
dreaming of magpies

@picadreams / picadreams.tumblr.com

just...like....stuff | she/her | chaotic dumbass

Chekhov’s Garden Shed

For the last four or five years, the RoL fandom has had a masterpost of Chekhov’s guns/unanswered questions from the series – the last version, with links to the original, can be found here. Past contributors include @deviantaccumulation, @the-high-meggas, @maple-clef, @uncommonsockeater​, and @flannelgiraffe, as well as others who I have doubtless forgotten. [If that’s you or someone you know, please speak up!]

Ben Aaronovitch has indicated that he views the various open questions of the series as less of a set of ‘guns on the mantelpiece’ (which must be taken down and fired before the series is finished) and more a ‘garden shed’ of things he thinks might be useful one day but could also end up rusting in the back after getting buried under other things. The fun is finding out which is which. (Thanks to @ilikesallydonovan for originally reporting this and chasing down the link!)

So, without further ado, here is the renamed Chekhov’s Garden Shed Of Stuff That Might Come Back Later. It’s separated into Answered Questions, Partially-Answered Questions, and Things Still Buried At The Back Of The Shed. I enthusiastically welcome comments, corrections, and missing items. Contains spoilers for all published RoL-related material including the novellas, comics, online snippets, and interviews with the author. A mirror of this version can be found at Dreamwidth – I will try and keep it updated as I update this one.


more stories where falling in love is a horrifying fate worse than death rather than a source of comfort and hope. more stories where love is understood as a terminal affliction.

more stories where someone falls in love and understands that this means they will be changed and made more vulnerable by it, compelled to do irrational things in the name of it, and be willing to die for it, and starts lashing out and stress vomiting about it


Should go without saying but never date a cop and christ never marry one. Rule of thumb if he's legally untouchable he's ethically unfuckable. You don't like that cop, you like buff men in tight clothing. I can show you more of those, better ones. Take my hand.

Hi guys. This post ain't about stereotyping random professions (farriers????), it's about how cops are effectively legally untouchable and if they hurt you, you have virtually no recourse. A quality that none of those other professions have. It's the inherent power imbalance of being bound to someone who can't be prosecuted.

The "firemen cheat" thing is actually a myth, union workers are both hot and professionally stable, paramedics are stressed out but otherwise fine, physical workers are not inferior to "thinkers" don't be fuckin classist, and "watch out for Farriers" is maybe the funniest thing anyone's ever said on this post.

like the fuck are they gonna do lmao

Having beef with the horse cobbler is objectively hilarious


Dude. I've been with a builder for 28 years. He's awesome. Hot, professionally stable, nmatched sense of whimsy, and appreciation of beauty. And knows the Tool Rule. Perfection. 🥰


Pissed again. The joy of spirits cannot be overstated. 🥰🥰🥰


- excellent photo of David Bowie.


“[While filming ‘Ashes to Ashes’] So we’re on the beach shooting this scene with a giant bulldozer. The camera was on a very long lens. [The camera is along way away, but the artist fills the frame] In this video I’m dressed from head to toe in a clown suit. Why not. I hear playback and the music starts. So off I go, I start singing and walking, but as soon as I do this old geezer with an old dog walk right between me and the camera… Well, knowing this is gonna take a while I walked past the old guy and sat next to camera in my full costume waiting for him to pass. As he is walking by camera the director said, excuse me Mr do you know who this is? The old guy looks at me from bottom to top and looks back to the director and said… "Of course I do! It’s some cunt in a clown suit.” That was a huge moment for me, It put me back in my place and made me realize, yes I’m just a cunt in a clown suit. I think about that old guy all the time.

David Bowie


no but seriously I still get chills thinking about turning off my headlamp in the cave and The Hand That I Did Not Actually See, and it’s been twelve years since it happened

it’s such an unreal experience


you turn off your light in a cave and wave your hand in front of your face


you can see this shadowy thing moving in the black space where your hand is

it looks like the same shadowy thing you would see in your room at night if you waved your hand in front of your face, it’s there and vaguely hand-shaped, and your brain recognizes it as your hand because your brain is aware of where your hand is and what it is doing

But You Are Not Seeing Anything

Inside a cave, there is No Light. No matter how far your pupils spread, there is no light for them to draw in, no light to put an image on your retina.

