
Old but still alive

@fengtianshi / fengtianshi.tumblr.com

Il bello di essere brutti

Pei Ming: Did you have to stab him?

Mu Qing: You weren't there! You didn't hear what he said to me!

Pei Ming: What did he say?

Mu Qing: He said "What are you going to do? Stab me?"

Feng Xin, bleeding on the ground: To be fair, I would have stabbed me too.

*talking through the communication array*
Feng Xin: Remember how I said that Mu Qing and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?
Xie Lian: Yeah...
Feng Xin: Well, we’re in prison again
Xie Lian: *hangs up*

So I binged the entirety of How To Build a Sex Room last night and this one scene just cracked me up

The designer's at a western leather/tack store looking for supplies to make a rustic-style sex swing and turns to one of the store employees for advice, which initially goes about as amusingly as you would expect

So then she pulls up some pictures to give him an idea of what she needs

And he's Immediately like

The professional disgust, I'm living


been thinking a lot about anticipatory grief lately. i love you so much that i know losing you will devastate me. i haven't lost you yet but i already miss you. we still have time, but it won't be enough. i think about what i would say at your funeral, and say some of it to you now cause i need you to know how loved you are before you go. you will go where i cannot follow, but you will never really leave me. it won't make it hurt less but it is a part of healing somehow.


I don’t even care who fucking wins the presidency this year look at this

This makes an INCREDIBLE difference!!!! For fuck sake go vote!!!!


A few years back a Republican won my house district by six vote. Now she’s talking about making it illegal to protest the Gazan genocide. Pay attention to Congress

if any of your circle is telling you voting is useless and it will never get us anywhere is lying to get you not to vote. republicans will always vote. not voting is just pulling your teeth for them. go vote and dont reblog propaganda that makes you feel hopeless


if you're just joining us, george takei is having to educate jk rowling on holocaust denial


This is of no surprise if you know JKR has been hanging around with literal Nazis for years, while George Takei is a gay man who spent some of his childhood in an American internment camp.

I'm glad to see more of the disguise slip from JKR, but can only hope more people listen to George than to her.

[Edited to expand on this because a lot of people in the notes seem not to realise:] she is not being ignorant. She is not a benighted fool who didn't take her own advice and check the sources. THIS IS DELIBERATE.

This is a Nazi talking point. This is a technique for conversion and indoctrination designed to shame YOU into not checking your sources. After all, a famous person in a position of authority (whether we like that or not) is shaming the very idea that Nazis persecuted trans people, or that trans people have a history that goes back more than a few decades.

If you haven't watched Shaun's JK Rowling's New Friends and think talk of her hanging around with Nazis is hyperbole, this video is for you:

She is in deep. She is literally friends with known Nazis. She will have been told that the people saying Nazis burned books have unreliable sources. That is why she's saying this.

You'll note that George doesn't @ her. Apart from the fact that literally starting beef with her is likely not something he needs, he knows she is a lost cause. She is primed to dismiss the actual sources. He is sharing the true information, with sources, because her statements mean that other people will now be wondering about this and he's offering those people an alternative famous person authority AS WELL AS the facts.


In case anyone's wondering about JKR's response to this. The first journalist (as far as I'm aware) to call her out was Esqueer, which is who the second screenshot-tweet was originally aimed at before she made a separate post about it.

But because Esqueer lives in America, which has anti-SLAPP laws preventing people from using lawsuits to punish anyone who criticizes them, JKR has instead decided to attack.... [checks notes] a Jewish journalist living in the UK.

Of course, JKR has not responded to Esqueer's request to explain why she choose to target a Jewish journalist out of all the people who criticized her.

So in her desperate attempt to prove she's not a Holocaust denier, she's threatening a Jewish person. Just absolutely evil.


Tomb of the heart🌹 & a toast for shirahama-sensei's birthday


🏮 3,000 lanterns from Hua Cheng to his gege

From the TGCF AD S2 (2024) Teaser Clip


writing fanfiction is just. i’m being so creative and original. i’m plagiarizing everyone by accident. i’m a genius. i’m cringe. i’m too angsty. i’m too cheesy. this is not in character. it doesn’t matter that it’s not in character because these are my characters now. i love my hobby. this is the worst possible use of my time. i’m seeking validation. i’m projecting my own personal problems onto this story and i’m barely hiding it. i know so many words and i’m using all of them wrong. im on tumblr posting about it instead of writing it.


FOUND family??? you think i just found them like this??? babes this is FORGED family. Me & the bros were scrap metal in a junkyard (very valuable, very sharp, very dangerous, uncared for) and we GOT IN THE FUCKING FIRE TOGETHER. WE did this. we said I AM NOT LEAVING YOU and melted into each other for better or for worse (it’s for better) and we are A FUNCTIONAL UNIT now. DO NOT SEPARATE. BATTERIES FUCKING INCLUDED. FOUND family my ass, we built this non-nuclear family unit from the ground up, don’t devalue this!!! it was is and will be a labour of love!!!

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