
To bitch or not to bitch

@procasstinate / procasstinate.tumblr.com

Amela (uh-meh-luh)

hi everybody, i think im finally leaving this fateful site

follow me on instagram if you want to keep in touch @a__mela

it’s been great over the years and i’ll miss you all


The myth that panic, looting, and antisocial behavior increases during the apocalypse (or apocalyptic-like scenarios) is in fact a myth—and has been solidly disproved by multiple scientific studies. The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, a research group within the United States Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), has produced research that shows over and over again that “disaster victims are assisted first by others in the immediate vicinity and surrounding area and only later by official public safety personnel […] The spontaneous provision of assistance is facilitated by the fact that when crises occur, they take place in the context of ongoing community life and daily routines—that is, they affect not isolated individuals but rather people who are embedded in networks of social relationships.” (Facing Hazards and Disasters: Understanding Human Dimensions, National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Humans do not, under the pressure of an emergency, socially collapse. Rather, they seem to display higher levels of social cohesion, despite what media or government agents might expect…or portray on TV. Humans, after the apocalypse, band together in collectives to help one another—and they do this spontaneously. Disaster response workers call it ‘spontaneous prosocial helping behavior’, and it saves lives.

I’ve been sharing this article a lot recently! I think it’s important


Types as Styles of Handwriting

Thinks much faster than they can write so their handwriting comes out as hieroglyphic scrawl: INTP, ENTP, INFJ, ISTJ, INTJ, ESFP

Flawless penmanship. How do they do it???: ENFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ESFJ

Handwriting looks like some weird font no one ever uses: INFP, ENTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ENFP, ESTJ


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years watching earth — is people aren’t what they may seem. There are shopboys, and, there are boys who just happen to work in shops for the time being. Charlie Cox as Tristan Thorn in Stardust (2007) dir. Matthew Vaugh


treat others as you would like to be treated” - gemini, leo, virgo, libra, aquarius, pisces

treat others as they treat you” - aries, taurus, cancer, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn


brown girl dreams: independence and autonomy 😩👌🏾💦💦 being able to travel the world ALONE 💦💦 living alone WITHOUT being married 😩👌🏾💦💦sexual autonomy 😭✨✨escaping cultural and family expectations 😭❤️️❤️️ having the freedom to choose our own career ….not being guilt tripped for wanting to deviate from the norm 😩👌🏾💦💦


tv meme: [7/15] cliquesThe B99 Squad (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Life is unpredictable. Not everything is in our control. But as long as we’re with the right people, we can handle anything.
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