
Life's Not Out To Get You

@runningfr0mri4n / runningfr0mri4n.tumblr.com

Hannah, 20, ivelux is my loser.
Wednesday Addams enthusiast.

The thing that concerns me about the elf practice meme is that it implies that the simple act of being an elf is so unaccustomed to elves that they have to take classes in order to do it properly. Being an elf must be just a continuous existential crisis.


right, unlike humans

man, i fucking wish we had human practice

That’s just depression


ya’ll this cool new site lets you know if a certain movie or TV show has any affiliation with anyone who was accused of sexual assault. this is important for those of us who are passionate about not supporting work that associates itself with sexual abusers, for the sake of the victims.


Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99


Please don’t hesitate

1 penny below reporting limit for the IRS… I see what you did there

(Don’t give me $599.99)

That’s not the right IRS rule.

$599.99 is the amount below which a business does not need to issue a 1099 to a contractor who provides business services. The contractor still needs to report the income on their taxes.

The correct number for the IRS rule for money that is gifted rather than received in a business transaction is $13999.99–more than that, and the recipient has to pay tax on the gift and report it to the IRS. Less than that, and there’s no taxation or reporting requirement.

If we’re choosing amounts on the basis of IRS limits, give these people $13,999.99. 

Go. Do it.

Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $13,999.99


I lose followers every time I say “trans women are women”

so I’m gonna keep saying it until I weed out all ya

immediately lost two followers

I’d rather see my follower count drop than have anyone following who can’t handle the notion that TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN.

omfg I lost a fucking follower

I am a trans woman and if you can’t respect the fact that I’m a woman, the unfollow button is right there

trans women are women!!!!!! and trans men are men!!!!!!

Do people seriously not believe this?


lilith was created before eve from the same soil as adam to be his wife 

she refused to lay beneath him, wishing to be his equal, only willing to have sex with him if she was on his side or on top 

adam tried to force her to have sex with him the way he wanted, so she left him and became a demon…

…go off 

i mean we could talk about how lilith was a badass who’d rather be a demon than be subservient to a man or we could talk about the allegory here where a woman who demands agency is LITERALLY demonized… or the reality that this story means that the first man in the bible (or the first man ever, if you subscribe to that) was a rapist! great start, boys

this is so important. 

I wonder how different shit would be if Adam attempting to rape Lilith was the “original sin” instead of Eve eating the apple. 

That last comment hit me hard…

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