
feed your head

@objectkarma / objectkarma.tumblr.com

karma. thirty-two. tired. mostly pretty things I like

characters who view themselves as tools/weapons first and people second... characters who martyr themselves for a cause because they think that's the only way they can be worth something... characters who push themselves past their breaking point again and again and again... characters for whom devotion and masochism are inseparable... characters whose self-sacrifice becomes self-annihilation...... what was my point again? i had a point. anyway.



that purple in the middle is not the right saturation, it doesn't fit with the other two colors and it drives me crazy.

all right, I think I got this, I've got dual citizenship and I have another flag we can borrow from:

step 1

step 2

step 3

This is true bi/ace solidarity.


holy shit


every day i am percieved™️

There is a reason for this though!

The original tweet summarizes it pretty well. Fanfic tends to be popular among certain types of neurodivergent people (aka people most likely to read excessively as a child, and have burnout as an adult) for the same reasons that we tend to hyperfixate–neurochemical signaling (I hope I’m using that phrase correctly). What I mean is, for people who are really dependent on changes in dopamine/serotonin/neurotransmitter levels, who have low levels or wonky neural reward systems (perhaps the most common types of neurodivergence)…people like us rely on dependable external sources of those neurochemicals. In order to function, we spend a lot of our free time trying to level out our brain chemistry using things that can reliably bring us a steady stream of joyful moments (rewards) without costing too much of the mental effort that is already in short supply

significantly: the investment of reading has to be balanced with a steady “return on investment”–and this return has to start fairly quickly. because again, we don’t have a lot of attention/energy to invest on tiring things. we have perpetual “low batteries” in that regard.

that doesn’t mean these stories are “simple,” or that they lack complexity or value–only that the reward has to come in short regular intervals, and it has to have a low “upfront cost.” these stories are only “easy” to read in the sense that the effort we put into them is rewarded in a timely manner. which is why fanfic stories are so perfectly formulated for neurodivergent readers–they are often beautifully written, but skip a lot of the upfront costs (of introducing new characters, of world-building, of getting the audience emotionally connected to the story elements).

the nature of fanfiction is that the reader has a pre-existing relationship with this world and these characters. that–combined with the shorter average length of fics–means that fan fics very quickly start rewarding the reader in a way that traditional fiction struggles to. that’s not a bad thing! and maybe it’s something more traditionally published writers should be paying attention to.

Fanfic, as a genre, has been uniquely helpful and accessible to many neurodivergent readers who would otherwise struggle to immerse themselves in stories. I’m glad so many of you have found a way to love and enjoy reading again! The important thing is that you are spending time inside stories you love–the way those stories are published or presented to the world is just one detail. The fact that you find joy in the process of reading (or listening!) to stories–that is what matters.

I feel understood 🥰

a bunch of people have reblogged this with the default “i feel called out” reaction….and i know when we say that we mean it tongue-in-cheek….but this comment sorta blew my mind & shifted my perspective up and to the left a little thank you♥

Anonymous asked:

Percy becomes like 10x funnier when you consider he’s the only human of Vox Machina, the ‘boring race’: Vox Machina are like ‘this is Percy our Good Buddy Percy, he’s a human, isn’t that cute?’ And Percy is in the background committing war crimes.

Listen, all of vox machina is INSANE and that's the only reason why Percy gets a pass as 'normal'

And even then sometimes they all look at him like 'holy shit dude chill'


{Saiber, 1/30} {Spirit Hold, Holly Warburton} {War Of The Foxes, Richard Siken} {Hishaam Siddiqi, “Where did you go?”} {Joseph Lorusso} {unknown} {Edward Miller} {Sylvia Plath, 1963, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath} {Dream of Earth, Igor (Krapar) Scherbakov}


“Amita used to climb the tallest trees – 30 feet into the sky at five years old – ‘to try and get that one teeny, tiny mango that hadn’t been picked yet’, she says. From the tops of the trees, vast land stretched out ahead. ‘If you looked really, really far into the distance, you could see the mountain haze. I didn’t know what that was. All I knew was what I could see and what I could touch. The only tales I knew were the magical ones where gods go on different quests.’” AMITA SUMAN photographed by Alex Bramall for Tatler


One of my least favorite mental illness things is "hungry but dont feel like eating" and its companions "hungry but all the food in the house is Illegal," "hungry but can't make anything," and "hungry, want to eat, but why bother"

Also the adhd friend “hungry but unaware of hunger because current activity is too captivating”

"Hungry but I'll get to it later"

“Definite not hungry, nope, but upon forcing oneself to eat something, discovering that the food vanished in 30 seconds and the pervasive feelings of ickiness all vanished, what the fuck"


Hungry but only for one specific food. I do not know what that food is but i do know i don't have it in the house


Pride was originally a riot. It's not supposed to be "family-friendly". Those who want family-friendly LGBT spaces are free to just create them. Take places that are already family-friendly and make them LGBT-friendly also. If you don't want to do that, then that's why Pride is still necessary.

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