
i need to cut you out

@bxnbrxce / bxnbrxce.tumblr.com

she's such a fucking masterpiece - - - self destruction is such a pretty little thing.
allie - 22 - she/her - this is a sideblog of nobenbruce

I want to be a creature that lives in the forest and never has to talk to anyone and I want to sleep on the moss and watch rain drop on the leaves


Are you kept alive by a fantasy?


Somewhere there is a world better than this one.

Somewhere there is a world where the buildings are more mural than wall, more vine than concrete, more solar panel than cement. There is a world where the roads aren't there and the train tracks are lined with wildflowers.

Somewhere there is a world where there is warm bread on every table and no one has ever known a cold and aching night. There is a world overflowing with oranges, already peeled. There is a world where children never bleed and where no one has a use for the word billion unless they're talking about the stars.

Somewhere there is a world where the only thing to fear at night is the chill and where they can still hear the moon when she sings. There is a world where the water is a perfect aquamarine and you can see all the way to the bottom.

Somewhere there is a world where every single stranger in the grocery store stops to smile and wave at the baby over its mother's shoulder. There is a world where every clock is shattered. There is a world where the word neighbor means something. There is a world where love has never been dangerous. There is a world where they dance and they dance and they dance.

Somewhere there is a world where I am safe and you are happy and we are not afraid. There is a world where hope is enough to save us. There is a world where we don't need to be saved.

I have to believe somewhere there is a world that is kinder. I have to believe it can be this one.


hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus

"i require more fluids" well what did you do with the fluids I already gave you. hmm? did you make more mucus with them? you made more mucus with them.


in my sickly haze I somehow installed 2 tumblrs

the tumblr brothers

so interesting news but after using both for a bit, while they initially seemed the same, it has become clear that the right tumblr app takes place in a timeline where 9/11 did not happen

is it better there

you might think so but you'll never believe what happened on 9/12


But the 9/11 attacks couldn't happen on 9/12 because all the planes were grounded because of the 9/11 attacks

that's why it had to be 9/11 that happened on 9/12, because if it were 9/12 happening on 9/11 they couldn't have done it



Tiny forest for your dash


wildlife returning to your dash :)


Look, there's a small river crossing your dash!



We're coming up on a mountain range




Slowly reaching the coast!


Into the sky


Made it to space!



i killed you all.


and yet, life remains


the fire died out. we’re recovering


Tiny forest for your dash


Periods should come with some kind of psychic attack so I can like knock the phones out of hands of people who listen to loud videos in public and pop the tires of people with evil bumper stickers. I feel I'm owed that for the horrors


One thing about me is I'm a sweet handsome boy


the photo took a moment to load fully, resulting in perhaps the worst possible version of it briefly being given form


made some versions of the agony grip for my friends for when the whole gang gets it . including different levels depending on the anguish

and a joyous one for when there is love abound


can i make a contribution?

for when the whole gang is being real autistic about something

For when you say something absolutely horrid in the group chat


Three blind mice.


not to be inclusionist on main but i find it shocking and frankly a little horrifying how easily the online LGBTQ community has turned on itself in the past 2 years. like, i need you all to know: i’m not old. i’m 23. so that leaves about a bit less than a decade of me knowing i’m gay, and a bit less than that of me learning about my new family and friends and lifestyle and such, as well as a bit less for actively campaigning/being deeply involved in civil rights and social justice issues.

like, i don’t know if yall realize this if youre newer here but: this whole “asexuality exclusion” thing and this “queer is a slur” thing? this is new. this is only within the past two or so years that its gained any real momentum, the same with terfs and radfems. it wasn’t a concept. there were massive, massive rallies in support of our asexual community. it’s horrifying to me how simply and neatly we as a group have gone from “The A doesn’t stand for Ally” to “There is no A at all”.

and i need you all to know: this is not a coincidence that TERFS have risen up in roughly the same time period. i need you all to realize that when you talk about your exclusion of asexuals from our community, you are parroting well-known TERF and neo-nazi rhetoric.

“they are invading [LGBT/women’s/white] safe spaces to steal our resources and oppress us.”

“they’re only pretending to be [gay/a woman].”

“[asexual/trans women/POC] aren’t REALLY [LGBT/women/human].”

and it goes deeper, fundamentally flawed: when you try to reason that asexuality isn’t inherently LGBT, but if you are otherwise LGBT but asexual it’s somehow fine and different but otherwise youre cishet…all you’re saying is that “you’re only allowed in this club if you don’t support others who are like you. you’re only allowed in this club because i as an authority say you fit nicely under a label that i agree with.”

it’s terrifying, to me, and i’m not asexual. it’s terrifying that this manufactured divide using literal talking points created by and stolen from TERFs and neo-nazis has such an appeal to so many LGBT people. i’m worried for our future on so many levels; climate change, political upheaval, the list goes on. standing strong together is so important right now, perhaps more than ever, at least in my lifetime. and yet we are so destructively focused on ideas of ‘the model of social justice’ and ‘purity culture’ and ‘respectability politics’ and so on that we would rather turn on our own–not even our allies but our own community–because we don’t think they’re LGBT enough.

we spent so long saying “my sexuality isn’t a choice” and arguing “why would i choose to be oppressed for my sexuality” and yet…here we are.

every time terfs find this post, they get infuriated, calling me homophobic, ahistoric, etc, for daring to acknowledge that asexual people exist and are part of the queer community. the exclusion of those who Do Not Belong is an inherent part of their ideology.

So to every asshole who has ever tried to claim that asexuals aren’t queer and should be excluded from our larger community: If you claim to be against terfs, why the fuck are you agreeing with them? Why the fuck are you so eager to walk hand in hand with those you would in other contexts villify? Why are you so eager to ignore who profits from our communities fighting each other instead of our oppressors?

I wrote this post at 4 in the morning trying to verbalize things I felt I’d noticed in our community as time went on. It was badly worded, had unclear writing, no sources whatsoever, and I left it entirely untagged, because I felt it was a personal dilemma, and I was using a blog as a blog is intended to be–a place to put down thoughts.

And it’s gotten huge over the past two years. Over 40,000 notes at the time of writing, some of it terfs and nazis being mad at me, but the vast majority? The sheer vast majority of responses to this post both broke my heart and steeled it. Because for every one person calling me homophobic for saying asexuals exist, there’s at least thirty different kids in the tags mourning for the amount of sorroe they’ve been forced to go through. There’s barely a week goes by I don’t get at least one message from an ace or an aro thanking me for this post, grateful that–what, that someone does the absolute bare minimum of acknowledging their existence? I have older queers in their 40s and beyond explaining how this has been a fight we’ve always been fighting. (My intent wasnt to say it wasn’t, only say this is the first I’ve seen such a view be acceptable).

We all know that gays have always been here. We’ve existed as long as humanity has. This is something we know. The passion of the cut sleeve, the slave to a slave, the viking man buried with a warrior’s ceremony having wider hips, the egyptian mummy in a male sarcophagus having the same…We all know we’ve existed and deserved to belong and be recognized.

So what the fuck is the difference here?

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