
summer p a r a d i s e

@demilovuoto-blog / demilovuoto-blog.tumblr.com

And it’s okay to be selfish like that sometimes, when it comes to your well-being. Do what makes you happy, and don’t care what others think.

Laverne Cox by Alexei Hay, for Entertainment Weekly June 19.


i mean. its ok if personally you prefer girls who arent hairy. but like. think critically about why. like fucking take a step back and really assess why its so important to you that girls don’t grow hair in places they do and why it doesn’t matter on men. im serious. come back to me and tell me one good reason. give examples and show your work. its due on my desk monday morning


you know when you follow someone and they follow you right back or the other way around and you always like eachothers posts and you can tell that they’re a great person even though you never spoke to them what a beautiful nonexistent friendship 

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