
The Black Io Chronicles.

@blackiochronicles / blackiochronicles.tumblr.com

A sporadically maintained repository of random whatnots from the co-author of Drugs & Wires. Follow at your own peril.

My friend Shane Drinkwater tells: โ€œ

Painting is something Iโ€™ve always needed to do and Iโ€™m enjoying it more and more: itโ€™s the joy of putting colour, shape and gesture on a surface. Iโ€™m interested in the โ€œmakingโ€! 

I delve into the act of painting with a minimum repertoire of visual elements aiming for a maximum visual intensity. Ideas and images appear through the making of the work, language becomes unnecessary, I let the work speak for me.

I work with a visual language of lines, dashes, dots to create works that read as mysterious coded systems. Some works read almost as topographical or astronomical maps, while others read as keys of symbols, arranged and categorised.โ€


Mirador del Rรญo (1973) is a viewpoint integrated seamlessly into a clifftop in Lanzarote. Designed by the wonderful local architect and artist Cรฉsar Manrique.

From afar it looks like contemporary 'parametric architecture', but once close you see the wonderful handmade quality of the surfaces. And it aged gracefully!

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