


@CameraCore's Personal Blog || Bn: ApollyonX69

Here are the boys you’ll be seeing on this account! They all live in the dream world, hanging out and pulling heists!

Gyero: The loud one! He’s got a lot of charm but very gullible. Gyero often acts as the distraction. His shadow clones allows him to escape any situation he gets himself into!

Karz: The strong one! Short tempered but caring, Karz provides the muscle in the team’s operations. His shadow step lets him outmaneuver his opponents and pull his friends out of trouble!

Ix: The smart one! A total pushover, until he gets cornered... Ix provides all of the technical details for his team. His shadow form gives him the ability to change size and slip through tight spaces!

Nouvelle: The quiet one. He hides a strong conviction beneath his shyness. Nouvelle is the one who plans the heists and usually leads the others. His shadow forge opens up a lot of possibilities by turning the darkness into various tools!

Anonymous asked:

Did Nouvelle leave his parents because they loved him too much?

Yeah, they were over-protective and didn't give him much freedom :(

Anonymous asked:

what does gyero smell like

Bamboo probably! ...And dog

Anonymous asked:

Can we see a Protogen/Synth Gyero?

I've done a protogen form before though I'll probably revisit it with something better

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