
my heart was a hysterical, unreliable organ

@irradiantsam / irradiantsam.tumblr.com

✨ shine bright like a Sam Winchester

a place to rest

Hope is a ship that’s long been sunken in a sea of lies and masquerades An abundance of fear crashing down on me like waves on a stormy day (it’s been a stormy life) (I’m drowning) Bruised and beaten, worn thin by a life on the road (a life on the run) Nothing to call my own but scars and shattered dreams (and the heart of a miracle) I’ve been fighting monsters all my life (only some of them had claws) I’m a burdened warrior, bullets for a spine and ashes in my veins (I can never stop) We live in a world that always needs saving Expected to be the cure, the hero, their happy ending Deeds, expectations, anguish, dread - it all spells one word

(a hundred reasons to die and none to live)

There’s a monster in the mirror and I always lose (Do you hear me roar?) Y’know, if there’s one thing I am proud of, it’s you (I wish you could see yourself like I do) And I wonder, how can you stand being so close when I almost ripped out your throat? With galaxies between your lashes and forgiveness on your lips You shall be my only truth In a world that always needs saving I still choose you I’m not the hero they need but the only one they’ve got So save me one last time and together Together we’ll save the world (One last time before we got to rest)


Hansel Und Gretel  |  After The Witch

It is sixteen years since Hansel and Gretel left the house of the witch. Sixteen years since their parents cast them into the forest, with only a loaf of bread to keep them. Hansel is plagued with visions of his tormentor and Gretel is unable to abate the horror… nor the horror that awaited them at home—a mother who’d rather they were dead and a father too cowardly to protest. Sixteen years later and they wonder if it hadn’t been better if they had burned alive.

Source: jonquille

Romeo & Juliet AU; Juliet as a psychotic murderess who becomes obsessed with Romeo and kills him so that only she can love him forever.

Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night

little red the wolf-hunter →

deep scars ran like rivers down red’s back, mangled tissues promising never to heal properly. just as well, she thought. just as well she never forgot that beast and what he took from her, and what he gave. she had not been the same since the day in her grandmother’s cabin when the wolf sprang from the bed and attempted to devour her, his already bloody maw snapping in her face, his claws tearing at her vulnerable flesh. she had escaped, she did not know how, for she had awoken miles from the cabin, weak from blood loss, delirious, yet still alive. soon it became clear that the encounter with the wolf had changed her. she became stronger, faster, her senses heightened and her blood lust insatiable. she knew she could not return to her village like this, like a monster, and instead took to the deep, vast woods to seek vengeance on the one who had done this to her.
Source: vibiasabina

Flower petals cause the appearance of blood stains on the grave of opera singer Jane Margyl in Batignolles cemetery in Paris.

nightmare fairytales; snow-white and rose-red
together they rule the forest. creatures of nightmares, fear, death. their skin as pale as the dead buried underneath them. the most beautiful roses on their graves, white and red. a trail of bones, flesh, red blood on white snow. the people tell tales, whisper their names and send prayers to heaven so that they will be spared. leave me alive, children, snowy-white and rosy-red, will you beat your lover dead?
“When her kiss transforms the Beast, she is furious. “You should have warned me! Here I was smitten by an exceptional being, and all of a sudden, my fiance becomes an ordinary distinguished young man!””

the 1909 play Beauty and the Beast:  Fantasy in Two Acts by Fernand Noziere, the very first published version of the story where the Beauty is disappointed when the Beast transforms into a human at the end.


I always approve of ladies having a chill time with dragons. Who needs to be a damsel in distress? Dragon Resting Its Head On The Lap Of A Woman by R. Leinweber, 1912


“Hullo, Tink,” cried the wondering boys. Tink’s reply rang out: “Peter wants you to shoot the Wendy.” It was not in their nature to question when Peter ordered. “Let us do what Peter wishes,” cried the simple boys… - J.M Barrie, “Peter and Wendy”

While we were waiting for the World of Color to come on, I asked my fiance, as a joke, “If you were a Disney princess, who would you be?” 

He thought for a very long time, and answered back with all seriousness: “Tinkerbell.”

I was slightly taken aback. “Why?”

The reasons were fourfold: 1. She is second in command to the Lost Boys, and can order them when Pan is away, 2. Has magical powers, 3. She can fly, 4. and can grant flight to others.

And it was then it hit me how incredibly powerful Tinkerbell was, but she was always depicted as the short skirted jealous little fairy. What bothers me is that I never really noticed this until my fiance pointed out why he liked her.

So here she is, commanding the Lost Boys, and the second piece in my Disney Women series.


Should I? No. Here I go.

I remember thinking that Rapunzel was the most identifiable character for people in abusive relationships - a person who was emotionally abused but also completely dependent by the only person she ever knew and loved. 

I thought this scene extremely symbolic for those who were trying to get out of those types of relationships - most victims of abuse become isolated through the manipulations of their abuser, and become completely dependent on them to provide their way of living. Most of the time they have no money, no friends, and the abuse makes them believe they’re not worth anything to anyone. To take that first step, to run away into a world with nothing, takes immeasurable amounts of courage. It’s frightening.

So here’s Rapunzel, fearful and hesitant, but taking that first step into the light.

I hope this piece is a small voice of sympathy to those who have weathered that storm.

Rapunzel is the seventh in my Disney Women Series.


“You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help.” “Silence!” “Justice!” 

(Click image for better resolution, damn you Tumblr!) 

It’s difficult to put into words how important this scene is to me. The bystander effect is an extremely real phenomenon that occurs far too often, and in other times when you see your fellow man speaking out against an injustice, you shrink away and hope the trouble he attracts doesn’t follow you.

Ever since I was a child I caused trouble for speaking out for what I believed in, and I have been silenced, and I have lost more battles than I won. I thankfully never got backlash from my parents for that. I think it’s also partly my dad got into his own type of trouble for doing what he believed in, and he was a firm believer in speaking out for what was right and just.

Don’t stay silent. Speak out.

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