
Realize Your Potential

@stohesses / stohesses.tumblr.com

23 ✨Carli

its not that americans can’t read subtitles and watch international films but the propagandist arm of the us empire doesn’t want its citizens to see films from other regions, particularly their adversary nations, because they know that cinema could humanize the very same people and culture they try really hard to vilify. its better to exaggerate the inaccessibility of subtitles and limit distribution of foreign films so people are forced to be pacified by english blockbusters. 

“As early as the 1920s, researchers giving IQ tests to non-Westerners realized that any test of intelligence is strongly, if subtly, imbued with cultural biases… Samoans, when given a test requiring them to trace a route form point A to point B, often chose not the most direct route (the “correct” answer), but rather the most aesthetically pleasing one. Australian aborigines find it difficult to understand why a friend would ask them to solve a difficult puzzle and not help them with it. Indeed, the assumption that one must provide answers alone, without assistance from those who are older and wiser, is a statement about the culture-bound view of intelligence. Certainly the smartest thing to do, when face with a difficult problem, is to seek the advice of more experienced relatives and friends!”

— Jonathan Marks - Anthropology and the Bell Curve (via mgrable)

Anonymous asked:

My dad has motion detectors with built-in cameras along his driveway, and there's a frog that has figured out that if it jumps in front of the detector, the infrared light that turns on will attract bugs. So my dad frequently gets a bunch of pictures of the frog jumping around, and he's really fond of the frog now. He refers to it as his frog, enjoys getting pictures of it, and is always super, super careful in the driveway to check for the frog to make sure it's safe.

Anon. Please listen to me. I would not tell you this if it was not very important to me. PLEASE get me a picture of this frog. 


anon. where is the frog, anon. we need the frog anon.

THE FROG!!!!!!!


sensory overload? more like

if i hear another noise ever again im going to flip my fucking shit


Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.

i was giving little wagon rides to a baby around the backyard one day and all of a sudden she hops off and slaps the seat of the wagon telling me to get on because it was my turn and i was like no it’s ok im too heavy and she was like NO ITS UR TURN and kept tugging on my hand so i would sit down. eventually i got on and it was just a little 2 year old trying so hard to push me around on a wagon not understanding why it wouldn’t budge but still so determined to let me have my turn lol


I don’t think I’d realised how many casual compliments we pay to our toddler until she started casually complimenting us back, because experience has taught her that’s How Social Interaction Is Done, and there’s nothing quite like a very earnest three-year-old solemnly and sincerely informing you that you look wonderful and smell nice to make you feel really good about yourself

I tell her she’s my best girl. She tells me I’m her best auntie. Then we both feel good about the world!

That’s precious!


I miss when ‘getting sea air’ was a viable prescription for most maladies


Otter teaches human how to pet him.

Words cannot describe the inhuman noise i made, help me


It’s almost like CEOs and cooperations have an agenda making youths have addictions

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