
Swan Queen Fanfic Recs

@swanqueen-fanfic / swanqueen-fanfic.tumblr.com

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I read a FanFiction a long time ago where Regina was stuck outside of storybrooke (she was banished there I think) and she and Emma meet up at the border at night and they start falling for eachother, the snow and charming find out and react really badly.... but I can’t remember what it’s called, you think you might know it?


That one is A Fine Line by hunnyfresh :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/719105/chapters/1332707

Still a classic!


I NEED HELP!! There was this one swanqueen fanfic that I read like a year ago, I think it was called “Me and Mrs Jones” but every time I try to find it, no results pop up. Do you happen to know where I can find it? If it helps, there was the one scene in the writing where Regina and Emma went to Boston to look at Emma’s old life and even though Emma wanted Hook to come, he decided not to.


Hiya! Is it this one? https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12930945/1/ :)


Hi! I read this fanfic once where Emma went back to the Enchanted Forest and met young Regina and slept with her to try and make her first time better. I don’t really remember much else. Does it ring any bells?


Oh my gosh, I’ve read this one but am having such a hard time finding it/remembering other details. Can anyone else help?


Thanks to orgasmflavored for this rec! I’ve really been enjoying reading it :) 

Slay me weaponless | coalitiongirl

5a rewrite.
Camelot...idyllic, beautiful, and laden with mystery. This is the place where Emma might be saved from the spirits of the Dark Ones that haunt her. But there are menacing forces at work, and Regina is surrounded by palace intrigue in which everyone has an unspoken agenda– even the woman she's trying to save.
Six weeks later, Regina and the others wake up in Storybrooke with no memory of what transpired in Camelot. What they do know: Emma is no longer the woman that they'd loved. She is bent on vengeance that will bring Storybrooke to its knees. It's very possible that she can never be saved.
And she blames Regina for it all.
Anonymous asked:

I read a fic sometime ago where Regina was banished from story Brook, but Emma keeps meeting her at the town line and the end up falling for each other. I just can’t remember it’s name, do you by any chance know it?

This is arguably one of the best fanfics ever written in the history of the world. If anyone needs a fic to get them back into the SQ world, this is probably the perfect one!

A Fine Line | hunnyfresh

Upon Regina's banishment, the small town of Storybrooke becomes protected once again by an enchantment that prevents anyone from leaving or entering Storybrooke. Emma and Regina find themselves on the edge of the town, wishing for a way to the other side.

Hi! I'm hoping someone can help me track down a fic I read some time ago. A younger Regina ended up in Storybrooke and she and Emma fell in love and I think they slept together, and as soon as they sent Regina back to the past/FTL, present Regina came to Emma and they ended up together (not sure if it was that past Regina's memories mixed with the present one or if Regina has known all along and kept it a secret until Emma herself could remember). Would appreciate the help! Thank you! <3


Hey :) I’m not sure if this is the same one you’re looking for but this one sounds really similar and DESTROYED MY LIFE! It was so freaking good & now I need to go read it again.

Emma almost has everything. She's got a wonderful son, a beautiful, tender friend and co-parent, and a family she can count on. It was all she ever dreamed of, once upon a time. At times, she thinks she finally understands what authors mean when they end their story with: they lived happily ever after.
But the feeling always leaves her by the morning. Sometimes she thinks her real happy ending has disappeared somewhere in the past, somewhere in between the curses and forgotten memories. And now it is only a possibility lost to her memories.
If she could go back...
(or in other words, season 6 emma goes back in time and accidentally makes season 1 regina fall in love with her.)

Hi, my names Rocky, Do you where to find anything by CurvyPragmatist ?


I’m sorry but I don’t :( all the links that I used to have no longer work. I’m not sure if anyone else out there has anything.


Trying to find a fic: It’s a one shot I believe inspired by the friends episode “The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath” but it’s Emma and Regina in the tub, Snow almost catches them as Regina hides under the bubbles. Thank you ahead of time either way.


Hi! I believe I found your fic - and I read it and it was so freaking cute! I love Friends/Chandler + Monica so very happy you brought this up. :)

Prompt from jul mar: Swan Queen in the style of Monica and Chandler. They're unsure as to whether they want a real commitment or not, but they can't keep their hands off of one another all the same.
Anonymous asked:

Hey long time no see! Hope you and the wife are well!

Thank you! Doing great :) happy to see so many of you still here and active. X


Sapphic Book Recs

If you’re interested in other wlw/sapphic reads, my wife has a ton of recommendations. It’s great seeing people who once wrote fanfiction now publishing original works! She recs tons of indie authors, popular sapphic books, and does reviews as well. Check her out & follow on any of the platforms below if you’re interested! :)

(I’ll be posting some SQ ff recs soon ;) )


Just read one of my first fics in such a long time & it was incredible! This one is going to stick with me for a long time. (Completed fic, 6 chapters)

Emma almost has everything. She's got a wonderful son, a beautiful, tender friend and co-parent, and a family she can count on. It was all she ever dreamed of, once upon a time. At times, she thinks she finally understands what authors mean when they end their story with: they lived happily ever after.
But the feeling always leaves her by the morning. Sometimes she thinks her real happy ending has disappeared somewhere in the past, somewhere in between the curses and forgotten memories. And now it is only a possibility lost to her memories.
If she could go back...
(or in other words, season 6 emma goes back in time and accidentally makes season 1 regina fall in love with her.)

I think I need to get back into the SQ scene 👀 does anyone have any recs for me?


From anonymous- please share.

Hey all- please share if you feel so inclined to. An important message from an anonymous prosecutor to reach other prosecutors.

Anonymous asked:

Hey, do you know what happened to 'The Wicked Stepmother'? In case you haven't read it it's about Regina deciding on a different revenge so the curse sweeps them all off to Storybrooke including Emma. Regina comes for her on her eighteenth birthday and they're kind of in a relationship from then on. Also, your blog is so helpful, thanks.

I don’t know what happened to it, I’m so sorry. It seems like sq-librarian might have a bunch of stuff/know what happened to it. Hope this helps! :)

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