
Do a good thing.

@doagoodthing / doagoodthing.tumblr.com

This is here to inspire you to do something good today. I aim to round up posts with one thing in common: trying to be a decent human being. No matter who we are, we can all take tiny actions every day to make the world a little more pleasant. This blog focuses on that idea. Anything else is here because I think people might find it useful. My ask box is always open, anon is always on. I don't answer personal questions, but I'm always happy to chat about anything relating to the blog.

Some of y'all following me were literally born in the 2000s (and no this is not going to be one of those awful 90s kids are better rants) but I know from personal experience that as teenagers, you don’t really understand exactly how young you are. Like I literally babysat kids your age. And I want to remind y'all that I am an adult. And there are lots of adults on this website. And if any adult, even an 18 year old, comes on to you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you are 100% within your rights to report it, and please please please don’t let yourself fall for their lines of “oh you’re very mature for your age” or some shit because I promise you that no matter what, to someone my age, you are a CHILD, and they’re preying on you. Your safety is important, so please exercise caution in all your online interactions

Anonymous asked:

what do you think of tactical voting? x

we have a terrible system of voting here so i believe a tactical vote is sometimes needed in order to keep the tory scumbags out and i encourage anyone to do what is in their power to keep those cunts out of power. If that means voting for a party that isnt your favourite but still more favourable than the tories then so be it :)x 


I’m going to be so stressed from December 12th until they announce the results of the election. I have little to no hope of preventing a Tory majority. 

I wish people understood they don’t have to love Corbyn. They just have to vote out the Tory party and the best chance of doing this is to vote labour. It’s a two party system basically voting libdem or green might better suit your opinion (I’d almost always vote green tbh) but it won’t help us defeat the right wingers. 

Vote tactically. Vote for the party with the best chance of taking Tory seats. 

Protect our NHS. Protect our country. 


Please please please fellow Brits - register to vote! You don't have much time left to do so and it only takes a few minutes! Young people we can literally dominate this election if we actually fucking put in the legwork.

Register to vote. Then vote tactically to fuck the Tories. It's YOUR future they're trying to sell down the river.


Please please please fellow Brits - register to vote! You don't have much time left to do so and it only takes a few minutes! Young people we can literally dominate this election if we actually fucking put in the legwork.

Register to vote. Then vote tactically to fuck the Tories. It's YOUR future they're trying to sell down the river.


1. Fist: Make a fist around the epi-pen, don’t place your thumb/fingers over either end

2. Flick the blue cap off

3. Fire. Press down into the outer thigh (the big muscle in there), hold for 10 seconds before removing (the orange cap will cover the needle). Bare skin is best but the epi-pen will go through clothing. Avoid pockets and seams. 

- Ring an ambulance even if everything seems to be fine!

Oh my god. So as someone who has to carry an epipen EVERYWHERE I am so happy to see that there’s an info post about them. Like in the extreme case that I can’t inject myself, somebody else would have to do it, but nobody knows how to do it! Thank you, this may just save my life some day.

Don’t be wimpy about it, either. I know friends who are like, “but idk if I could stab you with a needle!” Please stab me with the needle, don’t be hesitant about it.

In my case (I can’t speak for all allergies), an epi buys me 20 minutes of breathing to get to the hospital. It is not a magic bullet, it’s a few critical minutes to help get me where I need to go.

For those who don’t know, people with serious food allergies carry epinephrine which is an adrenaline shot just in case they have anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening allergic attack. This shot is life-saving and must be administered to someone who is having an anaphylactic attack as SOON AS POSSIBLE, because an extra waited minute could mean their life.

It doesn’t hurt much at all to use this needle. The first time I used mine, I didn’t even feel it. But be sure to stab it IN THE OUTER THIGH. Do not stick it anywhere else or you could seriously hurt or kill someone. Just right to the outside of the thigh and then call the ambulance - even if your friend starts doing better, they could have a biphasic reaction, meaning a reaction that comes back (or they may need a second dose, be on the look out). If your friend has an epipen, then they have an epipen trainer that doesn’t have a needle and you can try it out just to be sure you know how to use the real thing if you have to. I’d also advise holding it a few more seconds then 10, maybe go for 14 just to be sure all the medicine is administered and that you didn’t count too fast - that’s what I did.

Here’s a graphic of where to stick it:

THANK YOU FOR THE GRAPHIC I was about to ask because my mom carries one around and so do some of my friends and I wanted to make sure I would do it right if I ever needed to!

Learn about this or get a refresher, if you’re not already familiar.


there’s no such thing as a stupid reason not to kill yourself.

your school sells cookies on thursdays? your favorite band is coming out with a new album? you’re still saving up for that tattoo? there’s still five sodas in your fridge and it’d be a shame to let them go to waste? you want to see the season finale of that show you love? keep living.

your reasons don’t have to be big, if they mean anything to you then they’re good reasons.


Yes! Just make something to look forward to

Okay but this is honestly true.

One of the closest times I came to committing suicide was when I was home alone for the weekend a few years ago. The reason I didn’t?

No one else was there to feed the cat until Monday. 

That’s it. That’s all that saved me. 


See, this is such good advice, because it can put you in the frame of mind that you need to be in to combat depression. Even things that seem little, like, “My plant will die if I don’t water it,” or “I’m the only one that takes out the trash, anyways” are examples of how you’re needed and valuable, even appreciated.

There are people out there that need you and love you. Stay alive friend, because it is so worth it.



Because that time is coming around again! Everyone please think before you buy a bunny! They are a lot of work and don’t deserve to be bought for easter and then released/neglected/or given up. If you buy one then you are committing to it for its short 10 years of life. My rabbit is 2 years old now and though we may not always get along, I still love his fluffy ass.

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