
Syndra The Dark Soverign

@asktheunbalanced / asktheunbalanced.tumblr.com

"And they said I lacked Balance. Ha!" [Independent rp/ask blog for Syndra the dark sovereign. Multiship. Some NSFW] M!A: None Currently

This year's ultimate skin is DJ sona?

I like the idea and all but ahh.... Idk i feel like there could've been a better champ and concept they couldve done


Don’t let this happen to your internet

The internet belongs to all of us. It’s an open, fair, democratic place that we’ve all helped to create, together. On February 26, the FCC is going to decide whether to leave the internet in our hands…or whether to turn it over to the cable companies.

You don’t want them to pick the cable companies. 

This is it, guys. We’ve been been fighting this fight together for a long time now. You did a sensationally good job back in September, making 135,343 calls in a single day and shifting the political momentum back toward real internet freedom. You been pulling more and more policymakers—including the president himself—over to the side of internet freedom. We’re almost there. Let’s bring this one home.


With the unfortunate passing of RWBY’s wonderful creator and genius mind Monty Oum comes the reminder that, while his physical body may have left us, his spirit and memory lives on in his creations. 

There aren’t many things we can do besides keeping him alive through the memories we have and the continued support towards his incredible work. That’s all I want to do with this giveaway. 

Main Prize

- A T-shirt/beanie of your choosing - A set of slap bands of your choosing - Badge pack - A decal of your choosing - Deck of RWBY playing cards

2 runners up will receive a badge pack and slap bands

There are no rules when it comes to entering. 

Reblog as many times as you like, likes will count. 

You do not have to follow me, this is not about followers, this is about Monty.

I only ask that you have your askbox open and that you are willing to give your address (and no giveaway blogs, that’s not what I’m about) 

The giveaway will end on Feb 14th (it’s a day of love, what can I say) 9pm GMT.

Support RWBY, remember Monty <3


Insta ordering/buying Rwby volume 2 is so satisfying

Mwahahah :3


((My name is Lux and I cannot carry four heavy shit heads especially when the biggest rager aka Kayle is the heaviest of them all.

Also this person had no idea how to Rek’Sai or jungle and their lack of map awareness made me angry because I tried so hard to keep the team in a positive mindset but they were too busy talking about how our jungler consistently threw harder than Valerie Adams at the last Olympics.

Also our jungler claims responsibility for the Baron steal, but actually that was me with my double kill ult and we were lucky because Fiddle mistimed the smite. Goddammit why don’t people learn how to fucking jungle and how to fucking play a champion before entering ranked?

In other news this was my first ranked game in like a month so I think I did great but I just. Can’t. Carry.

Fiddle showed more lane presence everywhere else, Rek’Sai didn’t know jungle pathways and claimed everyone was pushed up…well they need a dictionary because yes, someone was pushed up - WE WERE. SIIIIGGGGHHHHS

I know people tell me to be positive in this ranked system and I am trying very hard but really this is stupid and OCE is stupid and I just want Silver V because I know I’m worthy of that.))

Yeh no nothing you couldve done there. Your team was just flat out dumb. Nothing else but to try again :P also you'll find that even in gold people are like this. You'd be surprised haha

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