

@glendowertrash / glendowertrash.tumblr.com

Hi I'm Chloé, a 20 year-old French girl. I may be obsessed with The Raven Cycle, Chris Evans, Halsey, Dylan O'Brien and Harry Styles CHECK OUT MY YT CHANNEL: Chlo NeedsToChill

also re: teens sitting around with their tablets and smartphones

like, if a kid can access the internet (with some privacy still) while also sitting in the same room as their parents, honestly that’s better and more social than what I did as a teenager, which was hole up in my room at my desktop computer that I couldn’t move anywhere else in the house

mostly what I see from the teens in my family is they will sit and scroll through their phone, but if something interesting starts happening, or a new person enters the room, or they see something cool they want to share, they look up and interact again, because they’re sitting right there with everyone else.

that is waaaay more social than 2002 me, hunched over my desktop for hours and only seeing my mom in passing when I went to microwave a burrito at 1am. way, way more social.


My whole family does this now. We’re all in the same room, but each on a phone, tablet, or laptop. Certain poop heads will shake their heads at how technology is dividing us.



What do they think families have done for since ever? Talk constantly while playing educational board games every evening? No.

They’d each be reading, or sewing, or writing letters or some shit, and mostly sat quietly near each other but not bothering each other.

yes this

It reminds me of the whole “omg people on trains used to TALK to each other” argument. No, they didn’t. They read the newspaper or stared straight ahead avoiding eye contact.

People have been finding reasons not to talk to each other for centuries.


It’s just me and you.


I cannot express how much I love the fact that Homecoming made Aunt May a woman in her forties, someone who might actually have been a sister to the parents of a fifteen year old. It changes the dynamic so much from the comics, because we get a sense of May as an agent in her own life, a woman who has a career she balances with her family, a woman who should’ve had decades more with her husband, a woman who is trying to be Mom to Peter instead of a kindly grandparental type. I can accept white-haired retiree Aunt May for an adult Peter out in the world, but this baby Spiderman ought to have a mom, and moms who watch this movie deserve to have Aunt May. 

Source: parkerpete


She was put in the most vulnerable position, nearly naked, chained, surrounded by dangerous bounty hunters. What does she do? Plays along, lets Jabba think he’s beaten her, and as soon as she gets her opening? She chokes him to death with the very chain he used to bind her. 

Leia is an idol. Leia is a hero.

Reblogging my own post for this comment. ❤️

Yeah, the only Damsel in Distress in the middle trilogy was Han Solo.

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