
What is this.....thing?!

@alaurin101 / alaurin101.tumblr.com

I'm just a simple stay at home Mommy that started writing SWTOR fanfic stories and decided to share them here. Now its a collection of my SWTOR fanfics, SWTOR/Star Wars pics, random cute animals. Avatar by rissalf.

Sounds Like a Plan

Hello everyone.....well, I’m hoping there’s still a few people that follow this blog.  So I wrote this thing that’s been in my head this past week.  I’d decided to get back in the SWTOR game and wanted to refresh my memory on the old content so I created some new characters.....and as always happens, a story started to form almost immediately for both of the new legacies I started.  I finally finished hashing out one of them  and am going to share a part now.  Hope you all enjoy!  Spoiler Alert: the following contains spoilers for Smuggler and Trooper Ord Mantell



Hey everybody.....well everybody that’s still following me that is!  Hope you are all happy and healthy.  We’re all good here but hoping the stay at home will end soon.  At least we got some much needed things done to the house and my kids’ rooms haven’t been this clean since they started walking!  I recently popped back in to SWTOR after a very long time but haven’t done any of the newer content.  I decided to replay the old stuff again but I did make a Torgruta and a Nautolan to do so with.  I’ve even managed to finally finish and post my part for my shared story thread with Kit’ar, Unforeseen Complications, if any of you are interested.  Anyways, happy Friday!!  I’ll try not to wait another 9 months before posting again.....



I’m unsure if I actually have followers still since I’ve been absent from tumblr for so long, but if so then hello all!!

Yes, I am still around but mostly as an occasional lurker.  I’ve been busy with my family and work, plus I got a little burned out with SWTOR and all the new content.  Also, it didn’t help that the muse just disappeared......for way too long.  However, the muse has returned and I’m slowly getting back to writing SWTOR fics.  I did manage to update the story thread I co-author with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications, if anyone is interested in reading it.

I’m also working on updating my other unfinished story threads which include something for BH Katrynka and some of the Lauren girls at their family farm.  Also, I’ve begun the daunting task of updating the SFC Prompt Archive and Story Index after my rather long absence.

Hopefully I will have a story or 2 to share here soon but until then, have some pics of the furbabies we’ve adopted over these past couple years:

 1.) Socks helping with the Christmas tree:

2.) Midnight doing what he does best....sleeping on a lap

3.) Rocky in his life jacket, ready to go kayaking

4.) Rocky passed out after a very long walk.....90lbs of doggie takes up a lot of couch!

5.) Socks and Midnight up to no good!


Hey I read something on your Cathar Cycle on a fan-fic on Archive Of Our Own. I am wondering if I can use it for a Cathar Jedi Knight ally to my Kallig Legacy? It is featured on Kalliglegacy on tumblr.


Absolutely @grandsonoflightike! I’m always flattered when someone asks to use one of my ideas and this one gets borrowed a lot! If you need more info, I first introduced the Cathar mating cycle in this story.


Full Disclosure

So not only did I manage to update my shared thread with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications, but I have a story of sorts to share here.  I’ve been enjoying writing for Kat, Tia, and Val again and this delicious idea came to mind shortly after I posted my last bit for Tia on the SFC thread.  So I give you some rather interesting messages exchanged between Tia and Aric after Doing What Must Be Done.  I’ll play it safe and say spoilers for Trooper Tatooine…..and definitely some innuendo.  These messages will probably make more sense if you’ve read the story I linked, but it’s not that necessary.  Hope you enjoy.



I really want to write and post a story this week......other than updates for my story threads, one of which will be posted tomorrow.  No, I want to put something up here and on the SFC thread.  Unfortunately, I just can’t seem to decide on what or who.  Do I want to dig something out of my incomplete fics folder to dust off and finish or start something new?  I swear I get so easily distracted and I have too many of those damn plot bunnies on the loose.....fidgety little bastards.  Fuck me, I’m not usually so indecisive.....other than when I go to the ice cream parlor that is.


