
A living weapon

@snailsnevergetit / snailsnevergetit.tumblr.com

Name's Thomas Shepherd, call me Tommy, or TS-M-779-867-MHK. I answer to both. Juvenile delinquent, and a member of the Young Avengers. I mean, really, me a superhero? Billy must be crazy. Indie Multi-ship Tommy shepherd blog - Tracking: whostommyimspeed - M!A status: Kid for a week Active until June 11 My ships: Half My Soul to Make Us Whole (Billy) Point Me in the Right Direction (Kate) Hyperfast Love (Bart)
Anonymous asked:

All the texts - snailsnevergetit

Send ✆ for a morning text

[text] So because your nephew has decided 7 AM is quite late enough to sleep in, we’re heading out to the Central Park Zoo. Wanna join us?

Send ✉ for a text that wasn’t sent

[text] i’m going to be a shit mother, i can’t get him to stop crying and all i want is a goddamn drink [DELETED]

Send ☎ for a rushed text

[text] what the fuck is going on why are you guys on the news

Send ☏ for a loving text

[text] you little turkey, did you leave that fuzzy captain america blanket for Jack? he suddenly won’t go to bed without it

Send ⁇ for a drunk text

[text] tomy i need a pickup

[text] im a a bar

[text] don tell jono

Send ø for a late night text

[text] just wanted to tell you good night little bro. sweet dreams

Send ✘ for a hateful text



[Morning] I would love you to grab coffee. I made my own but I’m dying for something that doesn’t come from a can.

[rushed] God you really are my brother aren’t you. You aren’t injured, are you?

[loving] I do, obviously. Duh. It’s perfect, he loves it.

[drunk] im at a bar in queens. why do u think its called queens? do queens live there?

[late night] (doesn’t respond because sleeping)

[hateful] What the hell was trying to eat you that you had my baby near?!

[morning] on my way Teej!

[rushed] nah. I bounced. I make a good (phone gets eaten by a monster)

[text] we were in the park! I was too busy to get a good look because I was more concerned with getting the kids out of there!

Anonymous asked:

All the texts - snailsnevergetit

Send ✆ for a morning text

[text] So because your nephew has decided 7 AM is quite late enough to sleep in, we’re heading out to the Central Park Zoo. Wanna join us?

Send ✉ for a text that wasn’t sent

[text] i’m going to be a shit mother, i can’t get him to stop crying and all i want is a goddamn drink [DELETED]

Send ☎ for a rushed text

[text] what the fuck is going on why are you guys on the news

Send ☏ for a loving text

[text] you little turkey, did you leave that fuzzy captain america blanket for Jack? he suddenly won’t go to bed without it

Send ⁇ for a drunk text

[text] tomy i need a pickup

[text] im a a bar

[text] don tell jono

Send ø for a late night text

[text] just wanted to tell you good night little bro. sweet dreams

Send ✘ for a hateful text



[Morning] Sounds like a plan. Want me to grab a coffee?

[rushed] Standard run of the mill minor villain. I got thrown into a wall we're all good. 

[loving] Who calls people a turkey these days? Yeah I got the one for Billy's birthday and saw there was just one more left. Thought Jack might like it

[drunk] ... yeah. okay

[late night] Sweet dreams blue mommy



snailsnevergetit started following you

"I guess I really didn’t know she had kids. The grownups never really talked about it all that much. I’ll take your word for it."

Noriko laughed at his words. “Yeah. Sometimes. I tend to shock it though when my gauntlets aren’t working right.”

"Not many people do. Those that do know that they died."

"For me it's like looking at a series of what's different pics. Givesmemajorheadaches." 


snailsnevergetit started following you

"I do, but I can’t blame everything on her that happened. Wait mother? I didn’t know she was your mother." She replied with a raised brow.

"Yeah it can be hard. Everyone’s so slow."

"How else would I be related? Trust me it's weird. Like weird for superheroes weird."

"And no one ever gets it. Fuckingsnailsthat'swhattheyare. Do you have trouble with TV too?"


"You’re really protective of him…"

"That’s a good thing. And I’m not Wolverine. I dislike Wolverine." she replied her jaw clenched. "I may not like you guys or your mother but I have a whole issue with letting anybody die. Regardless of who they are."

"He's my brother. Of course I am."

"We haven't done anything to you. We haven't done anything for you not to like us. Unless you were in Jersey about sevenish years ago. But him? He's a good kid. A bit dumb but good."


snailsnevergetit started following you

  "Surge then. I’m Speed. And the reason I look like Pietro," he zipped to her other side, "is because I’m related to him."

"Nice to meet you Speed. That means your related to Wanda, too.” She said with a frown. “You’re not the only one with speed.” she said rolling her eyes.

Tommy's eyes narrowed a bit. "Do you have a problem with my mother?" Wanda was one of the people he'd defend with no questions asked.

"Then you know how hard it is to find people who can keep up."


Sonofhulk is trying to keep up

"Hey I’ve technically been alive five or six years, my body and mind are sixteen in this body and I’m something like twenty-five in my Hulk form." he shook his head. "No experience, but I learn fast." There’s a snort. "Family’s weird." He sighed, "I guess I get the idiot part. Lots of people are idiots."

There’s a frown. “Well, I was bonding with my dad and we were going around saving the world and after I got mad at him for doing something horrible, he left me in the Savage Lands alone. Never came back for me. For what it’s worth, I’d want you on my team.” Skaar takes a breath, “No one wants me on theirs. They only use me if they need a power level up. And then I have to go away again.”

"Learn fast. I can get behind that dude." he grinned crookedly, "Yeah it is. I wouldn't change them for anything. Except y'know getting the whole family therapy but we kinda need that." He shrugged putting his hands in his pockets, "Most people are but we can't exactly kill people for it. Teddy said sorry right? And that he'd change it?"

"That's... That's awful dude." He put his hand on Skaar's shoulder. "You shouldn't have been left alone like that. And dude, you'd be a great addition to any team." He looked away. "They broke me out of jail to help save Teddy.  Needed a bit of fire power. They would have put me back if I hadn't done what they asked."


snailsnevergetit started following you


  "Gimme a name and I’ll use it. Iassumeyouknowyoureyesaresparking."

"Surge, or Nori. Take your pick. And I know my eyes were sparking. I absorb static electricity."


snailsnevergetit started following you


  "Gimme a name and I’ll use it. Iassumeyouknowyoureyesaresparking."

"Surge, or Nori. Take your pick. And I know my eyes were sparking. I absorb static electricity."


"Surge then. I'm Speed. And the reason I look like Pietro," he zipped to her other side, "is because I'm related to him."


  "Illegal no. But I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t. He’s sensitive."


"I’mgonnatakeastabandsay you’re not happy who our mother is."

"Sorry." she muttered.


"What gave you that idea?"

"Having him catatonic once was enough."

"Because there's no other reason for you to be glaring at him. Because according to your Wolverine being related to her puts you on a 'get in the way and I don't care if you die' list at sixteen. Because it's always why."

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