you can’t change?” He hummed as he sank into the grass, crossing his legs and resting his hands against his shins. “Though the more he repeats it, the less I believe it. It seems forced. A reminder. Like he mustn’t forget that death is as familiar to him as a lover.” Castiel slid his hands down until they gripped small handfuls of the drying grass. “He enters the gaping maw of hell and is spat back out with this warped and casual view of death and the loss that it brings, yet not once do I despise him for it. Am I as broken and corrupt as he is?” He shook his head. “I’m sure at one point he felt the anger and grief that used to consume me; the despair of a soul leaving where I can’t follow. I hope that what I read is the product of acceptance and not betrayal. I’ve learned the hard way that guilt and fury can eat a person from the inside out until all that remains is a hollow shell. ” A deep breath. “I’ve accepted my own fate. Unable to die yet unable to live. I thought you might like to know that. I’ve accepted it as penance. Oh! I’ve started a garden, by the way. And adopted a cat. His name is Jude. I’ll outlive him as well. ” Castiel slowly stood again and took a step forward, resting a hand on one headstone, then another. “So it goes.” He whispered, before turning and walking past a well - rusted 1967 chevy impala and closing the door to the bunker behind him.

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