Happy Friday!!  Figured I’d say a quick hello to you all.  Life is slowing down with me and the kids being off for the summer.  We are preparing to head out for our annual summer trek to Michigan next week to visit all the family, so good times ahead.....and hopefully a little R and R.  

I’ll also give out a shameless plug for some updated story threads.....yes, that’s right, there’s more than one!  Firstly, my co-author Kit’ar updated Unforeseen Complications last night, so feel free to check that out.  Also, after over 2 years, I have finally updated Kat, Tia, and Val’s thread Driven By the Bonds of Family.  It felt good writing for that legacy again.  Hope you enjoy both updates!!

Have a great weekend and Happy 4th of July for those followers who celebrate the holiday.


Happy Friday!

Hey hey!  It’s Friday and I got the prompt posted on the SWTOR site version of the SFC on time!  I still tend to forget about that (thank you Kitar for reminding me when needed).  I even managed to finally get an update posted for Unforeseen Complications if anyone is still interested.

On a more personal note, life and my kids have been keeping me busy, but I’ve gotten back into running and am hoping to drop some of the weight I managed to put on over the winter.  I enjoyed subbing this past year and am happy to be back in the classroom.  I applied for a teaching position even though I wasn’t sure I was ready, my husband encouraged me to go for it anyways and despite knowing it was a long shot for me to actually get the job, I went for it.  I didn’t get the job, but it was definitely a valuable learning experience.  It had been 17 years since I’ve been on the job hunt and the game has definitely changed.  The ‘digital interview’ ended up being my hindrance.  I feel uncomfortable taking a selfie and this required me to record myself answering questions that flashed on the screen.  Unfortunately I sorta froze a little more than once, but oh well…..now I know what to expect and one thing I’ll be doing over the next school year is getting comfortable with recording myself.  

My son turned 12 a couple days ago and is getting ready to enter Middle School in the Fall.  He’s now taller than me, which was a hard pill to swallow, but seeing as I’m a bit on the short side, it wasn’t much of a surprise that happened.  My baby girl will be 10 next month and while I’m proud of how much they’ve grown and matured, I’m a little sad that time is going so fast.    

I’ve been worried about my sweet yellow lab since age is really starting to catch up with her.  Daisy had her 13th birthday in April and sleeps a lot now.  She’s also starting to have the occasional accident on her way to the patio door….almost like she realizes she has to go too late.  Despite that, she still wants to take walks (we go a shorter distance now), play ball with my son, be outside whenever the kids are, and her appetite hasn’t changed one bit…..still wanting to eat constantly.  That gives me hope she isn’t ready to leave this world yet and maybe she’ll make it to 14.

Speaking of pets, I am contemplating getting a kitten.  I was so devastated when I had to say goodbye to the goofy cat who’d been in my life for 16 years last Fall and I’ve missed my furry buddy terribly these past 8 months, but I think I’m ready to open my heart again.  My in-laws have new kittens in their barn and that’s where Cinders came from so I may snag one when we’re back in MI next month.

Enough about me, enjoy the weekend!!


Doing What Must Be Done

So my muse paid me a visit and I feel the need to share the resulting story.  I’ll admit this sucker has been in my unfinished fics folder for more than 2 years!!  So have some desert fun with trooper Tia on Tatooine!  The following takes place immediately after A Necessary Risk and contains spoilers for Trooper Tatooine.....as well as some innuendo and risque conversation!



Yup, I’m still here.  Life is keeping me busy since I started working again, my 5th grade son has been involved in a lot of extracurricular stuff this year, and my daughter even managed to join the school choir, all wonderful things that have left me little time for anything else.  I’m really trying to be more active on swtor forums and this blog, but the boy just started baseball again so that’ll mean more time away from home.  Luckily his practices don’t require actual involvement on my part (which is good seeing as I’m a horrible klutz) and I can work on fics/catch up on reading fics on the swtor forums and here as well.  

