@fenixthegoat / fenixthegoat.tumblr.com

A goat who likes video games.

So Ubisoft uploaded a high-res image of six in front of the board. [PLEASE GIVE IT A READ]

So far these are what I have gathered from the board: 

  • Thatcher was once married. Now he fixes a boat called ‘Iron Maggie’ in his spare time. The boat was his initial a retirement plan but he moved there after his wife divorced him, considering he has no civilian home left :’(.
  • Sledge (?) and Thatcher are best mates. [Green]
  • Thatcher is a mentor figure for Hibana. [Green]
  • Thatcher and Lion openly dislike each other (it’s no secret but letting you know just in case.) [Red]
  • Thatcher has mutual respect with Nomad and Ash. [Green]
  • Maestro has admiration for Thatcher. [Green]
  • It’s apparent that Clash and Thatcher has so many different perspectives in many things, thus always having differences. [Red]
  • Thatcher and Lesion cant see eye to eye. [Red]
  • Thatcher and Castle are drink buddies(?). [Green]
  • Ash and Thermite has sibling kind of relationship. [Green]
  • Ash and Mira don’t get along. (had to rewind the CGI video 30 times to get this). [Red]
  • Ash and Caveira love hunting each other. [Green]

“The way Ash and Caveira go out of their ways to hunt each other is frightening. A bit of mutual respect.” -Six

  • Ash has good relationship with Ying and Castle. [Green]
  • Fuze and Ash share technical expertise. [Blue]
  • Doc and Ash has different methods on handling things but they have mutual respect. [Green]
  • Hibana and Dokk has sibling type of relation. [White]
  • Thatcher and Dokk clearly has age difference (their relationship is sort of vague, I couldn’t make out what their relationship actually is except it that they have a white rope connected to them). [White]
  • Dokkaebi feels intimidated by Caveira, and Caveira knows it well. [Red]
  • Dokkaebi and Vigil don’t like each other (?) “Misdirect suspicion”. [Red]
  • Echo and Dokkaebi has mutual respect between them. [Green]
  • Doc and Dokkaebi has mutual optimism. [Green]
  • Capitao and Caveira dislike each other. [Red]
  • Echo and Caveira are equally blunt, thus they respect each other. [Blue]
  • Cav is brutal, and has antisocial personality disorder.
  • Caveira and Valkyrie doesn’t have a good relationship (personality clash). [Red]
  • Doc and Castle has a friendly relationship. [Green]
  • Doc and Twitch share deep reverence for life. [Green]
  • Doc and Lion each have philosophical differences, thus meaning they dislike each other. (again, I needn’t remind you because its a common knowledge but just in case c: ) [Red]

“Tension between Specialist Pichon, Kateb and Specialist Flament via _____ event. Need them to shake _____. Can’t continue like this. I trust _____ get in the way of operations _____ to be certain.” -Six (If Lions’s big fucking head wasn’t there I would’ve been able to get it right)

  • Castle and Twitch are professional colleagues. [Green]
  • JTF2 and Spetsnaz Ops don’t like each other much.
  • Russian OP/s don’t get picked as the captain very often, and they don’t like that.
  • And why the fuck does Fuze have a fucking shotgun?.

These are what I have gathered so far, if you have noticed anything else please don’t hesitate to reblog and share it as well.

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