

@rosesandcynicism / rosesandcynicism.tumblr.com

I'm S. I spend too much time indulging my daydreams. I like the mostly everything but especially TV and movie romances, fairness and social justice, food, pretty things and pretty words and cats.

في الحنين، لا فرق بين يوم أو عام أو عقد أو عمر، فحجم الاشتياق يفوق فكرة الزمن.

In nostalgia, there is no difference between a day, a year, a decade, or a lifetime, because the amount of longing is beyond the idea of time.

- Gibran Khalil Gibran

“You can’t change what has already happened, so don’t waste your time thinking about it, move on, let go and get over it.”

— Unknown (via neckkiss)


#not this again

THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 16: The Rescue | STAR WARS Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back


The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.

The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit. 

One of the tenants is a creative writing major and Gomez and Morticia house them up in the tower because of the quiet and the inspiring view

They’re supposed to be working on a typical coming-of-age story but after living with the Addams for just a week the project is becoming a horror-Gothic-romance

They go to their room after classes one day and find Thing correcting the grammar errors in the manuscript with a red pen 

and yeah, the students pay roughly market value for their rooms, but that doesn’t stop gomez from shouting “capital idea!” and handing them wads of cash when they tell him about their weekend plans or what they’re researching, so they basically end up living there for free


In the same vein, half the them have to turn into exceptional fencers, because Gomez just doesn’t give a shit, and if he sees you in the library, its fucking Sword Fighting Time. 

Fester and Pugsley find out one of the college students is trying to get into chemistry and woo boy, there has never been a faster study of how to counter various acidic chemical reactions due to “water” balloons in campus history. 

Morticia and Grammy are keeping the horticulturalists on their toes with their Black Tulip/Rose hybrids, which can flick their barbs a foot away from their stem system. But it’s fine, one of the kids has managed to breed Aloe with the anti venom. 

Lurch makes sandwiches for everyone who’s too much of a coward for Grammy’s cooking. Any music major will find him looming over them, utterly stone faced as they practise until they finish, when he’ll smile, and slowly applaud. 

And the spookiest thing of all

Wednesday and Thing will find your thesis. They will critique it in every way imaginable. 

There is no escape. 

I especially love the idea of Gomez spotting a student in the library, throwing a sword at a startled student, shouting, “En garde!” and lunging at him/her with a sword of his own.

Student (later in life), when asked how she jumps from quietly doing research to handling a sudden influx of ER cases so quickly and easily, says, “When you have to snap out of deep concentration on biochem to fight for your life then get back to biochem without losing your train of thought…you learn or you die.”

This has made me laugh so hard-

And you know how chatty Gomez is when he fights, he’d probably help more students work through creative blocks via swordplay than any education counselor in a stuffy little office.

Gomez Addams as the embodiment of the Rubber Duck Method for struggling students via surprise swordplay is directly on brand.

And I firmly believe that long-term residents who finish their degrees suddenly, mysteriously, find that their student loans have been paid off. The family attends every single graduation ceremony and claps and cheers for “their” students as boisterously as any parent. They make a particular point of doing so for the ones who have no other family in attendance.

do u ever want something so bad that you can’t even write wish-fulfillment about it u just. cry. instead.


And you know what? Any of the students who have disabilities such that they can’t physically hold a sword, or do the footwork - Gomez will create a new set of rules and new weapons. Blind? Whistling swords. Can’t grip with your fingers? Sword hat. Anxiety, so being jumped at by a man with a sword makes you scream and cry and panic? He’ll lay down on the floor with a nerf sword and you will crawl towards one another and just poke one another’s noses. Gomez loves Random Swordplay but he loves people reaching their full potential better, and not everyone’s brain and body has the same skills and abilities and limitations. Of course the student who is training to be an Olympic fencer will have to just agree No Swords, because the fencer needs footwork and rules and Gomez will never remember any of those things and being leapt at from the second floor doesn’t happen at the Olympics, I can’t be learning bad habits, they’ll never let me compete.


I fit my high school best friend in a suitcase way smaller than this when crossing the border between Laos and Vietnam, so I’m pretty sure I can figure this out.

Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose in Schitts Creek Season Six

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