broken bones and promises

@pinklokii /

Alex.    INTJ.    XXVI.

So tell me all about the concert tonight? Do I have something great to look forward to?



okay i'm gonna preface this with i am just so completely underwhelmed by anything 30STM tonight

that said, with having seen them last year that's basically what you'll get from them, minus a song or two and jared has longer hair and american flag leggings LOL shannon's an awesome drummer, tomo's a great guitarist, and jared only sings about half the time, occasionally forgets lyrics and looks like hobo jesus xD i mean it's fine, it's good but i wish it were better. i want them to be better.

AFI is a band i only know like three of their songs, so other than recognizing those the rest sounded just fine i guess lol they got a little rough a couple times but i think that had more to do with acoustics of the arena and the fact Davey likes to drop his mic unceremoniously at the end of each song

LP was amazing though! their performance alone was really worth the admission price, and made me kinda wish i had GA instead of seats. they did what they should do which is play an equal amount of all their hits (sometimes in medley form) and then playing a couple songs off their newest album to promote it. they sounded fucking great and the energy from them and the crowd just kept feeding each other and it was TREMENDOUS. loved it


Today’s the day. The day you help save the internet from being ruined.


(Long story short: The FCC is about to make a critical decision as to whether or not internet service providers have to treat all traffic equally. If they choose wrong, then the internet where anyone can start a website for any reason at all, the internet that’s been so momentous, funny, weird, and surprising—that internet could cease to exist. Here’s your chance to preserve a beautiful thing.)


From Marvel’s Twitter:

FUCK THIS. Why does Marvel insist on ruining Thor’s character? SO FUCKING MAD, THIS MAKES ME SO FURIOUS.

Thor is not dumb, Thor has his flaws but lack of intelligence is not one of them. A writer that has to WRITE DOWN someone to make everyone else looks good is not someone I want writing Thor or anyone.

Fuck this event. I was not reading already but this is shady as fuck. 


Yes, I was ~that excited. It’s a fucking vending machine full of Captain America shield USBs.


you are ridiculous and i am jealous


Am I the only one who feels like this would be a pretty hilarious metaphor for dick sizes?

First we’ve got Makoto, I don’t think this is much of a surprise. The boy is tall, and look at wink he’s got going, he knows its something to be proud of. 

Then theres Rin, maybe not the longest but who needs length when you’ve got thickness, that’s where its at, ladies. He looks eager please too, hop on that boy.

Next up Haru, not the biggest but still pretty decent. But don’t worry he’s pretty serious about making the magic happen, he’s got his game face on.

Here’s Nagisa, he’s not bad as it is, but he’s working double duty it looks like. Good boys use toys. 

Then here’s poor Rei, I think we already knew from the copious crotch shots that he has got basically nothing going on down there— but I mean… come on, he’s 15.  Either way he’s not aware of it and is ready to hunt down some booty.

Finally, there’s Sousuke. We don’t talk about Sousuke. 


y’all can have the dirtiest headcanons for characters of this show but they’re all fictional while only ONE THING IS CANON

let us never forget the time rin cleaned ai’s desk and found his porn

baby duckling’s outran y’all

Fun fact, the pink porn books in japan are for women. This is a gay porn magazine.


Jojo series watching for Joey lol

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2000)


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

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