
Babe is on the run

@babeisontherun-blog / babeisontherun-blog.tumblr.com

Lena. 23. Journalist. Paris/London/Cardiff
Don't expect me to shake your hand and gently pat your back if you constantly whine about fictional characters to the point of harassing actors/writers/real people
Are we clear darlings?
Captain Swan
This blog is a mess
I enjoy brioche too. It had to be mentioned. Somewhere.

liveaction fma 2003: dante

why should i love any human being? they are all ignorant, egoistical things beyond redemption.

Coraline is a masterfully made film, an amazing piece of art that i would never ever ever show to a child oh my god are you kidding me

Nothing wrong with a good dose of sheer terror at a young age

"It was a story, I learned when people began to read it, that children experienced as an adventure, but which gave adults nightmares. It’s the strangest book I’ve written"

-Neil Gaiman on Coraline

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