
Ghost of Winters Past

@theshipmustgo-on / theshipmustgo-on.tumblr.com

Finally caved to the icest bug, and I made this blog, in addition to writing the fanfic 'The Sting of Summer's Winter', which is an Elsanna fic... Translations of Sting
Anonymous asked:

Hi! Old!reader here. How have you been? (Please don't just answer "I'm good" I'm genuinly curious. You are my favourite Elsanna writer, so I hope you are doing great and have achieved lots of things since you first published Sting. :D If not, that is still great as long as you are happy ofc.)

Hi! I’m great; just finished exams and getting ready to head home for a nice two weeks off. Hopefully get lots of writing done in those two weeks ;)

Anonymous asked:

Hi! No pressure, but I was just wondering if you were still working on The Sting of Summer's Winter? I really enjoyed the fic, and was hoping that the new movie release might inspire some of the old writers to post something. 😊 Happy Holidays!

Hi! I have been working on this fic for the past 6 years, and I promise its almost done 😜



-Why did you start shipping Elsanna? -How long has it been since you started shipping Elsanna? And -What is your favorite fanfiction of Elsanna

I obsessed over Frozen. Dipped into fanfiction. Came upon an Elsanna fic and… it just happened? It was meant to be, gdi. I started shipping it somewhere in April 2014. It’s now January 2017. :’D My passion still burns brightly for these two. Meeting My Reflection by justonemoreartist.

-I was looking for Yuri erotica (don’t judge me) and there was a sweetness and romance to the elsanna images that transcended the porn. I got sucked into the fandom community, and the rest is history.

-been shipping since, I don’t know, 6 months after the movie came out?

-my favourite fic is usually whatever I’ve read most recently, but the one that I always smile to think about is My Oblivious Sister.

  • I saw some artwork in the months following it’s release, but I didn’t really think much about it, as I hadn’t seen the movie yet. I saw something about r9kElsa is Suffering in early 2014, and that got me interested, but I didn’t read it or watch the movie yet. Then, on the 3rd of February, 2014, I got a notification that one of my followed authors had posted a new story to fanfiction.net. That story was Min Søster Bursdagskake by Jessica-X, aka @forkanna. I thought it sounded interesting, so I watched Frozen in the following days and 9 days later, on the 12th of February, I read it, and was instantly drawn into the pairing.
  • So yeah, it’s January 2017 now, meaning I’ve been shipping it for nearly 3 years now.
  • That’s a tough question. Up until like… halfway through last year I had read probably a majority of the elsanna fanfiction that existed. I have certainly read more than the number of elsanna fics I have favorited on FFnet or subscribed to/kudos’d on AO3 which means I’ve read more than 400 stories. I’d put the number between 500-600 fics. But… Which is my favorite. I’d put it as a tie between Min Søster Bursdagskake and Stolen Ice. I really haven’t been able to choose.

Well that went on longer than I meant it to, lol. And I wasted my time fucking formatting this on my phone instead of just using dashes to make a list. fml

I first watched the movie in January of 2014 and was immediately drawn in by the angst at the beginning of the movie. I've always been fascinated with the conception of childhood best friends-turned-lovers and I'm sorry, the looks that Elsa and Anna exchange in the movie... I just... couldn't resist. My favourite fic would probably be A Formal Arrangement by @requetude, but Stolen Ice is a close second.

you, a reader: i really like your story but you probably don't care about in all the ways i like it
me, a writer: you realize you could talk about how you like my story for HOURS and i would be riveted at literally every individual moment


The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.

What does this mean?

Right now, the presidential election results are only a PROJECTION of the election outcome. They are PRELIMINARY RESULTS. A candidate still needs to earn 270 electoral votes to win. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which means that more than 50% of the voters wanted her for president. The electoral college shouldn’t guarantee an override of the public’s opinion– and it doesn’t have to.

There are 21 states that do NOT restrict which candidate the electors vote for. Out of these 21, Hillary lost the following:

As you can see, these states are worth 166 electoral votes. As it currently stands, Hillary Clinton is projected to receive 232 votes. Trump is projected to win 306. This means that 37 votes need to be taken away from Trump to bring him down to 269. Hillary Clinton needs 38 votes ADDED to win 270. These electoral voters can also abstain, which means that they can refuse to vote for either candidate. If 37 of the voters within these states abstain then no candidate will have reached the required 270. In this case, the vote would be taken to the House.

Trump won Pennsylvania, a state that typically votes blue, by less than 100,000 votes. While it is highly unlikely to get all 20 electoral voters to cross party lines and vote democrat, it also isn’t impossible to convince a few of them to be “faithless electors.” We only need to convince 38 out of the 166. That is 23%. There are SIXTEEN states we need to focus our attention on.

A move like this would be unprecedented. However, as we all saw on November 8th, odds don’t guarantee reality. Trump had a less than 20% chance of winning, yet given the circumstances, enough people came together and made it happen. We can make this happen

Ask yourself this: What do we have left to lose? We can stay complacent and accept that this country will be run by a racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, ablest bigot, or we can at least try


SPREAD THE WORD. Trend #NotMyPresident to let people know that we do not accept being led by a man who does not care about our wellbeing. Email your professors, email the dean of your colleges. The last thing a university wants is negative press. Millenials can take a stand, but that doesn’t mean we have to be the only ones. Church-led events helped bring a lot of disillusioned voters to the polls. Spread the word in any way possible, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or even in person. Stage a peaceful protest. Hand out flyers. Let the people around you know that you don’t accept this man as your leader when he won’t even accept you as a citizen with your designated rights.

These 166 people need to face the consequences of electing this man. 

Do this for the people who couldn’t vote. Do this for the people who live in the very real fear of being deported. Do this for the people who will have to face the rise in hate crimes. Do this for the people who have a very real possibility of losing their rights. Do this for the people who will no longer be able to afford necessities. 


what do we do tho? like, honestly? what happens if he’s elected? what do we honest to god do?

Coming from the UK after our own catastrophe: you make his life hell. You make his government’s life hell. Anything and everything shitty that they want to do, you protest, you campaign, you petition, you lobby. You tie the whole thing up in so much red tape that Mr I’ve-Never-Had-Anyone-Say-No-To-Me starts loathing his job.

You create private safe zones, you look out for one another, you let your now validated racist, homophobic, transphobic neighbours know that their bigotry will not be tolerated through any means you feel it’s safe to do so. You join forces. Despite everything, you thrive out of spite, out of survival, out of a need to protect your own.

All of these communities have faced untold amounts of hell before and we’re all still here. It’s in our history to survive – in our genetic makeup. There will be losses and there will be casualties but in four years you’ll still be here and you’ll vote him out and the time to grieve will be then. For now, fight. In any way you can, even if all you can do is get through each day at a time. Fight him every step of the way.


coworker: im going to try to be productive today and research a bunch of stuff for my project

me: yeah me too

me (internally): gotta finish writing a fic for this femslash ship so that i can start on another one just another 10,000 words to go and then another 200,000

me (also internally): still needa finish reading those (50) multichap fics that I have open because i gatta see my otp finally get together god dammit

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