


24 y/o Florida girl. Revert

That’s some Jigsaw from the Saw movies shit right there,



This is the best usage of the prisoner’s dilemma I’ve ever seen


Shout out to neuro-atypical Muslims

-Muslims with eating disorders that get triggered during Ramadan, who feel obligated to explain why they’re not fasting to nosey aunties

-Muslims on psych meds who can’t fast because without medication they can’t function, who feel uncomfortable explaining this to everyone who asks why they aren’t fasting

-Muslims with ADD who struggle to perform Salah, Taraweeh, read Qur'an, etc.

-Muslims with depression who sometimes find it hard to get out of bed and do the obligatory prayers or go to Masjid

-Muslims with Bipolar who find Islamic obligations easy on some days and impossible on others, who are seen as flaky or flip-floppy about faith

-Muslims with social anxiety who are afraid to pray in masjid because of fear of making mistakes or being looked at

-Muslims with dissociative issues who struggle with performing Salah and other obligations due to fear/threat of dissociating

-Muslims with PTSD, sensory issues or agoraphobia who are unable to go to masjid or other crowded areas & get seen as rude/snobby, or feel isolated

-Muslims with low self worth, suicidal ideations, etc that feel guilty because of that.

-Muslims with autism who are viewed/treated as a difficult test for their families

-Muslims with mental healtn issues who are told they need prayer or that their issues are caused by lack of imaan.

-All Muslims with any other mental health issue that I forgot to add that affects their practice of Islam & treatment in the Ummah

You are valid. Your Islam is valid. And you are Allah (SWT)’s beautiful creation.


The Radioactive Man Who Returned To Fukushima To Feed The Animals That Everyone Else Left Behind

Naoto Matsumura is the only human brave enough to live in Fukushima’s 12.5-mile exclusion zone

He fled at first but returned to take care of the animals that were left behind

He returned for his own animals at first, but realized that so many more needed his help, too

Matsumura, who is 55 years old, knows that the radiation is harmful, but he “refuses to worry about it”

“They also told me that I wouldn’t get sick for 30 or 40 years. I’ll most likely be dead by then anyway, so I couldn’t care less”

Matsumura discovered that thousands of cows had died locked in barns

He also freed many animals that had been left chained up by their owners

Many of them now rely on him for food

The government has forbidden him from staying, but that doesn’t stop him either

He started in 2011 and is still going strong 4 years later

He relies solely on donations from supporters to work with and feed the animals

His supporters are calling him the ‘guardian of Fukushima’s animals’

The man clearly has a sense of humor as well

This hero deserves way more notes.

There should be a way to donate to this guy

Actually I spent some time and I found a link to donate to him. Click here to be sent to a website where you can donate to his efforts

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