
Some of the anarchist and anti-capitalist graffiti seen in Hong Kong during the protests over the past week:

Capitalism is shit!!! CCP is capitalist

ACAB / Exarchia to HK

The party of anarchy will triumph

解散警隊 全民自治 / Abolish the police, self-governance for all

Water is Life

Fuck China / Fuck the West too!!!

Chinazi + Amerikkka, 2 Countries, 1 System

Fight for Freedom

It was u who taught me that peaceful marches are useless


Have you ever considered how fucking astonishing babies crying is?

The young of other animals don’t make noise, or if they do, barely any at all. Baby birds only start chirping when their parents come back with the food, kittens meow to their mothers because cat communication is extremely subtle and drawing your caretaker’s attention may require a sound when you have eight siblings. At this point, they can already see and walk.

 But human babies? Crying is essentially the first willful action that they learn. Months before being able to move on your own, or even hold your own fucking head up, or being able to choose when and where you defecate. Before anything else, a skill more valuable than anything else, is a distress call.

 A distress call specifically intended to be impossible to ignore.

 Before object permanence or theory of mind, without even an understanding of what help they need, who could provide it, and whether they choose to do so, a human being is capable of expressing that there is something wrong in the state they are in, that they are powerless to correct on their own.

 This is what was evolutionarily selected above silent babies that did not attract predators. This is what was selected instead of young who could instantly walk. This is what was selected as the ideal offspring for the human race. Not one that runs. Not one that hides. Not one that can fend for itself. A creature that can communicate, if only the simplest, most inherent message: I need help.

Humans are incredibly social creatures. We evolved under the reliance other humans would be there to help us.


Im just gonna place this right here .

Note: hard times include things like busy schedules, deaths in the family, miscommunications, growing pains, a partner losing a job, struggles with just growing as people and a couple, etc. Getting through hard times isn’t “this person keeps mistreating me but it’s just hard times so I’ll stay.”



I’m not over this review of a self groomer for a three legged cat. Look at him. He hasn’t been able scratch his left side by himself since he lost his leg but now he can and he is living life the fullest. That is the face of a cat who has finally scratched an itch.


ugh fine my personal blog is not cutting so I’ll post here 


they don’t act on the root of the problem, they don’t mitigate the effects of deforestation, they do have limited action and they don’t help conserve the forest land outside their very small grounds besides doing little to nothing to help the people who actually live in the amazon and conserve it on a daily basis

they are organized, they can keep woodcutting companies away from their land, they are getting murdered for it, they are the only reason there is any forest left at all

THIS is a a fund for indigenous peoples of the Amazon (Brasil only)

THIS is a link to donate from abroad to the indigenous women’s march, it has already happened but you can still donate to support the cause

THIS is a link to support the free land camp, and you can email them at apibbsb@gmail.com if you really want to find ways to support them, donations will go to APIB (Brazilian Articulation of Indigenous Peoples) and you can keep up with their news here

(APIB is coordinated by, among others, Sonia Guajajara! so if you know her you know this means shit will get done)


【男神九勇士】「第一代原版组图:各有二幅全身照的」 今年泰国最大同志泼水节派对「SongKran泼水节派对」官方宣传海报:@SongKran泼水节派对 ; 男模·GOGO-Boy 花名册 ins 依次: runssm、samuruma、 yoshihiroyr、naottica、  go_kenta、 kenshirotricomi、marujin25、yutobrave、alex_v90  。 摄影师 Uto Zawao  IG: richman625 | Costume by GX3 Underwear


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