

@prince-of-buttflaps / prince-of-buttflaps.tumblr.com

I'm dead and my life is trash. I'll wait in this hell forever baby, for the time you're back at my side

here’s my question……………if an animal was extremely endangered, like borderline almost extinct…..could beast boy……y’know…..

you all ignored this so im bringing it back

Yes. He could.

yeah, he can turn into fucking dinosaurs so of course he can turn into near extinct animals. fuck kinda question is this?


types of girls: 1. syrup that tastes so sweet but leaves a stickiness that won’t leave 2. docile dandelions that blow away and leave you forever 3. animal bones that crush under your jaw 4. home

What Do This Mean .

i can’t explain my poetry often.



Guy who came up with raisins: you know, these grapes are cool and all but if only there was a way to make them feel and taste like mummified testicles. Hmm…


Ok but in super Mario Odyssey you can get one of the main collectables just by sitting next to a sad guy and I love that more than I should (Also sorry for low quality pics)

Mario, you beautiful hero… never change. They may call you bland, but you are precious just the way you are.


this is the funniest video on the internet because theres no clickbaity shit or gigantically long intro he just fucking does what the thumbnail implies and it ends

*lil wayne voice* call that a screenshot

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