
Maybe One Day

@clxtra / clxtra.tumblr.com

i love commander lexa more than anything. if ur ever sad just remember clexa fucked. because straight means i love women.
Anonymous asked:

Sorry just to tail end this whole thing to really bring this into perspective, this blog has been around a long time. A looooong time. "Niki" and hsau has been a well known author in the fandom for years. Tell me, do you notice how no other popular blogs or writers within the fandom have stepped forward in her defense? Why can no one say oh no, I know for a fact this isn't true? This has been all over my dash all day, why has no one come to her defense? Why did she manage to not get close to any other adult writers? Only teens? I've seen only two people other than sam and their friends say they've even spoken to her and neither are defending her. Can any other known adult writer even say she attempted to get close to them? Form ant kind of connection? Just think about that, the people who are trying to say there's no proof. Sometimes the silence is the proof.

i’m pretty sure she mostly interacted w minors, but idk who anon who worked w her in the past is


As a person that was abused by a significant other for literal years and had to have a friend tell authorities because I was to scared to do it, y’all will never understand the bravery that you saw today and y’all trying to take that away from them with taking an abusers side... y’all are the real plague on this world.


all my love to you 💕 thank you so much for your vocal support this whole day.

some people just fail to realize that abusers also groom people they aren’t actively abusing


If y’all can’t see that they are telling the truth 🙄 Niki has literally deleted EVERYTHING but the fics off ao3 and the pateron page. That is practically an admittance of guilt right there along with not explaining ANYTHING. Sam has provided plenty of evidence through their screenshots of conversations and the video they posted. Some of y’all aren’t willing to give up a fucking fanfic for a human being and it’s disgusting ngl tl;dr stop being abuse apologists and you ALWAYS believe the victim.


^^^^ i see no lies here

Anonymous asked:

lmao i'm just thinking about how it felt weird to think that she was supposed to propose to tori and the things she said they did in 2016 but it's been 4 years of her saying always the same things i can't believe we never really connected the dots i feel so betrayed, i'm glad you told us sam and hope you're feeling better

^^^^^^^once i figured out she like. wasn’t real. it was So Much. very eye opening.


the way she literally told me when she “got engaged” and talked about how fun engagement was 😭 was she really still out here this year saying she was gonna propose

Anonymous asked:

Oof that fucking record scratched in my brain when you said she fucked her stepsister. And then apparently told you about it in graphic detail. If it's even true, at this point who knows. Still though that was not on my 2020 bingo card but then again none of this was

she brought it up. so much. it was fucking weird


taking a dab and watching a groomer scramble to erase themself off the internet is oddly satisfying 😊 go off bitch give us absolutely nothing 🤩🤩

Anonymous asked:

Well the problem is the fucking adult in this situation used her emotional position of power to manipulate a minor. And I hate to break this to people, but she did it to all of us following her. We all bought into the cheery idealic bullshit, sitting here saying she wanted cmif to be peak fluff and harmony because that's what she loved while spewing that nastiness in dms. Don't say you didn't because obviously you did just like everyone else. And her patrons? I feel bad for you guys too. How many times would a month or more go by with nothing? And y'all still paid? Just this week she said for the whole ass week she was putting something up "today!" Where was it? What a mess. Thank you for waking everyone up here Sam

i was fed up with seeing her manipulate and exploit other people. it was time. thank you for this

Anonymous asked:

im proud of u coming out and saying the truth. when u stopped writing together i stopped reading it too bc something felt off, she was supposed to be a screenwriter but her writing was just so repetitive that it made me question who she was, which sounds silly but come on, with you it was a good fic with good storytelling but without you it was boring sex stuff that all the anons gave the idea! thank u Sam for showing us who the real "niki" was

maria and i have a theory that “niki” is actually a creepy cis dude who fetishizes lesbians but we don’t have concrete evidence for that one.

but yeah she lied about everything in her life. she told me she worked on game of thrones 🤡

Anonymous asked:

There needs to be separation between kids and adults online. Period. Chat room days and lying about age is over. there needs to be accountability for everyone involved. This should be preventable


omg niki deactivated i wonder if she sees this hi niki hiiiii ur a terrible person xoxoxo i’m so glad i finally pulled my head out of ur ass and realized how much grooming and manipulation went on when i was a minor u rly thought u groomed me well enough to defend u ahaha think again <3 at least now i can say thx for repairing a friendship u destroyed in the first place xoxo have a shitty day ❤️


xoxo gossip girl


hi i just logged back in for the first time in years and i was friends with both sam and niki until i ended up not being friends w sam bc niki had me convinced that sam was the worst friend and a terrible person and i honestly believed her. it’s one of my big regrets bc it clearly was not the right side to be on but i saw it firsthand and heard abt all the shit happening. she talked about sexual topics with me too and i literally have receipts of her basically being like “lol yeah it happens” when i told her abt a 17 year old at my school that was dating a 22 year old. she’s not a good person and it took me a long time to realize it, please stop trying to defend someone you’ve only interacted with in a public setting a few times when people that had close contact with her are able to back this shit up


she fucked with a lot of people, not just me. anyone trying to defend her at this point is just. pitiful if we’re being honest. she was manipulating all of us.


Clarke is really out here talking to Lexa through Madi. And Lexa is really out there still hurting for ever betraying Clarke and passing on the message that love isn’t weakness.

It’s 20gayteen and Clexa is endgame

The Flopdred: *kills their best character*
Also the flop: *mentions her every episode since because they realize they fucked up*
Lexa: *carrying the show despite being 2 years dead*
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