
I think… one of the interesting things about online messaging and texting is that sometimes, writing out your feelings to someone is actually so much easier than speaking them. Like, I cannot easily express myself through verbal words. I stutter, I panic, I say “nevermind” because I can’t bring myself to admit the words out loud. But with online messaging, I can blabber on the keyboard like a stream of consciousness, and I can express myself to my friends in a way that’s sometimes very hard for me to do irl

Which is why I’m so defensive about this whole belief that face to face communication is more real than online interactions. In a way, yeah, it is, because it’s more literally “real,” and im not at all gonna deny the value in irl relationships. But online communication has genuinely allowed me, a socially anxious person with a fear of opening up, to develop meaningful relationships with people, and you don’t understand how grateful I am for that


when you make friends online, you first think of them by their username, and then as you get to know them you move on to thinking of them by their actual name. USUALLY. but there are some people i’ve known for ten years that i still think of as “silvercat” or even [icon of Alan Tudyk]. like there’s one person i see on Twitter posting under her real name and i still think “who is that? …ah yes, it’s [icon of Alan Tudyk]. she’s so cool.“

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