I do miss you all and have been lurking when time allows.  I’ve even managed to sneak in a couple updates to my shared story thread with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications.  I worry that it took me too long to update it though and that people stopped reading it.  Don’t worry if you’re a reader, Kitar and I will still be updating it.  I’m currently working on the next part now and it’s roughly 2/3 finished.  Hopefully I can get it finished and posted by the time my parents arrive for Easter weekend.  Many *hugs* to you all!


It's a beautiful day!

Kids off school for a long weekend, 62°F and sunny in the Chicago area, I decided to ignore the muse and take a break from my fic writing to take the kids and Daisy the dog for a walk to the park. Not sure who is more excited, my son who is addicted to Pokemon Go, or my dog that despite approaching her 13th birthday still is eager to go for a walk. It's a beautiful day and we're enjoying it while it lasts.....because you know the cold weather will return at some point.



I’m still alive, but have been pretty busy since the school year started and haven’t done much writing.  Writer’s block didn’t help with that either.  The muse is slowly returning though and I did manage to update the story thread, Unforeseen Complications, that I’m working on with Kitar this week.  It’s probably not my best piece, but I’m happy that I finally was able to get something posted.  

I’m also hoping to work on some more stuff, including another update to that thread, over the next few days since my kids (and me since I sub in their district) have a 4 day weekend.  I just hope I don’t end up sick......after subbing in a 3rd grade class today where the teacher went home sick yesterday and 6 kids were out sick today, I’m a little worried.  I used a lot of hand sanitizer...... 


The hardest part of being a pet owner is when it's time to say goodbye. It was with a heavy heart that I did so for Cinders the cat this afternoon. He was my buddy for over 16 years and I am going to miss him terribly. Putting up the Christmas tree won't be the same without him.  Cinders was also the inspiration for many of Aric Jorgan’s embarrassing moments during that Nar Shaddaa series I wrote for the Lauren girls.


Yeah, it’s been a while.....

Hey hey!  Hopefully I still have a few followers left after my little hiatus.  

It was a very busy, yet fun summer for my family and the kids had a blast camping at my parents’ property in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  They thought sleeping in the tent was the coolest thing ever!  Then for the first time ever, I finally got to see the 4th of July fireworks in Mackinaw City.  We rented a small cabin and could see a total of 4 fireworks shows from the beach and they were beautiful.  We also helped my parents celebrate their 50th anniversary, I became a Great Aunt for the 3rd time when my niece had her first baby......an adorable little girl, my son had baseball again (and much to my husband’s horror his team was the White Sox.......we’re a Cubs and Tigers household), and we managed to make a trip to the zoo.....always a favorite for the kids.

Fall has been busy so far as well, kids went back to school and my son joined band this year....he’s a big 5th grader now that’s nearly as tall as I am (I’m short though so it doesn’t take much).  I’ve been subbing quite a bit this past month.....except for the week I was home sick with strep!  In nearly 41 years of existance, I’ve never had strep until two weeks ago......and I could’ve done without the experience.  Felt like I was swallowing shards of glass!  Despite that little setback, I’ve gotten a wide range of experience.  Having taught in Middle School before I had my kids, I’m most comfortable in that setting.  Elementary is okay.....although the younger ones make me antsy because they cry.  Subbing High School made me realize what an asshole I likely was to some of my teachers......although I’m confident a couple of them deserved it.  

I got some sad news about Cinders the cat a couple weeks ago.  My 16 1/2 year old furry friend has cancer and the vet is only giving him a couple months at the most.  So far he’s still pretty happy and wants lovins, but he’s lost a lot of weight and hardly eats.  He sleeps more and more everyday and I know the day is fast approaching that I’ll have to make the decisions every pet owner dreads.  *sniff*

Fic wise, the muse took a lengthy vacation as well and the writer’s block fairy moved in, which is why I’ve been so quiet around here......didn’t have any stories to share.  However, the muse returned and kicked that naughty fairy to the curb so I’ve been writing again.  To anyone interested, the story thread I’m co-authoring with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications, has been updated a few times these past 3 weeks.  I’m hoping to update Kat, Val, and Tia’s thread and the Lauren girls’ thread as well now that I’m starting to get into a routine of sorts with work and family.

