
The future smells like burning gasoline

@dreamingaboutthemoon / dreamingaboutthemoon.tumblr.com

“Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing…” Rumi

In a country that has seen a rash of anti-LGBTQ violence, Geraldine Roman’s sweep of the Bataan district seat is an especially encouraging win for activists. She ran a campaign that emphasized her politics over her gender, but the win is made more meaningful for the stringently Catholic country’s pattern of violating the rights of LGBTQ individuals — and of course, their very own (now elected) “Donald Trump.”

Source: mic.com

I recently ran away from abuser and work in the sex industry, which is tough because I am autistic. Making minimum wage is not an option for me. I do not have enough money to pay rent or feed myself and I do not want to live with my abuser again.

Please help me by reblogging, sharing or donating to my Paypal snguyen021095@hotmail.com. Thank you.

How do we represent female pain without producing a culture in which this pain has been fetishized to the point of fantasy or imperative?

The Empathy Exams: Essays by Leslie Jamison (via thechocolatebrigade)


nothing is better than listening to thunder and pouring rain as you try to fall asleep. knowing the world is always awake and working gives me a sense of peace that helps me rest


Reblog if you’d love to see Carrie Fisher strangle Donald Trump to death with a chain

At first I didn’t understand the context and I was like “kinda specific but sure yeah I’m down”


YAAAAAS LAURENT ! YAAAAAS ! (pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas, je vous conseille de lire cet article ou encore celui là)

Laurent Lafitte: “These last few years you’ve shot many films here in Europe, and yet you haven’t even been convicted of rape in the United States!”

this is a reference to how Allen’s fellow director Roman Polanski fled the States for the relative safety of Europe after his rape conviction but before he could be sentenced properly. Woody Allen, by contrast, has been accused of sexual assault by his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow (who was SEVEN at the time), but was never officially charged with anything.




in a scale from 1 to “i love the beatles” how boring are you?

it’s not like the beatles created the revolution that spawned every fucking thing you listen to on the radio or anything

you’re right they didn’t black folks did

Reblog for the gif cuz it proves a wicked point

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