
「Shit happens」

@moonlit-garden / moonlit-garden.tumblr.com

Valentina, me dicen Vicio || Chile || Estudiante de Medicina Veterinaria || 「Me gustan :D」: Animales

Ants be like that

I used to keep track of the different ant colonies in my yard as a child and it was the wildest shit. You could tell the difference between colonies by colors & pattern if you looked closely enough. They’d stage ant wars on the sidewalks that lasted days, just ants murdering each other, and the cleanup afterwards would last days longer as the survivors pick up and carry away the carcasses. Once I saw a war happening between the colony that lived under the berry bush and a colony I didn’t recognize, and evidently the berry colony lost, because after the war their nest site was empty… and then a few days later was inhabited by the other colony that had fought them.

Once at a lake I saw an ant travel like 3 meters across flat rock carrying a dead ant, and he kept going until he got to the cliff side and then kept going down towards the water, and he didn’t stop until he got to where the rock was wet. Then he stood there for a few seconds, dropped the corpse into the water, waited a little longer, and then headed back the way he came. I feel like I witnessed a ceremony


Back, kinda?

Seems like a lot of people I used to follow isn't here anymore. It's a bit nostalgic to be open this page once again and see that everything has changed a lot.


Herd immunity is the idea that if enough people get immunized against a disease, they’ll create protection for even those who aren’t vaccinated. This is important to protect those who can’t get vaccinated, like immunocompromised children. 

You can see in the image how low levels of vaccination lead to everyone getting infected. Medium levels slow down the progression of the illness, but they don’t offer robust protection to the unvaccinated. But once you read a high enough level of vaccination, the disease gets effectively road-blocked. It can’t spread fast enough because it encounters too many vaccinated individuals, and so the majority of the population (even the unvaccinated people) are protected.

Find out more here.


This is why I hate it so much when people are like “well I’VE never been vaccinated and im fine!” yeah genius, it’s because all your classmates and coworkers were vaccinated.


One time my rabbi told us, “imagine you had a box with a little bit of god in it. What would you do with the box?”

So we were like ?? “We’d protect it and keep it nice and clean and polished” and he was like “your body’s that box. Stop eating markers”

Every time I come across this post the last sentence smacks me in the face


A Friendly Reminder

- Deadpool is insecure - Deadpool has chronic pain - Deadpool is submissive in bed - Deadpool is pansexual - Deadpool lifts up his mask so Hawkeye can read his lips - Deadpool is a blonde - Deadpool’s initials are WWW - Deadpool had an abusive father - Deadpool’s mother died from cancer - Deadpool fell in love with a teenager - Deadpool left her because he didn’t want to hurt her - Deadpool had a daughter - Deadpool didn’t believe she was his because she was too beautiful - Deadpool had to be dragged away from his daughter’s dead body by Cap and Wolverine - Deadpool carries Hello Kitty band aids - Deadpool is good with kids - Deadpool can’t be killed by Ghost Rider because he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong - Deadpool hates himself - Deadpool used to curl up in a ball and mumble about his skin hurting - Deadpool is married to the queen of the undead - Deadpool reads his own comics

Conclusion: Wade Winston Wilson is a beautiful man who must be protected.

Let’s not forget: - Deadpool knows sign language - Deadpool took a bullet for Hawkeye because Clint can’t regenerate but he can - Deadpool has tried to kill himself numerous times before - Deadpool turned his back on DEATH ITSELF to help his fellow inmates escape The Farm - Deadpool spent months trying to save Cable - Deadpool was in turn saved by Cable numerous times - Seriously, freaking Jesus-messiah-complex Cable saw something in Deadpool worth saving - Deadpool is a beautiful, wonderfully complex character that I will fight to protect

- Deadpool and Cable refer to the end of their friendship as “our divorce” - Deadpool bought diapers for Hope - Deadpool has a dog - Deadpool didn’t become like his dad - Deadpool is a good person

- Deadpool spends all his money on ammo and pain meds 

- Deadpool is broke 75% of the time 
- Deadpool tells kids that he’s Spider-Man

- Deadpool refused to look at Spider-Man’s face when he swapped costumes with him because “bros don’t out bros” - Deadpool did work in the Spider-Man suit, but REFUSED TO KILL while wearing the Spider-Man suit because Peter wouldn’t have killed and he didn’t want Peter’s rep to be linked to murder.



- Deadpool is just freaking amazing



If the Government Treated Men Like It Treats Women


And some men do not understand the point and the message and leave comments like that the condoms and contraceptives are not the same, therefore no sexism.

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