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@singitfromtheheart /

hi im Mel/Felix/Alexander (just Mel irl)
pronouns: they/them or he/him
very not neurotypical

you don’t even need any factual backup to headcanon a character as autistic tbh. they don’t need to have whatever you consider to be “common autistic traits”. if an autistic person wants to headcanon a character as autistic because they identify with that character, or because it makes them feel good, or for whatever reason, let them.

Ditto headcanoning a character as trans, or anything else.


please stop saying “same sex marriage” when you mean “same gender”

for those wondering why, “same-sex marriage” invalidates trans and intersex people, and conflates gender/sex as the same thing

protip: sex & gender are both social constructs and both are more or less interchangeable because both fall short of describing lived experiences precisely because these social constructs are derivative of western culture and colonialism.

are you honestly talking out of your ass here like how the fuck does this relate

literally everything is a social construct. everything is. shut the fuck up already

also if you went up to me and told me sex and gender were interchangeable my intersex ass would literally shit on the hood of your car

“same-sex marriage” invalidates trans and intersex people, and conflates gender/sex as the same thing

which is exactly what you’re doing

LLOOOLLLL OKAY SO LIKE BOTH THE GENDERS AND SEXUALITIES HAVE NOT DERIVED FROM COLONIALISM PLS GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT THAT IS NOT TRUE SOMEONE GIVE THIS PERSON A HISTORY LESSON People identifying out side of heterosexuality and the gender binary predates colonialism and its not a “social construct”, its psychology, people feel and think different things and its medically linked to biology. Please please do yourself a favour and do research.

i’m literally only saying that

1) i am intersex and  i am not the same sex as anyone except those with my specific type of intersex variant which is a very small amount of people

2) saying i am the same sex as someone invalidates me, and others, as well as other trans people in different-sex same-gender relationships

3) it’s transphobic to say same-sex marriage as a blanket term as well as cisnormative, same-gender marriage is more inclusive including to nb people

4) everything being a social construct is actual fucking sociology, and it’s not a bad thing. it’s called social constructionism - social constructs are byproducts of human doing, however there are stated facts (like water is wet, etc) that are rather observations of reality, than constructions of them humans made. in simpler terms, everything is a mass and sum of other people’s perceptions and efforts, outside of observable reality. that’s not at all a bad thing. it can be a great and good thing, and it can also be a horrible thing that we sometimes have to break down to progress as a people (gender roles, certain medical approaches, misleading ‘common knowledge’, etc). gender is a fact, sex is a fact. however the way we identify with them is brought on us by social constructs - the concept of being trans or nb varies between different cultures, because of socially constructed expectations of gender that vary greatly. saying colonialism gave us universal gender expectations is pretty ignorant of anywhere but the west, and even then, it ignores those who are native and identify with a gender related to their specific culture. if i were born into a different, non-western culture, i would be held to different gender expectations. so would you. so would anybody. yes, colonialism brought the idea of “everyone must be a cishet” to most of the world. i’m not stupid. but that doesn’t mean suddenly every fucking nation in the world became or even is binary-based. the gender binary is a social construct, actually, hate to break that to you. was it a social construct of colonialism? not at all! it predates that. the binary, however, is a lot more recent and you’re insulting ancient cultures by thinking that it was a universal concept worldwide and your argument of “biology = sex = binary is the only real thing ever lol” invalidates the fact that intersex people have always existed and so have nb people

5) sex and gender are not interchangeable terms, i am not the same gender as my sex, however if two people of the same gender get married, let’s say trans and cis, it’s not “same-sex” but same-gender

6) the term focusses on parts and not a person’s gender. it’s cisnormative. 

7) the idea of sexuality was not derived from colonialism. pansexuality/bisexuality was actually a very common set of sexualities in history in many cultures, to the point it was normal and expected of people (ancient japan, ancient rome, and ancient greece/sparta, off the top of my head). asexuality has always been a thing as well. as a pansexual panromantic person i very much do know my history 

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“Here is a List of Things” from Welcome to Night Vale episode 2, Glow Cloud  Illustrations by Lauren Ftagn

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