


27. Atlanta. Pharmacist. Mixed blood. Eclectic.


A compilation of all the horror filled movies, t.v shows & documentaries I could find. It includes some of my own masterposts and other people’s masterposts. 


A compilation of amazing people with a talent for art and expression. Some of these are gorey, so be cautious. 


What’s better than reading scary stories? Listening to them from people who have a voice that perfectly match the suspense needed for such stories.


Creepy compilations from around the web and from posts I’ve made before. 


The first couple are masterposts I’ve made, the rest are masterposts I’ve gathered from other blogs. 


Would really like to be a fucking priority for once. Or for someone else to do the adulting for awhile and let me do nothing. Or for someone else to be the fucking motivation. Fuck grinding.


Okay but lets illustrate how much white privileged is involved with this story. The weapons this little demon used to kill Grant Nelson were stolen from Walmart. She walked into Walmart, grabbed a machete and a knife, and then just casually walked out the door without anyone attempting to stop her. You get a box of tampons from Walmart and you don’t have it in a bag, they wanna check your receipt. Becky the Sociopath walked out unchecked with literal weapons.

Then she had time to wait outside for the uber this poor man drove to come pick her up. Then she got in his back seat and stabbed him multiple times, pushed him out onto the street, and stole the car. He was able to tell the police who stabbed him before he died. She then crashes the car and is found by the police hiding behind a tree covered in blood. The police try to gently coerce her into dropping her fucking blood covered knives and when she refuses do they shoot her eight times? Oh noooo Lizzy Borden gets tazed and brought in unharmed.

Like just think about the stories that have come out these past two weeks alone. The unarmed black teenager who were literally murdered based on vague suspicion and this girl actually kills someone and is still standing.

The white girl who stole weapons from Walmart and killed an Uber driver was taken alive.

The white guy who took weapons to a convention and planned to kill Jason David Frank and multiple police officers was taken alive.

The white guy who murdered two men who had tried to defend the Muslim women he was harassing was taken alive.

Don’t tell me police had to kill Tamir Rice or Michael Brown or ANYONE else out of caution or fear for their safety. Not when white people who are legitimate threats, even direct threats to police, are routinely taken alive.


how long after trump gets re-elected is the ideological high you got from not voting for biden going to carry you i’m genuinely curious  

you’re either

a) relying on everyone else to vote for biden while you sit back and maintain uncompromised morals


b) you actually expect trump to win and are okay with that




You can contribute to society by staying home. Why are you wasting that?


if you dont have me on facebook you are probably not missing out on any posts but the comment section is important too lmao

I went to the Renaissance faire dressed as a warrior.  I had a real sword with me, too.  I was standing (in character) next to a sword-fighting ring, where kids of all ages got the chance to pick up a sword and challenge the champion.  Some woman walks by, with her little girl.  The girl starts walking towards the ring, saying she wants to fight.  But the mom pulled her away hella sharply, and was like, “That’s for boys.”  You don’t want to be a BOY, do you?”    And the girl looked around and saw me.  I think she thought I was a boy; I had my hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a hood.  So she comes up to me and asks me, “Do you think girls can be fighters, too?”  And her mom looks like she’s silently gloating.  Like she thinks I’m going to say no.  So I take off my hood, untie my hair so that it flows freely, and kneel before her.  And I’m like, “Milady, anyone can be a fighter.”  I swear, the look on that mother’s face made my day.


This post was good but then it got better

Okay, this is a slight topic diversion, but in response to the above comment. I’ve volunteered at the CT Ren Faire for years now. For the last 5 or so I’ve worked in the game section, and we have a game similar to the above comment called “Smite the Knight”. I’ve been in the ring before, it’s a ton of fun getting to run around with the kids. The main goal is entertainment. Have a good shtick, keep the crowd engaged, and let the kids have a good time.

In both work and observing, I have learned something about kids. A lot of parents try to get their boys to go fight. Of the young ones that do, they tend to be shy. You get the ones who just swing the boffer swords around with no regard for life, but, mostly, they’re reserved. It’s adorable. I mean, they’re kids.

But the girls. THE GIRLS. Holy crap. I swear, the pinker the dress, the more taffeta and glitter…the more intensity. I remember, the first year I worked there, one girl came in, grabbed the biggest sword she could, and WENT TO TOWN on our knight. Lifted it over head, let out this primal scream and mowed him down. Homeboy is 6′2″, she was FIVE. And once he was in the fetal position (He was fine. It was for show.) on the ground, she stopped, put her foot on his chest, and yelled “I AM A FIERCE PRINCESS!!”. Later in the day when she walked by a couple of us yelled “Ah! It’s the fierce princess!” and she stopped and flexed. It was the best, and I will never forget that girl.


This has improved since last I reblogged.

I taught karate for like 5 years, and the girls were always, pound for pound, better than the boys. Even the girls who didn’t really want to do it and were only there because their parents made them were better than like 95% of the boys.

I was playing fiddle at a ren faire, and two little girls were really enjoying our set. After quite some time one of them walked up to me and shyly offered me her star tinsel tiara, because she “didn’t have any money. And this protects you from trolls!” I said “Thanks, that’s really sweet – but what about you? Don’t you need protection from trolls?”

At which point this six-ish-year-old girl whips out her certificate from the axe throwing booth and says “Nah, I’m fine.”

I still have that tinsel tiara. It’s draped over my modem. I figure it’ll protect me from the most trolls that way.


I am not in the habit of reblogging a post and slapping an “it got better” on there BUT I SAY GOTDAMN


I missed Tumblr. Been a hot minute since I scrolled but I'm back baby!


Fuckin kids in horror/suspense movies. All the reasons I need to never have kids. If we get invaded I'm not dying because you decided your stuffed animal needed to be saved 😑.


once you stop fantasizing about that ideal version of yourself and start working towards becoming that person by setting your alarm clock earlier and actually going to the gym and actually volunteering at places and actually eating healthier and not procrastinating and working just a little bit harder you’ll realize that it was so easy all along. becoming your ideal self will only ever exist in your mind until you make the decision to work towards becoming that person. get up!! get going!! it’s now or never!! there is no light at the end of the tunnel!! get that flashlight and pave your own path bitch bc no one else is going to do it for u!!

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