
Pun-Intended Consequences

@themelodyofsilence / themelodyofsilence.tumblr.com

Westley, 25, they/them, nb butch Happy Little Side Blog

80% of "passing" is having enough money to purchase the clothes and services that will allow you to pass. Please stop holding being able to stealth up as the pinnacle of trans achievement. That place belongs to surviving. It belongs to finding joy. It belongs to love and community, not people who are rich enough to have professional makeup artists and tailors.


Hannah Montana is fucked up because its entire POINT as a show is that children should be protected from fame and exploitation, but it stars a REAL little girl that's being exploited. Nearly every episode carries the looming threat of Miley being outed as Hannah and losing her peaceful teenage life to the ravages of fame. Her father in the show (played by her own father in real life) wisely protected her from the trauma of fame by making her wear a disguise and live a rather quiet, interview-free life. Meanwhile the REAL Billy Ray Cyrus sold his daughter to Disney Channel when she was 11 and forced her to read dialogue about how terrible it would be to face the public eye. Like... Jesus, dude. The fictional Robby Ray is 10x the father, and it's not even close. (It's also IMMENSELY funny that her dad doesn't use his real name in the show, while she does. Almost like he wanted a bit of a disconnect between his identity and his character. Something Miley didn't get.)


Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.

Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.

Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.


As a lesbian, it’s happened twice already that one “guy” stands out to me and I think “huh maybe they’re kinda cute and interesting, I wanna get to know them” and then I get to know them better and it’s a closeted trans girl who I somehow sniffed with my little nonbinary lesbian nose


You guys will never believe what just happened to me

What does it mean if every “man” I’ve been attracted to was actually a trans woman? Idk what this says about my sexual orientation but it does mean I have astounding egg-dar

Gays being able to detect trans people of our preferred gender and being able to feel preemptive attraction to them is a phenomenon I was not aware extended to people beyond me


really wish "abolish the police" was trending with all the news, it feels like a lot of ppl have forgotten since the height of blm

please dont tell a black person to not view police violence as a pressing issue, thanks.

my post in no way even specified the US, and it didnt for a good reason. abolish the police is an INTERNATIONAL CONCEPT.

police literally openly all over the world participate in genocide. and yes, the police in the united states participate in genocide. there are several genocides occurring. im not distracting from shit. i have the capacity to care about multiple things and so should you. im simply highlighting that cops are in fact a tool of genocides, with an 's', and my sadness comes from the sudden burst of support during blm no longer being present.

these things are CONNECTED. the iof is full of cops. the iof TRAINS COPS. even if youre only focused on one issue, which apparently you are, attack it from multiple angles.

Also jumping on this as a Palestinian-American to say, in addition to everything OP said -- our liberation is as interconnected as our oppression is!!! Palestinians are deep supporters of Black liberation, and have always stood in solidarity with anti-police protests!

Plus it's fully wild to watch the same cops that brutalize BLM protestors brutalize these college students asking for divestment and go "hmmmm is this the time to talk about police brutality?" IT FUCKING IS. OF COURSE IT IS. YOU'RE WATCHING IOF TRAINED COPS GLEEFULLY BEATING COLLEGE STUDENTS, WHO ARE ASKING THE UNIVERSITIES THEY GO TO, FOR DIVESTMENT FROM AN APARTHEID GENOCIDAL STATE. COPS WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS ARE STILL GOING AFTER BLACK AND BROWN STUDENTS IN HIGHER NUMBERS.

yeah this is the right time. it does not "take attention from the pressing issue" are you kidding me??? How can you watch what's happening right now, and not see how these issues are TIED together. BLOWS MY MIND. Any excuse to be anti-black truly.

all this to affirm... palestine isn't free until the police are abolished. palestine isn't free until prisons are abolished. palestine isn't free until black people across the globe are free.

thank you so much for your addition

free palestine. abolish the police.


It's all very connected <3 free Palestine


TIL that there's an '80s movie where they portrayed Smilodon by sticking actual fake teeth onto actual live lions.

So I learnt about this as part of a paleontology lecture talking about how it became accepted that saber teeth don't hinder the animals ability to eat

Citation - those people who stuck some on real lions which were able to eat without problems once they got used to them

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