

@sssskk / sssskk.tumblr.com

هذه المدونة متنوعة، كل يومٍ يغلب عليها طابع معين,, لكنها في الأغلب إما إسلامية أو عربية أو كونانية
This is an Israeli naval officer who participated in the atrocities in Gaza and who later went on Fox News and said he was “truly afraid” to walk on campus due to the protesting students. This time he walks into the middle of the MIT encampment and starts screaming for police to save him because he feels unsafe, while the students ignore him 😂🤡

انقطع الرجاء إلا منك يا الله، وخابت الآمال إلا فيك، وانسدت الطرق إلا إليك، وأُغلقت الأبواب إلا بابك، فلا تكلنا إلى أحدٍ سواك رحماك رحماك، اللهم رفح اللهم غزة اللهم كل فلسطين وسائر المستضعفين في كل مكان


It couldn't get more dystopian than the fact that we live in a world where most people are so morally apathetic that not even the massacre of children shake their feelings; instead, they choose to ignore the suffering of others with willful ignorance. The way so many people have shown absolutely zero regard for Palestinian genocide and ethnic cleansing should terrify us all.

  • violent new york cop caught admitting their intent to murder palestine-solidarity students tonight outside hind's hall at a columbia university. criminal shafik is complicit. #columbiauniversity [ source: @sjp.columbia on X ]

He is also Palestinian. I hadn’t seen the video from this angle yet but I suspected from the one I saw that he was targeted based on how directly the cops came at him among many others. Now from this angle you can see the cop point at him directly and then they attack. Fuck STLPD fuck WUPD fuck mayor jones and fuck chancellor Martin


From a friend at the WashU encampment. There was lots of screaming plus there were kids around.


خمس مُثبتات في عصرالفتن: ١-القرآن (كذلك لنثبت به فؤادك) ٢-قراءة سيرة النبي والسلف(وكُلّاً نقص عليك من أنباء الرسل ما نثبت به فؤادك) ٣-العمل (ولو أنهم فعلوا ما يوعظون به لكان خيرا لهم وأشد تثبيتا) ٤-الدعاء (يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك) ٥-الصحبة(واصبر نفسك مع الذين يدعون ربهم)


The police attacked pro-Palestine protesters in Ohio State University. The West that had been occupying and oppressing many people around the world has turned on its own people in a heartbeat.

They have also deployed snipers at the university.


What a shame it is to see peaceful protests where students are asking for an end to the genocide being met with force. We need an end to the occupation and an end to the genocide.

X: ShaukhSulaiman


"Drawing on feminist philosophy, psychoanalysis, and political theory. She holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Texas (1998), an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1990), and an MA in public policy from Duke University (1987)."

"McAfee is the author of over 80 articles and essays and five books, including Fear of Breakdown: Politics and Psychoanalysis (Columbia, 2019), which won the American Psychoanalytic Association’s 2020 Courage to Dream Book award. Her other books include Feminism: A Quick Immersion (Tibidabo Publishing 2021), Democracy and the Political Unconscious (Columbia 2008), Julia Kristeva (Routledge 2004), and Habermas, Kristeva, and Citizenship (Cornell 2000). She is also on the board of officers of the feminist section of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, where she oversees dozens of entries in feminist theory, and co-editor of the Kettering Review."

This is what ALL academics and feminists should be doing -being in strong solidarity with the Palestinian people. Everyone else who has been silent or vocal about supporting imperialism, terrorism, and setterlism -you're complicit in this genocide.

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