

@pandaeggroll / pandaeggroll.tumblr.com

just a korean white girl living for matcha pumpkin lattes

MBTI stereotypes vs. How I see them irl

ENFP stereotype: crazy, always yelling, always crying, loud, obsessed with rainbows and unicorns for some reason.

ENFPs irl: being an ENFP myself I’ll say that we are so much more mellow than you’d expect. Some of us are actually kind of quiet and can get confused as introverts. We are excitable people, without a doubt, but we’re picky about who we want to be excitable around.

INFP stereotype: dark, brooding, always sad, poetic, cries a lot, takes everything personally, probably emo

INFPs irl: I won’t deny that INFPs definitely can be like this, but they’re also surprisingly playful & don’t show their emotions as much as you’d expect. Every INFP I’ve met is super witty and they always have the most perfect comedic timing! Seriously, y'all could be comedians. They can sometimes be smartasses and seem like INTPs, even ENTPs on the surface.

ISFP stereotype: hipster, emo, crybaby, manic pixie dream girl, tortured artist

ISFP irl: I won’t deny that the stereotype is pretty accurate. But like INFPs, they don’t show their emotions as often as you’d think. They actually come off as quite aloof and unemotional on the surface. Also; even though they’re sensors, they are very much like intuitives! I dated an ISFP and we used to have the most interesting conversations.

ESFP stereotype: party animal, attention whore, loud, annoying

ESFPs irl: Like the ENFPs, they’re surprisingly laid back. And some can be confused as introverts; they’re very similar to their ISFP “cousins”. Although ESFPs are party animals without a doubt, they have a surprisingly mellow vibe. They’re also a LOT smarter than you’d think.

ENTP stereotype: asshole, always debating, just dicks in general

ENTPs irl: I have a lovely ENTP teacher and my dad is an ENTP as well. Honestly, I think ENTPs are one of the thinking types that can often be confused to be feelers. They’re often VERY friendly and charismatic— sometimes even more so than ENFPs— and you’ll find that they’re surprisingly very emotional when you get to know them. Remember, kids: thinkers have feelings too, they just have a harder time grasping them than feeling types.

ESTJ/ENTJ stereotype: mean, bossy, stoic

EXTJs irl: Both of these types are stereotyped to be very mean & bossy people. They sometimes can come across like that, but often times when they’re being bossy, they’re only trying to help you. A lot of people misinterpret their actions. Yes, some EXTJs abuse their power, but a lot of them are just looking out for people and making sure they do the right thing. They’re also very fun & social if you become friends with them! They’re so much nicer than you’d expect. 

ISTJ stereotype: boring, hates people, stoic

ISTJs irl: They aren’t boring, just very mellow. Every ISTJ I’ve met has a very calm tone of voice. Like EXTJs, they can come off as bossy, but often times they’re only trying to help you. They definitely have a fun, charismatic side to them too.

INTJ stereotype: evil, hates people, antisocial

INTJs irl: Yeah, a lot of INTJs are like this. But they can be really good friends; they can just be quite picky about who they want to spend time with, because they’re often very very introverted. When you do get “chosen” by an INTJ, they’re actually super fun to talk to and be around. They have a soft, sweet side too that they’ll reveal to you if you get close enough. Like ISTJs, they’re often super mellow people.

ISFJ stereotype: pure, soft, will bake you cookies, very emotional

ISFJs irl: Alright. I’ll admit that the ISFJ stereotype is pretty spot on. But they’re also more smart & independent than you’d expect. They’re very caring about others, but will still go out and get what they want no matter what the cost; a confident ISFJ won’t be afraid to cut you out of the picture if you’re hindering their progress! They also give REALLY good advice. That’s typical of an XXFJ type though, tbh.

INFJ stereotype: extremely introverted. dark and brooding. probably psychic.

INFJs irl: I have an INFJ best friend and let me tell you, these types really do come off as extroverted! They can be very charismatic and chatty and are so much less mysterious/cryptic than you’d expect. They’re so fun to be around!! I’ll agree that they’re probably psychic though tbh. A lot of INFJs I’ve met have had weird spiritual experiences & predicted things that I never could have thought of before. They can also be huge party animals if you bring out their wild side!

ENFJ stereotype: typical “hero”, preachy, emotional, manipulative

ENFJs irl: I honestly don’t disagree with this stereotype. ENFJs can be manipulative, but they don’t always have malicious intent. They’re a little similar to EXTJs at times; they seem controlling, but often times they’re just trying to help. ENFJs sometimes get a bad rep, but I think they are super impessive and smart people. And yes, it’s true; they most likely know you better than you know yourself.

ESFJ stereotype: typical basic bitch, loud, charismatic, over emotional

ESFJs irl: I’d say the stereotype is true, but exaggerated. Some ESFJs can be a bit obnoxious, I’ll admit, but they’re usually super wonderful to be around. Their presence is often very fun & refreshing. They may seem smothering at times, but just know that deep in their heart it’s because they want to keep people happy. Every ESFJ I’ve met does their very best to put a smile on everyone’s face; they’re always joking around, giving out compliments, and giving out hugs. They often have good intentions with everything they do and you can just /tell/.

ESTP stereotype: daredevil, asshole, party animal, impulsive

ESTPs irl: They definitely have a tendency to be all of the above. But they’re also super friendly & charismatic, and very caring deep down. They’re also often really really smart, but don’t often show it unless you get them talking about a subject they’re invested in. When they’re not out partying and going wild, they are actually super chill people.

ISTP/INTP stereotype: assholes, nerdy, hates people, critical

IXTPs irl: Actually sweethearts. They often aren’t too great at expressing emotion, but they’re just so nice, they can even sometimes appear nicer than the IXFPs. They care so much for people without even realizing it. I dated an ISTP and he used to do the sweetest romantic gestures ever!! They come off as aloof, cold, and often robotic; but you still get a general sense that they care for the people around them, and they often truly do deep down.


i hope more people do this in the future ❤️

My favourite part of the article is that they formed this project years before they were able to make it a reality, and in the meantime “each friend has made sure [to] specialize in an area that would benefit all of them when they moved in together—from cooking and growing vegetables to traditional Chinese medicine and playing music.”


BTS Powerpoint

~None of the pictures are mine. Credit to the original artists.~ 

Enjoy! ~Micky


when will YA authors realize that the mr. darcy fantasy isn’t “hot rich guy is a huge dick to you” but “hot rich guy fucking respects and listens to you”


The entire internet needs to see this.


its 2:30 am and this really fucked with me

Longest 0:45 of my life honestly idk why

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