But your brain just Fucking Assumes that because it knows where your hand is and what it is doing, clearly it can see it.

So it creates a shadowy thing for your eyes to be seeing.

Brain is like “there’s a hand there”

Eyes are like “yup sure thing brain I can totally see it”

Brain is like “nice”

but there is no hand, you cannot see the hand, you are seeing a literal actual hallucination in the cave because your brain thinks it knows best

Caves are awesome, but also terrifying. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


we once went spelunking, and a our guide said that once he was in a cave with a stream, so he could hear running water, and his brain was like ‘oh, running water? that means there must be Ducks out there’. and he saw like…low light shadows of ducks. that his brain just Put There.

As a cave guide: we call that ‘cave blindness’! True darkness absolutely wigs your brain out - we’re such visual creatures that after a while our brain throws a hissy after not seeing anything. Sensory deprivation is a very real kind of torture. We have a huge, deep cave system at work and there are a lot of places where you’re hundreds of meters in solid rock in this tiny, dark, still space.

I like to turn my torch off, sit down with my back against the wall,  and wait to see how long it takes before I start seeing things or feeling like the ground is moving, or hearing things. Because I know I’m not - I’m in complete darkness, utter silence, sitting in rock that hasn’t moved in hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Proof that brains are Ridiculous and over-react to a lot of stuff!


I want to add to this that people who lose their hearing as adults have reported hearing music “being played loudly from somewhere”, and other auditory hallucinations, bc the brain will just panic and put your brain’s ipod on *fucking shuffle* if it’s not getting any input


So this was the unanswered messages in my ask box a couple of days ago:

and this is the unanswered messages in my ask box today,

and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who has said such nice things about the season, and I'm sorry to everyone who had emotions they weren't expecting, and I'm impressed that so many of you have theories and don't plan to answer, validate or really even comment on any of them, but mostly I'm just sorry because I probably won't read whatever you've sent, not because I don't want to but because if I was doing nothing but reading Tumblr asks as a full time job I still wouldn't catch up with the thousands of asks coming in.

I'm glad you care.


they really brought david tenant’s son in and said hey do you want to play a gay little boy in good omens 2. just a little camp mf. nepotism done right.


Ok, I need to respond to that “dominant genetic trait” tag specifically, because the reality is significantly funnier- that’s Ty Tennant, Georgia (Moffett) Tennant’s son from before she married David Tennant. David adopted him, IIRC, and he’s raised him from a very young age, so he IS David Tennant’s son, but it’s not genetic, and if you know the hilarious irony of David and Georgia’s relationship (Peter Davidson played David Tennant’s favorite Doctor, David met Georgia while he was playing the Doctor and she was playing the Doctor’s daughter, every Doctor who fan at the time was vaguely amused by this because the Doctor married the Doctor’s daughter making the Doctor become the Doctor’s father-in-law), it becomes even funnier that Ty gets to flirt with his father’s coworker. Just a recursive mess of family business hilarity. Ty deserves this opportunity.

@silvain-shadows why would you leave this in the tags??


Seriously though, modern fandom, y’all need to remember that you can, like, ship multiple ships. 

Like I can ship two ships that are diametrically opposed, at the same time, because I like both ideas. You don’t have to choose one or the other. 

Like I can ship, for example, Sam/Frodo, and also Sam/Rosie, both AT THE SAME TIME. I don’t have to pick ONE couple and denounce all others, and tell everyone else that their ships are WRONG and BAD and mine is the only TRUE AND CORRECT ship. 


Related: You don’t have to sink other ships to sail yours.


Exactly! You can have more than one ship. You can have an ARMADA!!!


Ship everything and ship it so hard you end up sideways in the Suez.


*randomly materializes out of a murder of crows with a slurpee in my hand* hey guys what’s up?

*forty bats coalescing into an approximate human form, holding a gatorade* not much, how about you?

* 5 wolves make their presence known with a piercing how before joining in the circle. They clutter together, and take the form of a human with a iced coffee* ‘sup.

*emerges from the back exit of Dairy Queen to take out the garbage* uh.. uhhh.. m-my boss said y'all aren’t allowed to hang out back here…

I am not your dream girl. I am the sudden shouting of crows when you enter a part of the forest you shouldn’t have.


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