Hope everything is well with all of you!    


Why does my muse always seem to wake up in full force while I’m in the shower?!!  It’s a good thing I didn’t have to shave today.....and that I was able to get the kids distracted long enough for me to type out the ideas before they went poof.  It’s also a good thing that my neighbors are at work because I’m sitting at the computer, which happens to be right by the window, clad in a bath towel.


back to normal

After spending Tuesday night and most of the day yesterday confined to the family room downstairs, then a trip to the groomers yesterday afternoon, Daisy is a happy poochie once again.  

Our house smells clean once again and Daisy got to spend the night in her cozy doggie bed in Mommy and Daddy’s room.  Hopefully she has learned her lesson from all this and decides to leave skunks alone in the future.

On a side note, I finally got caught up on all the sleep I missed after Daisy got sprayed by that skunk in the wee morning hours Tuesday and was able to focus enough to get the update for Unforeseen Complications edited/polished.  I posted it a few minutes ago if anyone is interested.


The face of regret....

This is my 12 year old yellow Labrador Retriever, Daisy.

Daisy is a sad doggie today because Mommy won’t let her in the house.  In fact, Daisy has been outside for a very long time on this warm day (88°F)......since roughly 5:20am.  Not to worry, I adore my geriatric pooch and she has plenty of food and water outside with her as well as several shady spots to lay in.  

Now some of you followers might be wondering.....why is poor Daisy stuck outside?  You see, Daisy is getting older and typically needs to make a trip outside in the night to take care of her doggie business.  Age sucks, I know that so I don’t mind when she wakes me.  This morning she got me up at 3:45am, I promptly let her out and laid on the couch while waiting for her to finish.  After a few minutes I was concerned because Daisy usually likes to conclude her business quickly and get back to her cozy doggie bed.  

This morning however, Daisy was distracted by a little black and white kitty with a big fluffy tail.  Feeling rather spry and a bit frisky, Daisy decided to chase this strange kitty.......problem was, it wasn’t a kitty.  Those of you who are pet owners probably know where this is going.  Those who aren’t, well as it turns out my stupid dog went after a fucking skunk and got sprayed right in the face!  And you got it, I’ve been dealing with the smelly aftermath all damned day!  I have bathed her several times starting with the suggested hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/dish soap mixture, then moved on to diluted vinegar with little result......other than the fact that I was out of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar by 5am.  The local PetSmart opened at 9am and I was right there waiting.  I purchased mass quantities of skunk odor remover....supposedly nature’s miracle.  The lady at checkout took pity and informed me that their store does skunk baths.  I thanked her gratefully and filed that away just in case.  Yeah.....Daisy will be going there tomorrow since the groomers didn’t want to risk skin irritation with too many baths in one day and despite using copious amounts of the skunk crap, Daisy still has a slightly unpleasant odor coming from her snout and right between her eyes.

So yes, Daisy is unhappy today and so am I after spending the day trying to fumigate the house and her stupid ass.  I never did get back to sleep either.....so I’m tired as all hell and it’s my son’s 11th birthday.  He’s having a great day, so that’s a good thing at least.  Me however, bedtime can’t come soon enough.  I love my dog, but if she ever goes after another skunk ever again I will kick her ass!  It has been amusing seeing Cinders the cat’s reactions to Daisy’s predicament and I get the feeling there might be some payback for the cat’s taunting (he can be an insensitive asshole sometimes).

You know, I used to love Pepe LePew, second only to Wile E. Coyote......but after this, if I ever go to a Warner Brother’s theme park and see dear lovestruck Pepe, I have to admit that shit will probably get ugly.    

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