
This is the money courage, reblog at your leisure for wealth, positivity and good fortune. Add any negativity to this post and a man will appear outside your home yelling “return the slab” over and over.

That Guy Was Too Creepy & I Can’t Risk It


so my brother was telling me about this human resources certification he attended a while ago. in a panel, the panelist asked a bunch of people in attendance, “who here knows if an applicant for a job is right for it in under 60 seconds?”

hands shot up around the room, people smug about their ability to “weed out the riff-raff” when it came to hiring for their fortune 500.

“you should all be fired and probably in jail,” they said, waiting for the whole room to get uncomfortable, then continued, “because the only things you can really learn about a human being in under 60 seconds are all things that are fueled by prejudices and biases covered by american law. so now, i will teach you how to stop being racist, sexist, judgmental assholes and hire people that will better your company of employ.”


I need this to be force taught at all companies

This is a good example of why study after study after study has shown that discrimination against racialized people looking for work is very real.  Oh, and don’t get too smug if you’re not in the USA - similar studies have shown that the same shit happens in Canada, Germany, the UK, Sweden  - basically in every country you can think of. 


this is what radical political comedic satire looks like 


im Here for publicly funded jokes at his expense

Anyway, here’s how to donate to Sesame Street and support PBS with donations. Talking about how awesome a thing is can be great if you also take action to support it.


The person you love is not the same as they were when you first started loving them and they are not the same as they will be when you die. Love must be adaptive. Love must be smart enough and strong enough to survive constant change. Love must not be rigid.


working in retail

me: hey

customer: i wish you would just fucking DIE 

me: okay let me know if you have any questions ! 

manager: hi, could i talk to you in the office for a sec? great, thanks…we got a complaint from a customer that you didn’t kill yourself when requested so unfortunately we’re going to have to take disciplinary action…sign here acknowledging we talked…thanks

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