
Open Secrets

@cinnamon-suga / cinnamon-suga.tumblr.com

I prefer you to think of me as something that cannot be defined.

the "loneliness epidemic " narrative in the us is so fucking tiring bcs we're all pretty aware of what's driving it, the contributing factors plague us every day, but to name those factors is to name the bedrocks of american society and american urban life in particular in a way thats a bit too radical for mainstream outlets and might indict a large portion of the middle class suburbanite and gentrifier locusts that make up their $10 a month subscriber base so uhhh write abt uhhhhhh those nasty lockdowns [that never actually happened] and uhhhhhhhh tik tok


Y’all ever had a sound effect make your eyes roll back? No? I present to you:

Fire Force sound effects are top tier *chef’s kiss*

Ancient Greek references in Spirited Away
  • The dried-up river between the real world and the mystical one — The River Styx
  • Greed turns Chihiro’s parents to pigs — Circe
  • Haku gives Chihiro a red seed to anchor her to the Spirit Realm — Persephone and Hades
  • Chihiro cleans the bathtub of muck, then cleanses the Stink Spirit — Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables
  • The River Spirit offers Chihiro a herbal cake with immense healing properties — Hermes and Odysseus
  • Swamp Bottom, the Sixth Station — Five Rivers of the Underworld
  • Haku telling Chihiro not to look back as she ran — Orpheus and Eurydice
(Personal opinion of course but i noticed some similarities while watching the movie)
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